Fence jumping dog. Any solutions?


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2019
We have adopted a at least 2 year old dog a couple years ago. Let’s call her 4 now. A small wire hair pointer of some breed, probably Griffon. The family that had her before us said she could get out of a 6ft fence. We’ve grown to believe that. She clears our 4’ chain link with no problem or hesitation. I k ow she’s gotten increasingly bored and doesn’t expend enough energy, as with an 8 month old baby at home, my wife and I are pretty busy. Any advice, tips, tricks, etc?

We have started to try using a cheap collar on her and buzzing her when she heads for the corner she normally jumps from, but the battery only lasts a couple hours so we end up putting on/taking off, every time she needs to go out.
I gave a friend one of my electric fencers used for cattle for his dog pen. he said in two days they never got close to the fence again.
you have to do some wiring around the pen as the fencer would short out if just hooked to your chain link fence. Fencers pulse so it’s not constant power. Or just run the dog more
Our male GWP was unstoppable.
We brought him home at 12 weeks, put him in the yard, and within minutes he went over the 4' fence.
The first year was crazy.
Cutting his nuts took some of the moxy out of him but it really boiled down to daily exercise...alot of exercise. Most people underestimate the energy certain breeds have. Eventually they calm down.
Shock collar worked marginally on my dog. When he was running hard for birds, he didn't give a chit about getting shocked.
Fyi.. before I ever collared my dog I put it around my own neck and hit the button. This will correct anybody from getting crazy with zapping their pup.
I'll vote for the electric fence. I use a lot of it for horses and to keep other things out of ducks and geese. I use it on the dog fence for a new dog as well. You can get one that plugs into 110v or one that is solar - whichever is easier to install in your location. Your chain link will be a great ground, but put some 6" stand offs on the inside near the top for the electric. YOu can get 1/8" electric string for the least obtrusive set up and you are good to go. Your local farm store can set you up.
One of the trainers I used to work with a bit had some dogs with a ton of drive, and they would/could ignore the shock collars ’stimulus’ depending on the situation. When this happened, they would move the collar to around the dogs ‘waist’. i remember him saying he never had a dog ignore that. You might need a longer collar depending on the dog.
I had a dog good for over five feet if he could run at the door.

Final solution was a lead in his kennel that met the door. No jumping room.
Some dogs can climb chainlink fences, so extra height is not always your friend. I'd invest in a good shock collar - the highest settings on some of them can be overkill for deterrence so proceed with caution.
I used to have rabbit dogs and a beagle I had could climb like a cat. I started tying him in the center of the pen and moved his house there. After about a week I felt bad about it and my grandpa told me to cut off a 12” section of chain and clip it to his collar after a hunt. It worked the dog never got out again.
Some dogs can climb chainlink fences, so extra height is not always your friend. I'd invest in a good shock collar - the highest settings on some of them can be overkill for deterrence so proceed with caution.
We got the wired, invisible fence. You can adjust the range that the collar will work from the wire. Our dog was digging out, now he stays just over a foot from the fence. You can run it up to 5-6'. And it will knock the piss out of them. But, some dogs will consider the freedom worth the pain.

My blue heeler would air mail it over our 6’ fence to go play with the neighbors dog. We tried electric dog fence, but she was hard headed and would just go right through.

Not sure what the fix is, but please fix it. We lost Daisy 3 years ago because she air mailed it over the fence and got run over.

I miss Daisy every day. Wish I would have done more to break her of the fence jumping.
Microchips save dogs that go stray. Invisible fence is recommended by a lot here though I don’t have personal experience using that. Growing up I knew a kid who got mauled by a Rottweiler that went beyond the invisible fencing. Given your young family, I’m thinking you don’t want to budget in that expense now anyway.

So alternatively you could rig up a line for a run that will need to be watched as she will try to slip that collar. Or place a highest setting manual shock collar, let her free in the yard and mash that button when she heads to the perimeter.
We use a call word when my dog goes off rez that has to be separate from the name. Reason for this is that the name is used all the time good/bad reasons and the only reward is pats. Dog immediately returns when we scream out “tuna!” as she gets a jackpot of treats. It’s ridiculous to shout “tuna” at the dog park or NF, but it always works.
I gave a friend one of my electric fencers used for cattle for his dog pen. he said in two days they never got close to the fence again.
you have to do some wiring around the pen as the fencer would short out if just hooked to your chain link fence. Fencers pulse so it’s not constant power. Or just run the dog more
This is what we use. A small box, and roll of wire plus insulators, or some tubing to make insulators, and you're out 200 dollars. Cheaper than a ticket or a vet bill.
see if there is a dogwatch invisible fence company by you. a lot is going to come down to training, cheap collar gets cheap results, a manual e-collar only works when you're physically sitting there watching, a company installed by a professional that then works with you to train you and the dog is going to be your best option short of a taller fence. if you want to go 6' and tilt it in at the top that could also help so then it isn't just a tall jump but also a long jump so hopefully more of a deterrent
it really boiled down to daily exercise...alot of exercise. Most people underestimate the energy certain breeds have.
This is really the best answer. Not that your fence doesn't need to be higher but the dog probably needs more activity. I bought a roading harness and hooked my pointer up to BMX bike and would let it pull me for 5 miles a day while riding the brakes. You can't do that when it's too hot but it has real benefits.