Favorite hunting and fishing themed songs.

Christmas, fishin, a front porch, REK can tell a story with the best of em.
Yep! He didn’t write the song but I love his version of “ Amarillo Highway” too. Favorite line in that one is. “ I don’t wear no Stetson but I’d be willing to bet son that I’m as big a Texan as you. “ classic.

I am high above the timberline
Where the sky and mountains meet
Up where the air is very thin
Somehow it's easier to breathe
Like the wind in the canyon echoing
The spirit is calling me, whispering
Out here, in the wild and the wonder
Where the lightning and the thunder
Serve a great awakening
Out here, where the one who did the making
Is still in me creating, a place where I am free
I can hear, I can breathe, I believe, out here
I am knee deep in the chaos
Of another crazy day
It's me and all the other rats
Just trying to stay in the race
I close my eyes and I try listening
And I find the spirit is still calling me
Out here, in the wild and the wonder
Where the lightning and the thunder
Serve a great awakening
Out here, where the one who did the making
Is still in me creating, a place where I am free
I can hear, I can breathe, I believe, out here
Out here, in the wild and the wonder
Where the lightning and the thunder
Bring a great awakening
Out here, where the one who did the making
Is still in me creating, a place where I am free
I can hear, I can breathe, I believe
Out here, here, here, here, here
O man how did I forget this one. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to all of the album's from my favorite band in da promise land of da great north

Not a classic fishing/hunting song, but my father loved "Cool Change" by the Little River Band. Every time we got within a mile or two of our fishing destination he would blast it on his tape deck. It was one man's call that the rat race was officially left behind for the moment. My father was a great man, one who I miss every time I am outdoors - a man who gave up his natural wanderlust to be a present and engaged husband and father. This song was his transition, from daily worker and sustainer into a carefree man on the water. My son and I play it every time we get close to a watery destination - tears well up every time. Thanks, Dad, for all you gave up and all you did for me.

While I love the bird hunters by Turnpike and 5lbs bass by REK this one is a personal favorite because it always reminds me of my Grandpa.

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