Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Fave odd junk food combinations


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
As an accompaniment to the grilled cheese thread, do you have any odd junk food cravings?

Mine is a taste of my childhood, and probably is more sentimental than good, but every once in a while I really crave…

Doritos and Texas Pete.

What’s your favorite?
Not really weird, but S'mores with Reece's. My kids won't eat anything else now.

Peanut butter and bacon tortilla wraps with or without Nutella on a sheep hunt may be the greatest thing I've ever eaten. Fresh sheep meat in the middle will take you to nirvana especially with a nip of Pendleton.
The only thing you might consider junk food that I eat these days are pies, cakes and cookies but I have a hard time considering that stuff junk.
Boy I love some Chester’s chipotle fried chicken from Kroger reheated in the oven with a large jug of ranch dressing on the side. Guilty pleasure right there.

Not all that weird tho
But I’m with @mevertsen, Saltines with a little butter is money.

A slice of apple with a little extra sharp white cheddar in the same bite. (Not junk food though)

Takis with that goo nacho sauce poured in the bag.

A spoon of peanut butter with a little bit of honey and covered in raisins.
Pork rinds with some tabasco sauce sprinkled on and an ice cold Bud to wash it down