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Father & Son first time (Cow) Elk bowhunting WY 25/27?


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May 3, 2019
Taking my son finally on an Elk hunt (bowhunting for a cow) into unit 25/27 Wyoming – finally after years of talking about it. Being almost 55 best to do this now while I still have my health. We both live in Wisconsin and have hunted Whitetails for many years. I hunted Elk about 20-years ago guided so I have an idea what to expect and prepare for. I plan to go out there maybe in July to prescout some before season starts. I have yet to contact WY biologist for any tips but will soon. Not looking for any secrets from anyone...just if anyone has any tips on getting into some cows where I might start? I appreciate your time to help us out! You can certainly PM me and thanks in advance!
I don’t know that area but hope you guys have a great adventure! Let us know how it went on the flip.
Will do Mtnhuntr! If I can share with others and help another hunter out, I’m all in. Especially when it comes giving our youth a great experience! When I was growing up my graduating class was probably about 90% full of guys who hunted and fished, sadly today my sons class has maybe 10% and its dwindling fast. Hunting is getting attacked from all angles and if us older hunters do not start promoting, helping, etc. hunting as we know it will be over.
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