Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

FALL hunting....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, I'm a little above Average busy guy. We all are busy. I've talked about some of the Stuff I do, but besides all that I took on a New Endevor... HEhehe Call me a Dumb"A" but next Fall Sept-Oct I'm going to be a Coach for Soccer.

Mopthing like Practice 2 tiomes a week and a Game Every Sat. to make for a Busy life !!!

Fortunately the Only tag I drew was the LAte Oct Utah Deer hunt and I'm not sure when my 2 Idaho Deer hunts are. I'll find that out this week. Idaho Elk opens right when the Finals for Soccer are.

I did give them The stipulation that if my Buddy draws his Sheep permit I'm out of there for 8-10 days but I have a Assistant coach to help out too.

Anyways, Althuogh I always went to my Oldest boys practice, some of my middle boys practice and All my kids Soccer games, I was never officially a "REAL" coach unrtill now.

Wish me luck ...and God Speed with the Hunts !!!
Papa Moose said:

I am just glad they didn't ask you to coach the team for the Spelling Bee.....

Test, every time I post a reply, I get popups selling me cell phones with Paris Hilton. Did Hunttalk get hacked?
What, ewe don't think eye ken Spell ? Good job you pointed that out, It's fairly recently I found out I'm not the best typer here .....

You left out "unrtill" ... ;)

No on the hack... It's the porn sites you vistit. I don't get any Popups here ?!?!?
Coaching my kids are some of my fondest & most vivid memories. Time well spent & yes, it does bite into hobby time.

Papa Moose sounds appropriate BTW.
the hardest part about coaching is keeping everyone interested, so the more assistants you have the better for you--I've coached soccer, basketball and baseball for the last 9-10yrs and it can be a trying time--like trying to not strangle a kid or two--but if you let them have some crazy time once or twice during practice it sometimes help with their focus on the real tasks at hand--also KISS--keep it simple stupid and you'll get more enjoyment out of it and the kids will learn--I always try to make a game of each task, especially with the younger ones to keep them focused--divide them into as many groups as possible also--that keeps them from shoving, biting, poking, eating grass, worms, etc too much---good luck and have fun----chris
I've helped out the last couple years but was always to busy to commit... I've learned I'll never have more time ;) I think I might have learned a little coaching and the Breaking out in Smaller groups and keeping it simple is the top 2 on my list to do. I also plan to do 1on1 time each practice with a kid or two every time to make sure wveryone get's his own private lessons... even bad lessons that they might be it hopefully make the kids feel important.

YAH, we're having the team and thier parents from this year over tomorrow night and letting them know I'm gunna give it a wirl. We're estimating close to 60 people with kids and parents. I wonder if that many people will fit in my house !!!!!! :eek:

I still worry about loosing hunting time. But we'll take it from here and see what happens. I'm guessing I'll still have an OK year ...... :)
Soccer freaks me out. To be honest, I hate that sport.
Had to watch my kids play it for a while.
And how in the heck do they talk those referees, (grown men) into dressing up in those homo looking knee socks and silk multi colored shirts.
Get those boys into baseball, football, basketball, rodeo, wrestling, or some normal sport before it's too late.
[/QUOTE] dressing up in those homo looking knee socks and silk multi colored shirts"

Get those boys into baseball, football, basketball, rodeo, WRESTLING, or some normal sport before it's too late.[/QUOTE]

Wrestling.....yeah, cause wearing a skin tight leotard and wriggling on a mat with some sweaty dude.....that doesn't sound GAY at all.....
LOL TUFF, I was all over his Post before I was done reading it.. then you posted before me. T-bone knows what they are called becasue he wears one hunting. Hell, I used to make fun of him but he kills alot of chit, so now I own one too :p

Steiny, Baseball ? Thats a tough Sport. As much as watching golf on TV. HAHA !!
I remember soccer. It was that sport for kids that were too uncoordinated to play baseball.:D
Thank you mtmiller...Moosie (still ain't gonna call you Papa Moose) I was a pitcher in college and if you can hit one of my fastballs or a slider I'll start calling you "daddy" (short for Papa Moose) and buy you a milkshake. :D

I'm done with the milkshake jokes. I think they are getting old by now. Besides with my current pouch I can't say anything! |oo Time to get in shape for the season ahead.
Good deal Moosie! Are you going to loose hunting time? Oh yea, you sure will..... :( :(

I've been coaching t-ball, baseball, pop-warner footballl (and yes, one season of pee-wee soccer), and you will definetly loose hunting time over this. The rewards are great though, and there is always another hunting season (knock on wood...). :D

Good luck staying sane!

Tuff, is boxing Gay they hug all the time? I wrestled for 13 years and I would say it was one of the hardest sports I have done you go all out for 6 min. No time outs NO subs. And if you git your ass kicked you dont get to point your finger at someone else. PS I will tell you a little secret the girls loved it..
Never got interested in Soccer, but I was talking to Cubs player Todd Walker's dad and he said that soccer was one of the big reasons Todd was so successful. It had developed his eye and motion control. I did my share of coaching Little League for about 20 years and they were the best! John
I was NEVER a big fan of soccer...until I lived in South America and started playing it on weekly basis. Now I absolutely LOVE it! I've played baseball and basketball all my life, rode bulls during high school and for a few years after school, and no sport has kicked my butt like soccer.

Cathunt MT,

I wouldnt say that boxing is Gay. They really arent hugging....they are just resting from pummeling the living daylights out of each other. Now wrigglin on the ground with another sweaty dude....pulling off "moves" that could rival the Kama Sutra....sorry man, but it sounds a little gay!! Sure the girls mike like it, but what good does that do, if youve got a thing for grabbin sweaty dudes!! :) :) :)
i'd put money on miller hitting a fastball or any other pitch from fowladdict.

he's played more than a little baseball iirc.
47 posts later we are still hearing how busy moosie is, I think I got, you are busy, but keep telling everyonne just HOW busy!
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