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Face Coverings ??


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2019
Didn’t know whether to post this in the Elk section or Archery section. Been watching piles of elk archery videos and hardly anyone using aface covering. I use one of the tube type covers pretty religiously, to cover my ugly mug and take the shine of the face, mainly when hunting deer and other animals with excellent sight. Probably a personal preference thing but thought it was odd with an animal that has such good eye sight.
Are elk not that switched on to this ??
That's why I have a beard. No need for facepaint. I think it really depends on your style of hunting. I think spot and stalk it would be more advantageous to covering your face as you are actively moving towards the animal and the more you can hide and blend in the better. Unlike calling where you can set up and hopefully dictate where the elk shows up and hopefully if they notice your face it would be too late anyways. But I might be wrong on that lol. Needless to say it doesn't hurt but I sure don't do it.
Don't know about elk, but for deer I am much more concerned about them seeing my eyes rather than my face. Predators have binocular eyes, which is a danger sign for some prey species. I usually either squint or use the brim of my hat to shade and/or break up my eyes when I'm close to deer or they are looking in my direction.

I plan to use facepaint for archery elk - not sure if it will help, but figure it can't hurt. Maybe 15% of the archery elk videos I've watched they use paint.
This is one of those things that is very subjective. I am on archery Elk number 13, several mule deer and several white tail deer and have never used paint/covering/mask of any kind.I think this is one of those mojo things? ON the other hand I religiously believe in scent blocker products and use them so much I believe the company thinks I own stock. Many people think its voodoo but I seem to have a ton of good experience using scent blocker products (mostly sprays and wash). Heck I even carry one of those little 30z spray bottles with scent blocker in my pack????? :rolleyes:
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99% is spot and stalk for me here, so yeh have become very used to covering the face.
I totally agree with the no eye contact - been up close (10yards or less) to several buffalo and hadn’t wanted it to go pear shaped at that stage. I’m sure prey animals have that sixth sense thing going on with that.

Those skinny jeans would maybe fit one of my legs :ROFLMAO:
If I'm archery hunting from the ground I usually use a face mask or some type of paint. A shiny face definitely can draw attention at 20 yards or less. If you are already using a face cover, I wouldn't neglect to bring it if you hunt elk. Plenty of animals are killed without face coverings but I know it has helped me escape detection more than a few times.
For me, I think that if it makes you feel better about covering up and it makes you more confident then do it. I always cover both hands and face. Might not make a difference but I've been awful close to animals and they haven't paid any attention to me. I do think that hands are more important as they will be moving for me as I draw my bow.
It makes no difference from what I have seen. What's important is to stay downwind and don't get caught moving. Get those two things right and you'll be fine. Get one of them wrong and you're toast, face paint or not
I’ve done a bit of archery (including spot and stalk elk, pronghorn and mule deer) and in my opinion there are times when covering your face helps, as it reduces the movement an animal will notice. Of course wind is critical to get right but reducing obvious movement is important.
I fall in the facemask camp, with nearly 100% usage. If not for the camo effect, it tends to help keep the bugs off my face better. And when I spray the facemask with permethrin, I feel like I'm completely safe from the wee stinging marauders.

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