F&G drops plans for ATV restrictions in SW region

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Turns out they're going to let the FS do the restrictions, but I'm still disappointed more didn't comment in favor. Gotta get to work!

"Hunters will not see ATV restrictions in three Southwest Idaho hunting units, and a trophy deer hunt is not expected to be added to the region.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game commissioners started setting big game seasons and rules Thursday at their regular meeting in Boise. They will finish this morning.

Before the meeting, F&G staffers dropped proposed ATV restrictions in units 22, 39 and 40 from their recommendations after hunters opposed the proposal 55 to 45 percent, based on comments the agency received. The restrictions would have limited motorized vehicles to roads only during big game seasons......"

Wow, hunters dropped the ball on that one. Bet you didn't have to have purchased a hunting license in the last year to comment. I'd have to question the statement "hunters opposed the proposal..."

“There´s a whole lot of people who let a small group make the decision for them.”
Or is it, "he" doesn't want to admit that there is a growing number of ATV riders out there, and that there's been a small group making the decisions for a whole lot of people for a long time?
Hunters in Unit 39, which surrounds most of Boise, could still see restrictions on ATV use this year if the Boise National Forest goes forward with its plan to restrict motorcycles and ATVs to roads or trails designated for motorized vehicles.

OAK, why wouldn't it be "hunters" that opposed the proposal? "Hunters" were the only ones affected by the proposal. The ATV restriction didn't apply to non-hunters riding ATV's on open trails, areas, or roads. :confused:
No IT, I said hunters are the only ones affected by the proposal (either side of the issue). Non-hunters could care less,they could ride their ATV's on open areas, roads and trails if they wanted to. Trying to twist statements again, IT? :D You are weak, go away and try not to let MD4M beat up on you to badly. :D
The restrictions would have limited motorized vehicles to roads only during big game seasons.
That quote is why I responded the way I did. It doesn't say anywhere in the article that it would have been limited to hunters only.

Commissioners approved adding ATV restrictions in 10 more units to the 16 already in place in the state. The new units include 29, 30, 30A, 36A, 37A, 45, 52, 53, 56 and 66 in the Magic Valley and Salmon regions. During big game hunting seasons, hunters can only ride ATVs on roads capable of handling full-sized vehicles.
So does this mean that hunters in these particular units are for ATV restrictions?

I don't follow the ATV contraversy much down here... BUT I did go to the Meeting and 90% were Against the Closure..... Maybe if Someone wanted them closed he should have went in on the closure Behalf ?

When I say 90 % I think it was 5 guys For it and 1 against it.... It wouldn't take much to be a Majority.
Ten, Here ya go, "I said hunters are the only ones affected by the proposal (either side of the issue)." So nobody else is going to be affected, huh? What about hikers and birdwatchers? Won't they have a more pleasurable experience if ATVs aren't roaring all over the landscape?

Ten, Are you saying you don't understand this issue?
No IT, but I'd say you don't understand the issue. Once again, the f&g can only regulate HUNTERS on ATV's. Therefore, if non-hunters are riding on open/designated areas/roads/trails even during hunting season, there is NOTHING wrong with that. So, put that into your bird watching pipe.
:D Do you grasp the complexity of the issue yet????
Again, but slower, with hand signing and simple picture special for you IT.
Once again, the f&g can only regulate HUNTERS on ATV's.
IT, are you saying that ATV riders are not "bothered" by birdwatchers and hikers?
Ten, you're right, so what.

The BLM, FS, State, etc. can limit ALL atvers and they are, more and more all the time.

The facts are the facts.

And that includes the BLM, FS, State, etc. continuing to limit ATV's more and more...I'm getting my way, thats never a tough pill to swallow....

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