
I don't think it is possible! You might as well put it up as a forum you have to register to be in ,like the hunting extreme or something.That way it's just a free for all pissing match which the other board members don't have to read and nobody has to moderate.
Or I jsut Keep Wacking People from my Board till there is just ME to talk to :D

You guys are worse then my 4 year old. Grow up or Get out. It was Funnier earlier today but is getting dumber~er (Yes thats a Word I saw it in a movie title once) by the Min.

Trust me, Anything is Possible if I want it. Cocky, but a true statement. Tomorrow it will flow smooth, or no-one will be posting , Watch and See Grasshopper !!
Originally posted by Moosie:
Or I jsut Keep Wacking People from my Board till there is just ME to talk to :D

You guys are worse then my 4 year old. Grow up or Get out. It was Funnier earlier today but is getting dumber~er (Yes thats a Word I saw it in a movie title once) by the Min.

Trust me, Anything is Possible if I want it. Cocky, but a true statement. Tomorrow it will flow smooth, or no-one will be posting , Watch and See Grasshopper !!
Fine with me man! Just curious to see who you draw the line with. I will be civil cause I would like to stay here! I enjoy this board very much and hope you keep yer word!!! One slip and everything will go back in the toilet!

I'll give you the same offer you gave Swamp when he lost control of HA. I'll buy this forum from you. Just name your own price. Can't you see this is a conspiracy against you? They want you to choose sides. How about I bring that check down to you tomorrow and make this place civil again?
That's why I asked, when we were loosely running under the no name calling, no foul language, no personal attacks, debates were being had, that doesn't stop it, just gives guidelines. Debates are about fair exchange.

It takes away the invisible arbitrary line. If X calls Y a dumbass , everyone knows they crossed the line. If it's left invisible then no one knows where it is. Is it dependant on the mood of the mod or admin that reads it? Do they leave it because they tend to agree so therefore it isn't over the line?

It's your bar-b-que , but if the guests in your house don't know the lines, they might think it's ok to piss in your potted plants.

Did that make any sense?
LOL Ovis..I truley had to chuckle on that one. I didn't even remember that till ya said it. I'll Reply like Swamp did... You can't afford it (Although I offered him Cash and alot of it actually), I know what your wife lets you spend a month :D But if you really want it, call me, I'll tell you the Going rate for this place, MAybe you will have to opt out a Few hunts to finance' it
Also, Swamp had a 50% uprising, I have 6-7 guys that are going above and Beyond to be pricks, It's easy to Prune a Tree to get it growing apples again my friend.

Wapiti Slayer, I apreciate your willingness to try. The Line is a Hard one to draw, thats why I don't have rules. It's one thing to Tell someone they are stupid once in awhile but the last 3 days were fetching stupid by MANY !!! I don't like Setting rules that Even I can't follow so I try to let the Grownups post as they see fit. Problem is, Sometimes a Child needs to make a post so a Grownup realises what a Kid they are acting like.

It needs to get in Check or I fix it. Cool thing about owning the Place is I do it as I see fit ;)
MArs.. There is more then one way to call someone a Dumb ass. Are you going to be the CALL on the name calling ? And if so, will it be Fair on both sides ? I tend to know you like certain posters here and Despise others.

It's all under the Interpretation.
No worries Moosie. I lost my dad in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and now have this large inheritance I don't know what to do with. If you prefer cash I can make that happen too...just name your own price. :D
Ovis.. I spent the LAst 3 hours looking up who's dad died in the War and yours didn't. It takes a Real low man to make a joke like that ;) (MAn, Is this what they call DE-ja vue.. Or is it De-GA-vue.
How about deleting a couple of those threads, especially the one with all the ridiculous pictures? I realize Elkchsr was trying to make a point, but now that he's made it, it might be good especially for anybody coming to this board for the first time to not see some of that. It's great to have some humor but I think it's a little too much.
Well, darn. Looks like everyone spent the weekend drinking, but I was stuck in bars and golf carts in Albuquerque.
I didn't get to participate in the fun with my "new" imaginary friends and enemies. :confused:

Now we got marching orders to play nice. I decided to "re-appear" because I wanted to learn new ways to insult people and engage in spirited debate with thoughtful preservationists.

I guess all that is left is to wait for moosie to get carried away enough that he has to edit one of his own posts so that I can call him a moderbator.
I missed it, what happened? Sticks and stones can hurt my bones, but words don't. Some of that name calling is over the line, but if they want to be that way, it reflects on them!!! Most all of these people are good spirited people with a few pet peaves. It seems to me, everybody is pretty happy. Is somebody major pissed? What happened?
Nemont, I like that new label "sage huggers." And, since Moosie coined the term, I don't see how he could not allow its use. Personally, I think any person labeled a sage hugger should take that as a complement, as it sure can't be a bad thing to care about sage grouse, antelope, mule deer, and elk habitat.
MAn, Is this what they call DE-ja vue.. Or is it De-GA-vue

Since when did you become concerned with spelling? All I know is depending on how "you" spell it, I'll either be hunting the "G" or "J" bait stand.

Ovis.. I spent the LAst 3 hours looking up who's dad died in the War and yours didn't.

Okay...you busted me. So I told a story, I really didn't expect you to remember.
Yeah and the one's I despised were the ones who wouldn't debate fairly. No matter how many times I asked them to clean it up. When I couldn't get any positive action from them I turned to you, you talked to them and they continued. I asked them again and again to cease and desist , they didn't. So I asked you to either ban them or somehow block them from SI. You refused. So, I let my displeasure with them be known right here on SI. It ended that particular problem at the time. Was it right? not really, a mod should be impartial but my only other recourse was to go through and edit or delete the offending posts, why chase grown-ups like that?

Make the CALL? If the line is clear there is no choice but to make the call. If the line is blurred, then there is a choice. Know what I mean?

Could I be fair? I imagine so, as long as I get clear direction from those who put me in the mod position. otherwise why have a mod? That isn't a smart assed question, but what function does the position serve?

Dude, I hang around here because I like you and want to see this forum be a great place for debate, otherwise I would have resigned a long time ago and managed "my" board more. Let me know what you want me to do.

I think we can still use Sage Hugger, along with the usuals like "Welfare Rancher", "Fat-Assed ATV Rider", "Lazy Texan Canned Hunt" and "ElkGunner is a Genius".......
"ElkGunner is a Genius".......
I used the search function. I could not find that saying anywhere. There were a lot of ElkGunner is a a_ _hole :D :D or ElkGunner is an arrogant a_ _hole ;) or even ElkGunner is an ignorant a_ _hole(btw none posted by me)
but not one genius comment. Hmmm.... that is odd isn't it?

I think you being the self appointed genius of SI is a little like Michael Jackson being the self appointed king of pop. A lot of hype but many troubling issues.

Anyway hope you can continue to entertain us and remember; a little cow crap in a river or stream is a good thing for fish, it adds nutrients. (I was paraphrasing the esteemed Senator from Montana, Conrad Burns, in his explanation of the good things about cattle grazing in riparian areas).

Originally posted by Nemont:
Anyway hope you can continue to entertain us and remember; a little cow crap in a river or stream is a good thing for fish, it adds nutrients.

Hmmm....does that work for human beans too? I was wondering why I'm not hungry after I stop in here. :eek:
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