Caribou Gear

ELK question (far-fetched)...... or maybe not?


Active member
Aug 15, 2014
S.E. Michigan
So let me first say that I have NEVER been elk hunting before, but I enjoy watching YT videos to help gain a little knowledge in hopes to one day getting to experience that adventure. I was watching Randys latest installment of elk vids and in episode 2 (?) after the hunters came across a vehicle, this thought crossed my mind.......

Has anyone EVER called or responded (for a long time),eventually closed the distance, only to find that you were responding to another hunter? Since it seems that distance calling is a major component of elk hunting, it would only seem feasible that this has happened to someone. Has this ever happened to anyone here? No one may want to admit it and its definitely not meant to poke fun, but just curious if anyone will fess up?
Getting called in by another hunter? Nope...never happened to me. I always meant to go over that ridge and tell that hunter just what I thought about his calling.

Now, I've called in plenty of other hunters...
Well back in the Bob one fall another hunter and I kind of called each other in. We both got a laugh out of it but I think the elk enjoyed it more lol.

Another time 4 of us were bow hunting an area and 2 decided to hunt a new drainage. The other guy and I went over to the next drainage and found a road that circled up to the ridge between the drainages. So up we go and we parked at the top of the ridge out of sight to the others. I bugled and got an immediate answer from the 2 below us. So I kept it up and they chased me up the drainage about a 1/2 mile then I stopped bugling and snuck back out to the truck and we left the area. That night we heard the story about the bull that they almost got onto but he must have got their wind as he got silent and left the area. They were pumped and bummed at the same time. So after a lot of story telling I walked out of the cabin and let out a bugle and they then new they had been had...…. well I can't repeat what they said but I took it as a compliment. Those were some good times that's for sure.

Happens all the time. I'm pretty sure two guys in my own hunting party called to each other. We had split into two groups, but one of the groups was unfamiliar with the area and ended up just across a little stream from the other guys. When they got back to camp they were all talking about the bugling bull just on the other side of the stream...I don't think it even occurred to them what had happened. I figured there was no point in ruining their excitement, so I didn't tell them what had actually happened.