Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk photo

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Took some pictures and video of a nice bull this AM. Hopefully will find his antlers to see just how big they are.
Very nice bull, appears to be in the 375-380 class. If you finds the sheds, I got his right side at 176 and his left side at 166, 40" inside spread (382)
I might be overjudging him then. I was thinking both sides were 170+ typical, 45" inside, and 13-14 on the extra browtine. He has a lot of heavy mass through the beam and curl to his tines. I think the beams are a lot longer than they appear in the photos.
He may be wider than I'm giving him credit for. From the pics it seems his main beams aren't much over 50, thats where I'm thinking I may have under shot him???
This is what I gave him Stan, probably off on several, but could be low on some, high on some.. Left 54, 17, 17, 18, 21, 14, 30 for mass, Right 55, 17, 17, 13, 16, 21, 16, 30 for mass, 45 inside. That totals to 171+185+45=401 gross. I don't think I'm gifting him, but I'm not trying to rip him either. I'd bet he's easily over 390 gross, but wouldn't bet on much more than 400. He's a dandy though, one of the very best I've ever seen.

If my guesses are correct, he would net score in the B&C book as either a typical or non-typical.
Great looking bull. No matter what he scores he's a great bull all the way around. As you said he's got pretty nice curves on all tines and carries his mass really well. Does he have a small extra point on his right sides between his 4 and 5?
We are almost exactly the same on all our measurements except the main beams and width(I'd have 398 if I he is 55-54 and 45). On a pic or video I usually use basic measuments, IE.... 30" from base to the royal then a guess as to how much antler is after the royal. A mature bull is usually 16-17 from the base of the antler to the tip of his nose. I usually imagine how far the tine would go out past the nose if it were straight. I usually tend to low ball things as well. He is a dandy regardless, find the sheds on that bad boy...........
That's an amazing bull! Stick with him Greenhorn so we can see what he scores.
I really like the extra brow tine.
Those thirds sure are sweet the way they curl up! He's huge....I am out of my element when they get that big!! Cant even guess.
Is this something you could run into in the gen season or is he off limits in the fall?
Too bad he only hangs out with muley fawns. Would have been some good genes to pass along. ;) :D

Nice bull.
I'd take him! he will be a mosntser next year as well. Do you think he will hang out there or is that just a wintering area?
Thats a sweet bull! Looks like the big brother to a set of sheds I found a 4-5 years back..
