Elk, horses and a coyote


Active member
Jul 30, 2015
Gilroy, California
A large herd of cow elk and their young calves has been hanging out in a big meadow near our place in eastern Arizona. There is a herd of about 6 horses pastured in this same meadow. While the horses and elk don’t interact much, they don’t seem to avoid each other, either. We often see them grazing within a few yards of each other.

This afternoon my wife and I spotted a coyote coming out of the timber next to the meadow to pounce on a young elk calf that was a good distance from the rest of the herd. The mama cow was doing her best to push the coyote off the calf but was losing the battle. When the horses heard the cow and calf crying, they came charging toward the ruckus, followed by a bunch of the elk. This cavalry was too much for the coyote, and it sprinted away. The horses and the elk escorted the cow and calf back to the rest of the herd. The horses then turned to face the direction the coyote loped off to, in what looked to us like a defensive posture, making sure the danger had passed.

I don’t know what instinct would cause horses to defend an elk calf, but it was really something to see.
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Interesting. I watched two mule deer does do a tag team job on a coyote down in Hells Canyon. Wile E finally gave up after nearly getting perforated by deer hooves on a couple of occasions.
Elk, Deer dont care about cows and horses. Glad the horses stepped up. If they were wild horses like the problem I have they would have been a real problem for coyote.
Have Hooves will Kill!!
That's something I have only seen once.
Heard a loud bleating sound while archery Deer hunting,
Small Fawn ran by with a Coyote chasing it.
Big Doe right behind the Coyote.Stomped the living sheet
out of it!Still wishin' I had my camera ready for that one. 😎