Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk fishing in southern Idaho

Idaho Ron

New member
Dec 24, 2000
southern Id
The other elk fishing thread made we remember to post this.
We were deer hunting and decided to stop by a lake. We get out and we hear a bunch of shots. We see a herd of elk running by. A 4x6 bull was shot in the leg and headed for the lake. Well we watch him swim the lake and bed. We went down there and soon a guy pulls up and said he was hunting elk. I asked if he shot one he said no. I asked him if he wanted the bull by the lake. He said sure if it is not dead. So we go down there and the bull flushes. The guy shoot the bull through the chest with a 300 weatherby, and the bull makes a run for the lake. More shots follow and soon the bull is dead.


Well the guy went to the truck and got a 500 foot rope. He heads out into the lake and soon says he can't get it. My son Jacob says I can get it no problem. The guy says if you put a rope on the bull it is worth 100.00 dollars. Well Jacob Jacob's cloths come off faster than a prom dress. And he is swimming the 90 yards out to the bull


Well I told him to hang on to the rope and DON'T let go.We pulled him in to the bank.




Well we got him on land and Jacob dried off. The water was COLD, in fact that was two weeks ago and nnow the water is froze about 50 yards out from the bank. The guy gave Jacob the 100 and then said I don't know how to gut it. I started to show him and then I just ended up doing it. Then we loaded the bull on one of those little baskets that go in a reciever hitch. Man that bull was folded up on that thing. Jacob decided to buy a new Leatherman Wave with the money so he could remember it.
That is our elk fishing trip. Ron
looks like pull tape he used, my buddy at a telephone/power company use to give me gobs of it, tuff stuff
Idaho Ron said:
Well Jacob Jacob's cloths come off faster than a prom dress.

Now that's funny right there!

WOW! That is an interesting story if I do say so myself.
damn..that's tough to swim after a bull like that, thanks to your son for not letting the bull go to waste, and it's cool that he bought something to remember it by

very interesting and yet strange story, glad your boy was able to prevent an animal going to waste.
Caribou Gear

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