Elk Dropping Dead Update


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Nov 28, 2001
Science - AP

Biologists Ask Why Wy. Elk Dropping Dead

By MEAD GRUVER, Associated Press Writer

LARAMIE, Wyo. - As the Wyoming countryside begins to thaw, biologists and game wardens are canvassing the rugged terrain to solve an alarming mystery: Why have hundreds of elk slumped to the ground and died in less than two months?


Despite intensive research, the wildlife deaths have stymied state officials, who have investigated a host of theories ranging from deliberate poisoning to exposure to heavy metals.

"The only time we've ever seen any deaths like this before have been winter-related deaths — severe winters, starvation-type things — which is not the case," state veterinarian Walt Cook said.

At least 289 elk have been affected in south-central Wyoming since early February. The sick animals usually slump to the ground and cannot get up. Many eventually die of thirst. Some have also been euthanized by employees of the state Game and Fish Department.

Cook's specialty is investigating mysterious animal deaths. He first looks for the telltale brain perforations of chronic wasting disease, the deer-and-elk version of mad cow disease.

But chronic wasting disease was quickly ruled out after the first sick elk turned up Feb. 6. Also crossed off the list have been most viruses and bacteria, as well as malnutrition, exposure to heavy metals such as arsenic, and the possibility of poisoning from a leaky gas well or pipeline.

Officials have discounted any foul play because deliberate poisoning of so many wild animals would be virtually impossible.

"We've basically ruled out all those common things, and so now we're just looking at what are all the uncommon things," Cook said.

Officials are also checking whether the elk may have become so frightened they ran themselves to exhaustion; been bitten by ticks, which carry a mild toxin in their saliva; or consumed monensin, a feed additive for cattle that is poisonous to many animals including elk.

For a time, researchers used a helicopter to find as many afflicted elk as possible, but at $900 an hour the flights were becoming expensive.

Lately they have focused on lab work, which begins with driving into the rough country near the Continental Divide and traipsing through melting snow and mud to snip plant specimens and scoop up elk droppings.

At the lab's warehouse-sized autopsy room, some elk have been dissected for analysis by pathologists and toxicologists. Tissue samples were sent away for more detailed tests.

Another idea has been trying to keep four sick elk alive by rehydrating them and providing nourishment. But after a week, one died, two worsened and had to be euthanized, and the fourth did not improve. That ruled out vitamin or mineral deficiency.

The failures have been frustrating to employees.

"As you can imagine, it was a pretty heavy emotional toll on them because they were shooting most of these elk to put them down," Cook said. "And they were continually asking us, do we absolutely have to do this? Is there any other option?"

Valerius Geist, an elk expert in British Columbia, said he has never heard of such a die off in his 48 years of research in the field.

With so many possibilities ruled out, about the only one left is that the elk ate a toxic plant.

Any toxin in the air or water would likely affect a variety of animals, including antelope and deer. And if that happened, elk are the toughest and would probably be the last to fall, not the first.

Elk also dine from a different menu than other vegetarians of the backcountry. Antelope and deer might not be eating toxic plants.

"The thing that really makes this unusual is we have about 50 elk that are about 10 miles north of this herd ... and they're fine," said Greg Hiatt, a state wildlife biologist.

Scientists speculate that a plant species the elk were used to eating may have become poisonous. Geist said plants can become more toxic the more they are grazed. "That's how they protect themselves," he said.

Another possibility is that the elk arrived in Wyoming from elsewhere, perhaps as far away as Colorado, and ate a toxic plant without knowing any better.

Lab tests should shed light on those theories. When the results are complete, Cook wants to gather possible poisonous plants and feed them to healthy elk to see if they develop similar symptoms.

"If they do, then we'll have the answer. If they don't, it's one more thing to cross off the list and move on," he said.
I heard that they suspect it could be lichen and are doing tests to that effect. Here's the story I read.

Full story here

Wyoming wildlife veterinarians are examining an obscure little plant that may be responsible for the mysterious deaths of almost 300 elk in the southern Red Desert this winter.

Officials began looking at the plant, actually a lichen, last week after identifying it in the stomachs of elk found collapsed across a remote 50-square-mile swath of the state's southern tier.

Although the big deer could no longer stand, many thrashed about for days before being euthanized by biologists or succumbing on their own.

Suspicion about the lichen rose after a University of Wyoming toxicologist discovered a 50-year-old report from a journal of cattle and sheep that suffered from similar symptoms after eating the lichen.

This will be very interesting to find out what the real cause is. Fortunatly it has stopped and is not spreading...
Seems like they've ruled out ATV access, public lands grazing, logging, roaded access for hunters, and probably snowmobiles in Jellystone...... Now it appears to be something "natural" and population limiting. What, oh what are the GUNNER & IT gonna point their fingers at now???????
Careful there Ten Bears. Seeds, spores, and cuttings can easily afix themselves in ATV tread and be carried into foreign territory and spread the problem.
Question is if the weed is poisenous to them how come it doesn't recur every year part one; and part two is since animals develop a sense of what not to eat why are they eating it? :confused:
Hence the comment in reference to the "isolation":
"The thing that really makes this unusual is we have about 50 elk that are about 10 miles north of this herd ... and they're fine,"[....]
For a time, researchers used a helicopter to find as many afflicted elk as possible, but at $900 an hour the flights were becoming expensive.
Seeds & Spores are also carried by WWW (Wing, Water, and Wind).....
Deaths of 300 elk blamed on plant acid
Lichen species appears to break down tissue

Updated: 2:42 p.m. ET March 22, 2004A lichen native to the Rockies has been blamed for the deaths of at least 300 elk in southern Wyoming, a mystery that had baffled wildlife scientists and cost the state thousands of dollars, the state said Monday.

Wildlife veterinarians had suspected the lichen after finding it in the stomachs of many of the elk that died in south-central Wyoming.

To confirm their suspicions, three elk were fed the lichen at research facility. One collapsed and was unable to rise Sunday, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department said. A second elk also started stumbling and a third is expected to succumb quickly, officials said. All three will be euthanized.

The ground-dwelling lichen, known as Parmelia molliuscula, produces an acid that may break down muscle tissue, said Walt Cook, a Wyoming Game and Fish Department veterinarian leading the inquiry.

Native elk not affected
Elk native to the area weren’t affected by the acid, but those killed in the die-off apparently had moved in from Colorado and may have lacked microorganisms needed to neutralize the acid, state biologists said. The Colorado line is 50 miles south of the area where the elk died.

“Elk don’t normally winter down on the ... unit where they ate the lichen,” Game and Fish spokesman Tom Reed said.

“Elk are incredibly adaptable, tough animals. They’ll get by on thin rations and they’ll make do somehow. But this year, nearly 300 of them paid the price for that adaptability,” Reed said.

The first sick elk was found on Feb. 6 and scientists quickly ruled out chronic wasting disease, the deer and elk version of mad cow disease. They also eliminated most viruses and bacteria, malnutrition, exposure to heavy metals such as arsenic, and poisoning from a leaky gas well or pipeline.

The search for the cause became expensive. For a time, researchers used a helicopter to search for afflicted elk, but the flights cost $900 an hour. Wildlife experts also drove into the rough country near the Continental Divide and slogged through melting snow and mud to collect plant specimens and elk droppings.

Why so acidic?
Scientists still want to know more about the lichen and why it contained high amounts of the acid this year.

“There are a lot of factors we’ll need to look at,” Reed said. “Do elk eat this lichen in normal years? If so, why hasn’t this happened before? Does a long history of drought weigh in somehow? If so, what are our management options in the future?”

The die-off killed up to 5 percent of the Sierra Madre herd’s breeding females, and that will affect hunting quotas this fall and could trigger wildlife policy changes, Reed said.

Other steps, such as improving range conditions to provide healthier forage, will also be considered as researchers learn more and try to prevent future die-offs.
That raises a lot more questions. Are the CO elk migrating further North into WY because of overcrowding in CO or because of less winter range ! Was it an unusually tough winter? Have cattle wiped out the forage elk would usually use in a tough year?
Seems like a lot of unfounded finger pointing to me. Maybe the WY wolves went down to CO and "rounded up" some more food, and brought them home too. :D :D
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