Elk Camp Stuff

Any spare room for an eastern tenderfoot? ;)

Nice Crocs...

Bro-Inlaw brought me a bottle of the Crown Maple a couple weeks ago...............I can't choke it down.
Always double up on Libations.
NHY, leave the office chair at home... Instead, bring your rifle(s).

Crocs, walking sticks, water pack - check.
Bring your Commander - Never know when a Denver boogey man may sneak into your camp on his silenced custom colorado atv - smokin his legal cannabis...
Bring your friends, Jim, Jack or Wildman Turk or... Jose (Where has JC been anyhow? - Govt threads and all - no sign???) Crown Royal? I'm a tad dissapointed.

You have your two mules already - check.

One thing I value - a plastic flask for that victory "harvest".Easy enough to pack and more valuable than gold.
Glad I checked in. My flask was in my fishing stuff. Four days and counting.....

NHY, leave the office chair at home... Instead, bring your rifle(s).

Crocs, walking sticks, water pack - check.
Bring your Commander - Never know when a Denver boogey man may sneak into your camp on his silenced custom colorado atv - smokin his legal cannabis...
Bring your friends, Jim, Jack or Wildman Turk or... Jose (Where has JC been anyhow? - Govt threads and all - no sign???) Crown Royal? I'm a tad dissapointed.

You have your two mules already - check.

One thing I value - a plastic flask for that victory "harvest".Easy enough to pack and more valuable than gold.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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