Elk Call


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Looking for some advice on a good cow call to purchase. I am so-so with a reed call and with some practice could inch up to the okay category. Any suggestions? Reed? Handheld? Manufacturer?
I've used and had great luck with the Primos hyperlip single and double but after if I get into a routine where I use them halfway frequently in colder or humid/wet climate they gum up with moisture and don't work well.

A few years ago I started using a bugling bull reed and that seems to work the best for me. You have lots of time til elk season to practice in your truck on the way to and from work. pop in a cd of elk calls and start practicing. You won't regret learning to use a reed. Still take a hyperlip though because one day the elk might like your reed, the next day they might like a hyper single and the next could be a hyper double. calls are light, be versitile.

Good luck!
Wayen Carlton's Bull Hooker. Easy to use, sounds great. You can probably catch one on clearance at Walmart right now. I just picked up a spare for 9 bucks. Hard to go wrong, and you won't accidentally dang near choke to death on a reed call when you're heart rate is through the roof and your running trying to catch up to the elk.....or so I have heard. :)
Learning to use a reed is definitely a benefit for an archery hunter as it allows you to make hands-free calls. There are times when a good open-reed (handheld) call are handy as well, but learning to use a reed will definitely pay off. I personally use calls made by Bugling Bull...my 2 favorite reeds are the Raging Bull (brown) and All-Star (green). Those combined with a Bully Bull grunt tube are a deadly combo. For some variety and different tones, I also carry a Temptress open-reed call and have had great luck getting bulls fired up with it.

Here's some thoughts I recently shared on my F/B Page.

COW CALLS!!!..... There's many various cow calls on the market today, most are perfect in the fact that they will do the job they're intended for! The more versatile the call the better off you will be, this is especially true when the hunters best odds are using a cow sound that fits the encounter! Hoochie mamas & like calls have their place but are by no means an end all or fit all situation type call. They give off "contact mews" & nothing more, you are very limited in its use. On some occasions that's all that's needed, other occasions require a different cow sound or tone that fits the encounter. The hoochies are a very good call to add an additional cow sound such as trying to sound like a small group of elk the hoochie just being one of those sounds, not all 3-4 cows.

The mouth diaphragm is ones best choice as it is versatile & can be used to make any sound a cow can make. External reeded calls are the next best thing for both those that want an additional or different tone or just can't use mouth reeds! Ones such as the Hyper Lip Single, Whose Yrr Daddy, Estrus Whine, Fighting Cow Call, Temptress, Cow Talk & others are all good choices & can deliver realistic cow tones & sounds with practice.

The important factor to really be concerned with is what you're asking for or saying when using any elk sound! Learning to understand what each sound means to the elk is of far more importance than blowing a cow call. Learn when & how to use a "contact mew/chirp" "pleads" "create pitchy excitement" "estrus buzz" "re-gathering sounds" "separated sounds" "lost cow sounds" etc. There are several cow sounds that are awesome for location purposes.. There is where your success will lie! Find a cow call you're happy with & fits, then master the various sounds and when to use them & you will see that your close encounters with elk along with a good setup & good wind will be enhanced considerably! Keep it simple & Good Luck!

Wow, the Bitterroots are pretty. Very pretty. I assume they work as well as they look?

Indeed they do. They are my go to call because like a reed call you can make every sound a cow makes. I like others use a reed too for close encounters (I am 100% archery), but I much prefer Tony's (Bitterroot calls) calls in every other situation.
I normally have four with me, 2 Sceeries & 2 primos cow girls and my reed calls. The trouble I have is the cow calls freezing up. I think I'm going with a new bugle this year that bugling bull game calls has out. I really like the transition of the new bugle with the baffle hole at the end. I was at the sportsmens show today and Rocky was showing me the different pitchs you can get, pretty neat.