Caribou Gear Tarp


Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Remember, wildlife almost always loses in conflicts with humans.

"GUWAHATI, India (Reuters) - It is an unexpected headache for the Indian army, an unlikely embarrassment for the government and an unwelcome challenge for the railways department.

Elephants in India are on the rampage, coming into conflict with man ever more frequently and ever more dangerously. It is a battle the normally gentle animals seem destined to lose.........."
Ithica, That is sad. Have you ever seen the Discovery Channel's show about Rouge Teenage Elephants in Africa that were killing Rhinos and charging Vehicles? It turned out to be a case of older bulls being Poached out and the Teenagers were left with no Bulls to kick their butts! After they transplanted bulls back into the area and the Kids got their butts kicked they started acting like Elephants again. The Indian story is sad because we all know what the result will be, the population is exploding across all parts of the country and it is a country coming of age, more roads and more demands on their natural resources. Draftstud