EF2’s 2020 Fall Hunt

I have this brilliant idea when escouting that I’ll bring my kayak and access a landlocked pocket of public. There’s a buck 3/4 of a mile away sitting right where he was last night. But...with no spotter my 10x can’t reveal what kind of buck he is. I’ll skip that one.
The group spooked at 650 and were gone. The buck looked pretty decent. I walked around a bit and found a lot of fresh tracks and scat near some water. A couple gut piles too. I thought this would be a good ambush spot for that buck tomorrow. I took my boots and pack off to take a break. Unbeknownst to me another group walked in to drink. They had probably been there 5 mins already when I saw them, they were not yet to the water’s edge, maybe 350 yards. All my stuff was scattered about and I wasn’t ready to shoot. After I had ranged them, looked each of the six of them over, got a steady rest, and gun loaded they were getting skittish and boogied. I wanted a animal standing still, and I didn’t get one. Does and fawns plus 3 bucks: one small, one respectable, and the third dwarfed them both. Dang! Had him in the crosshairs for about 10 secs but I didn’t like the shot. They’re still thirsty and I can cover 2 water sources from an ambush hill. There’s another pond 1.5 miles away and if they all go there I’m outta luck. I’m thinking about putting all my eggs in one basket and just stake out here for the rest of today and all day tomorrow.
No Antelope seen from my outpost. I think I pushed the first group out of the drainage as they didn’t return to the spot they were hanging out for about 90 mins earlier in the day. The second group with the really nice (to me) buck just kind of backed out of the water hole. While I didn’t see them, there are tons of undulations in the landscape they could have been hiding in. They watered at 1:50 today, so I think tomorrow I’ll be in place well before that time and maybe they’ll repeat their routine.
I hiked 1.5 miles and got to the spot at sunrise. Another hunter had hiked in the dark and got there first 😅

I told him the whole area was his, and shared everything I knew, then wished him luck. Very nice guy - he was happy to be the early bird today.
Mistakenly set my phone on the ground when stopping to relocate him. He’s staring at me from 1/2 mile, but I can easily drop off a ledge and get out of sight until I get close to him. I realize my phone is gone about 5 mins later, so have to go back and try to find it. Gig is up at that point - he’s gone (somewhere over that hill)
Sitting water and I count 7 does and 3 bucks in the hills above me on private. The landowner stopped by to chat - real nice lady.A guide and 2 hunters walk past me to put a stalk on one of the bucks on an adjacent property. They get in range, then decide to pass. On the way back they strike up a conversation:

Provided they don’t totally mess things up, I should have a chance on one of the bucks when they come to water.
3 does and a nice buck came in. Standing still at 245 yrds. I got set up on my tripod, steadied the crosshairs, a couple steady breaths. Readjusted the tripod and my body to get a better natural zero. Then squeezed pulled the trigger. Oh no! Adrenaline dump and buck fever let this guy live to see another day. Checked for blood anyways, but none there.
Tomorrow starts off the last 3 days of antelope hunting. I’m still kicking myself for my missed shot. I’m also tired of the ridiculous amount of pressure, crowding, and competition. There are enough animals for everyone to tag out, and you’re also on top of one another in the process. I knew this going in. Part of me wants to throw in the towel.

The other part of me is determined and stubborn. If I can pull this off I doubt I’ll regret it. I have several options to make a play on bucks. The closest thing to a sure deal is hiking in 5 miles one way to shoot a dink. Yes that’s kind of ridiculous but I also think I’ll appreciate the effort.

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