Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

E-Bike legality in Montana.

Boomers, X’s, millennials doesn’t matter.
An ebike, a closet full of Sitka, the latest accessories loaded with Velcro, creed, whiz bang mag, e scouting and college baseball face paint won’t make you a better elk hunter. It won’t make you a better woodsman.

It might make you more comfortable, it might make you feel the part but you still won’t kill an elk every year.

Instant gratification is what the modern day hunter is looking for and feel entitled to it.

If I have the latest ebike I can kill the biggest something in 30 minutes just like any one of the outdoor tv shows.

It’s like buying little Joey the $300 little league bat to make him a better hitter instead of taking the time to teach him to be a better hitter.

Generations after millennials will hate us all. Well the ones that care about the outdoors will.
Agree - though more Millennials from my perspective.
I'm not even close to being a millennial and I don't feel entitled. Just saying I'm not afraid of change, most people that are older people set in there ways. Which is to bad, like I said thank god not everyone feels the same as you guys do.
Yea, lazy people! The same people that get on here and ask where the best spot to hunt is, on their first post.
So now I'm lazy because I'm not against e-bikes. Wow dude you don't even know me. Why is it that if you don't agree with someone they presume to know you and tell you everything that's wrong with you. Sad just Sad
I’m sure some feel they should be able to take quad or ebike into the sheep unlimited units. Old guys should be able to hunt those sheep right?

Not many are willing to do what Gomer did and I am damn glad. That could end up being some of the last country left you can’t ebike in a complete camp if some get their way.
I'm not even close to being a millennial and I don't feel entitled. Just saying I'm not afraid of change, most people that are older people set in there ways. Which is to bad, like I said thank god not everyone feels the same as you guys do.

I’m rapidly becoming an “old guy”, and speaking strictly for myself I’m not one bit opposed to change simply because I’m set in my ways.

However, I’m also not afraid to call BS on change that is simply a matter of convenience and has the potential to seriously impact wildlife resources.
So now I'm lazy because I'm not against e-bikes. Wow dude you don't even know me. Why is it that if you don't agree with someone they presume to know you and tell you everything that's wrong with you. Sad just Sad
Really, that's your response, pathetic. By the way, I at no point said you were any of those things, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
So now I'm lazy because I'm not against e-bikes. Wow dude you don't even know me. Why is it that if you don't agree with someone they presume to know you and tell you everything that's wrong with you. Sad just Sad

I believe the presumption was that if you advocated that ebikes be allowed on non-motorized areas you were lazy.

If you want to ebike on a motorized use trail go for it, don’t ruin non-motor areas because you are too lazy to travel under you own power.

As this is the internet, declarative statements and throwing shade is to be expected.

Good luck pilgrim.
Not once did I say take your e-bike on non motorized roads or trails. I'm just saying I'm not against it if they make it legal to do so in the future.

Received this from one of the the evil leftist enviro groups.

For us concerned public land hunters concerned about this specific issue - elections have consequences.
The 2016 election got us the administration that gave us the current head of Dept. of Interior.
This ebike issue is just another thin veil for a larger agenda. Think the current Dept. head gives two shits about ebikes?
And, whoodathought, this little issue is working to divide outdoorspeople. We are such an easy mark.

Grab your ankles folks........................................
You're supposed to walk on your own two feet in front of your pack string carrying your wall tent, wood stove, Mr. Buddy heater, and XL cot like God intended.
Really, that's your response, pathetic. By the way, I at no point said you were any of those things, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
Dude don't be a
Really, that's your response, pathetic. By the way, I at no point said you were any of those things, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
Why was that a pathetic response. Don't be a tool.
As a new member let me help you. Anything Ebike on the forum won’t fly. There are purists on here that will argue and debate this till the thread gets locked. Best thing to do is just not respond, trust me.
Ya I hear you
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