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Duh gubmint


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2020
I’d seen this prior at the FS land 10 miles from mi hogar. Went to the Pinaleno Mtns for some fishing and just to get outta Dodge. Fishing sucked! 3 days and I never got a bite or even saw anyone else catch a trout. Left a half day early. Crimeny. Anyhow. Weve spent 100’s of millions of $’s via user fees to put up these really great vault toilets; you might be too young to know that what was available prior was crude; and the Kung flu comes along and what does the FS do? Unbelievable.

"Weve spent 100’s of millions of $’s via user fees to put up these really great vault toilets"

Prove it...
Hundreds of millions? That's a lot of user fees! However, in the collective sense of user fees that cover expenses such as facility toilets from USDA and DOI... I bet that's built up since 2005. How much? A little bit beyond my fun time on Google. I'm sure it's a hell of a lot though! :)

REA: Recreation Enhancement Act.
Thanks George Bush. 2005.

So far these prices have been reasonable for the amenities provided.

Side note while searching around Google:
I also read back in 1910 or somewhere around there Mount Rainier charged a $5 entry fee. That works out with inflation to be approximately $125 today!

Covid 19 strikes us at the campsites! 🤣
Not sure where this was specifically, but my first thought was possibly a fire camp? Typically they'll mobilize these in for larger camps.
I imagine that many recreational facilities are maintained by seasonal employees, and many agencies haven't done their seasonal hiring due to covid.

Either that or they still have some sort of administrative order that is keeping their employees from going out and about, so contracting 3rd party allows them to open the campground while following their bosses directives.
At our parks we were told By the state we could only Have the restrooms open if we disinfected the entire thing everyday during the COVID-19 shutdowns. With limited staff and no seasonal help during all of it. We tried disinfecting the public restrooms at some of our areas but it was just not feasible to get to all of the pit toilets in our outlying parks so we boarded the doors shut. The parks were being used at the highest rate I have ever seen and soon little piles of poop were popping up in front of, behind and everywhere around the toilets. This could have been a similar situation where it was easier or cheaper, temporarily, to contract a service instead of do it yourself. Especially since most seasonal staff wAs not allowed to start during the shutdowns and that is usually one of their duties.
LOL I remember the old fashioned outhouses where you sometimes got a splinter in your butt. I will be glad to enjoy the vault potties over that or digging latrines and having to bury them after yer done.
Not sure where this was specifically, but my first thought was possibly a fire camp? Typically they'll mobilize these in for larger camps.
It’s not for a fire camp. It’s what the USFS is doing in AZ for restrooms. Not sure why.

This is Parker Canyon Lake in April.

A lot of public restrooms in businesses are closed too. Dont forget to wash your hands to stop the spread!

My guess is they probably don't have anyone to maintain the facilities (due to Covid), so they hire temp toilet company who can clean/sanitize 1-2 times a week in their absence.

This is exactly why but not the same for all areas across the country. I had a Kemmerer BLM agent tell me something completely different than what the Cheyenne main office told me. I then called the USFS rangers office in Kemmerer. For our area, we anticipate the vaults being opened for use through end of October when our hunt is over. If not, oh well. I have dug latrines before and can do it again. Got a portapotty made just for that.
To paraphrase the ID/WY mantra, "Sh!t, shovel, and shutup!"

Just make sure you don't leave your piles and paper for the OYOA crew to find.
I agree with the ridiculousness of the situation. IMO they're simply choosing to pay more to reduce the risk to FS staff by putting that risk on a contractor. It is not just the FS, nor other Feds that are doing it. I've seen states, counties, and cities, all doing the same thing.