Duck in Distress call

van franke

Active member
Nov 9, 2009
I got home this afternoon and since my archery deer is closed right now and my wife is deer hunting tomorrow I had just enough time to run out for a stand. I grabbed all my clothes and gun but couldnt find my calls. They must be packed in a box somewhere from our move three months ago. Found a duck call though and figured that would work. Headed out of the house across the road 600 yards into a winter wheat field. To the north was tall grass with a fence row between them. The fence row was 100 yards from my spot in the field and is a major highway for coyotes to the washouts to the east. I laid down and pulled the call out to get things rolling. Now I know what your thinking what is this guy doing with a duck call. Is this the new craze the duck in distress call. No i pulled the top off to expose the reed and use it as an open reed rabbit call, you just have to find the sweet spot. I let out some soft wimpers for about a minute and sat tight for the next five. Nothing, I let loose with another cadence a little louder. Two minutes after I stopped I spotted him coming over the horizon 150 yards away to the east. Its been cold here the last three days and he was obviously hungry.





I snaped pics as fast as I could and as he was reaching 50 yards I decideed I better grab the gun and end it. I found him quickly in the crosshairs and let out a bark to stop him. He keept right on trotting,


I let out another one, same effect nothing. I yelled "HEY" he keept moving right along I finally pulled the trigger on him as he started to walk at thirty yards. The bullet hit him a little back but he went down I grabbed the camera to snap away.


Then he jumped up and started running away, I quickly grabed the gun again and found him in the crosshairs. He stoped at the fenceline to figure out what happened and boom he went down for good. I laid there and chuckled a little bit, what an awsome last minute hunt.
awesome shots! one of, if not the best post I've seen in a long time regarding predators.

Congrats! Keep the pics coming!
CHIiiiiiiittttt thats Cool. I want to get out and hunt them tomorrow. YAh, I thin kI'll do that. Awesome pics and Motivation. It usually takes a lot for me to get out and hunt ;)

NICE !!!! Truely neat !
Great yarn...and proof to boot! I've been passing this thread...dumbazz me, thought it was about ducks.:D
The coyotes are thick this year. We saw nine Saturday morning out deer hunting and this one stuck its head out of the sage at 300.

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