Duck hunters and frame packs


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
So folks, I assume theres quite a bit of duck hunters in here, so maybe y'all have some input on what I'm about to bring up.

For most of my life, all of my duck hunting has always been to hike in some place that is hard to get to by both boat and by foot, set up the decoys and get after them. As it is assumed, the success always seemed to be better at the harder to get to places.

What I wanna know, is why hasn't anyone made a "frame hauler" or something of that sort for carrying decoys? Like the packs we use to hunt in the mountains, if one we're retrofitted to haul 2 dozen floaters, a box of shells and a gun, I would assume it would be leaps and bounds better than slinging a dozen Texas rigs over each shoulder and/or using the decoys bags on the market now that seem to have the ATV/boat Hunter in mind.

Has anyone made the connection between frame packs and decoy bags?
I use a meat hauling frame and strap a decoy bag to it. It's worked for about 20 years, and I don't have another pack hanging around. Oh, and Texas rigging is by far the best way I know.
Anywhere that you need to walk far enough to need a pack, you would only need a half dozen decs to kill birds..simply not practical to carry that many decoys on your back.. even the most hunted refuge in the sac valley I can carry out 15-50 dozen decoys in a decoy cart and kill a limit.. at the same time I can carry out 6 decoys and kill a limit on about any backwater hole in the country..
Anywhere that you need to walk far enough to need a pack, you would only need a half dozen decs to kill birds..simply not practical to carry that many decoys on your back.. even the most hunted refuge in the sac valley I can carry out 15-50 dozen decoys in a decoy cart and kill a limit.. at the same time I can carry out 6 decoys and kill a limit on about any backwater hole in the country..

It’s to each their own brotha. I’ve got spots where 4-6 decoys slays and spots where 10 dozen slays. I’ve tried many types of spreads at each spot, and have found what works best there. I’m sure the OP has it covered.

I’m also curious on a legitimate way to carry decoys. Even the “nice” decoy bags suck.
Everyone around here that I know either uses a sled similar to what people use for ice fishing or a deer cart to get their gear way back in there.
My days of packing duck deeks out on the marsh are long over but we used to use those things that newspaper boys put on to completely surround themselves with the big rolled up Sunday News Papers for delivery. They wouldn't quite hold 2 dozen full body's but could manage over a dozen easy enough and all the rest of your gear. Not suggesting, just looking back with a smile.

After telling my Grandfather that i had been to a refuge to hunt ducks and that i liked it. He gave me a bunch of his old decoys. Problem was, most of them were made from wood, they would soak in water like crazy, and some of them sank and were lost. I also remember leaving a couple because they were so water logged heavy on my first use, they weren't worth packing back to the truck. I do still have one of those. Then again, i remember my first yard sale ever before moving to Mexico City. I still had half a dozen of those wood deeks and thought being they were so heavy, no good, for those that bought my newer plastic Mallard deeks, i'd throw in a wood one or two for free. Oh my!
I use a Cabela's external frame with a cheap mesh decoy bag. No idea why anyone who has much of a walk would use anything else. Use one of the Cabela's gun mounts for the frame and the whole deal is really slick.
Everyone around here that I know either uses a sled similar to what people use for ice fishing or a deer cart to get their gear way back in there.

Jetsled is what I use. I am not as mad at them as I used to be but I have one spot that I still drag the sled to. It is only 1/2 mile or so.
I use a Cabela's external frame with a cheap mesh decoy bag. No idea why anyone who has much of a walk would use anything else. Use one of the Cabela's gun mounts for the frame and the whole deal is really slick.

I use the same setup.
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