Dubyas resume...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Subject: A Resume for George W. Bush

I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1976 for driving under the
influence of alcohol.
*I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver's license suspended for
30 days.
*My Texas driving record has been "lost" and is not available.
*I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL.
*I refused to take a drug test or answer any questions about my drug
*By joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat
duty in Vietnam.
*I graduated from Yale University with a low C average.
*I was a cheerleader.
*I ran for U.S. Congress and lost.
*I began my career in the oil business in Midland, Texas, in 1975.
*I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas.
*The company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.
*I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that
took land using taxpayer money.
*With the help of my father and our rightwing friends in the oil
industry (including Enron CEO Ken Lay), I was elected governor of Texas.
*I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies,
making Texas the most polluted state in the Union.
*During my tenure, Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most smog ridden
city in America.
*I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of billions
in borrowed money.
*I set the record for the most executions by any governor in American
*With the help of my brother, the governor of Florida, and my father's
appointments to the Supreme Court, I became President after losing by
over 500,000 votes.
*I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a
criminal record.
*I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over one
billion dollars per week.
*I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.
*I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.
*I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any
12month period.
*I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12month period.
*I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the
U.S. stock market.
*In my first year in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs
and that trend continues every month.
*I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any
administration in U.S. history.
*My "poorest millionaire," Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker
named after her.
*I set the record for most campaign fundraising trips by a U.S.
*I am the all-time U.S. and world record holder for receiving the most
corporate campaign donations.
*My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best friends,
Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in U.S.
History, Enron.
*My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys to
assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election
*I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against
investigation or prosecution. More time and money was spent investigating
the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the
biggest corporate rip-offs in history.
*I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused
to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed.
*I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.
*I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded
government contracts.
*I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any
President in U.S. history.
*I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest bureaucracy
in the history of the United States government.
*I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S.
*I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations
remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.
*I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.
*I refused to allow inspectors access to U.S. "prisoners of war"
detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.
*I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations election
inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).
*I set the record for fewest number of press conferences of any
President since the advent of television.
*I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one year
*After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over the worst
security failure in U.S. history.
*I garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade Center
attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the most hated country
in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in world history. *I have
set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously
protest me in public venues (15 million people), shattering the record
for protest against any person in the history of mankind.
*I am the first President in U.S. history to order an unprovoked,
preemptive attack and the military occupation of a sovereign nation. I
did so against the will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S.
citizens, and the world community.
*I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut in
duty benefits for active duty troops and their families in war time.
*In my State of the Union Address, I lied about our reasons for
attacking Iraq, then blamed the lies on our British friends.
*I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans
(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and
*I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical Bunker Buster," a
*I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice.

*All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my father's
library, sealed and unavailable for public view.
*All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.
*All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice President,
attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and
unavailable for public review.

There are more holes, opinion and half-truths in that piece of character assasination than I could attempt to respond to. If anyone's history was public record, I'm sure the same kind of picture could be painted of them. Hell, I was arrested at 15 for riding a motorcycle on the railroad tracks without permission - a criminal act. I have, I am ashamed to say, driven when I have had more than one or two drinks. I have been lucky in that I have not hit anyone or anything nor have I been caught. I no longer do that - but I would be a hypocrite to criticize someone else just because they got caught.

I tried to get into the National Guard, and I'm not ashamed to say that. I ended up in the brown water Navy in the midst of combat - I gladly would have avoided it and the wounds I suffered. And yep, I drank then, too.

My point is simply that character attacks reflect poorly upon the attacker, particularly when the truth gets stretched or slanted by the choice of words, broad generalities and oversimplifications.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat
duty in Vietnam. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My dad joined the New Mexico Air Guard and flew 260 missions in Vietnam in F-100's. Most fighter pilots would gladly go if called. When Bush was running in 2000 my father sent me an email from a guy who actually flew with Bush and he said he was a shit hot pilot and good guy.

So who are you voting for Buzz, the anti capitilist, socialist, enviro maniac pro Saddam candidate??? Or will you be going with the greens this year
"I withdrew the US from the World Court of Law."

Thank God, as there is not "World Bill of Rights" or "World Constitution"." Now if he could just get us out of the UN completely...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans
(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and
security.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's because, for the first time in history, the Europeans don't have a frickin' nutcase trying to take over the world in their own back yards.
Cal Hunter

Good points, I too have made my share of mistakes...but then again are you president? Should we not hold these people to a little higher standard?
Great post BuzzH. you listed (61) points of interest andthe Bushites only took exception to (4) of them
LOL @ "Buzz!" Tell me "Buzz", since you do "research", what is the source of your data, given that "all" Dubyas Gubnatorial records are sealed? Is that "Buzz" natural or does it come from some of those "Natural Resources"??
Thanks for the laugh man!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-25-2003 10:06: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>

Based on your post, I gather that you feel Bush is not the best choice for President in 2004. If so, who do YOU feel is a more worthy candidate for President.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Great post BuzzH. you listed (61) points of interest andthe Bushites only took exception to (4) of them <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Most of these talking points are taken straight from DU, in fact this was propably written by their membership. These are the same folks, who when the war in Irag started made statements about spitting on pilots faces for being baby killers. If this is the company you choose to keep, good luck to you in life for you are destined for many great failures and misguided journeys. I suggest you find a good compass. You will need it.
The whole post was "Twisted" had some truth, some half truth, some bullshit. Now i`m not a 100% GW supporter but there was no other choice[and i still don`t see a better one] Buzz tell us what was so "bad" about those record execution`s,and who you think is a better choice. Can`t wait for your answer.
Dang Buzz, just when I was starting to respect your opinion on the game farms & the enviroment, you come up with a load of hog wash like that and I realize that you have no idea what your talking about.

"Should we not hold these people to a higher standard?"

Sure, once they are in office. But I like that fact that the President has made some mistakes, and learned from them. I do not expect them to be perfect or to have never made a mistake. In fact, I would distrust anyone who claimed to be infallible. I would simply like them to be honest.

AS far as responding to all of the points, I won't take the time. As cjcj said, the whole post is made up of half-truths, generalities, some truth (to make the rest of the garbage sound more likely) and oversimplifications. It is twisted to suit the author's goals of maligning the President.
I like these kind of replies...

Fun, fun, fun.

As usual the messenger gets killed. I never said a word about:

1. agreeing with any of or part of the original post.

2. The source of the "data".

I got that in an email, just passing it on.

Believe what you want...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I would simply like them to be honest.

What about the point: "I set the record for fewest number of press conferences of any
President since the advent of television."

How do we know somebody is honest, if they never talk honestly? Bush seems, at least to me, to be the most "scripted" president since Reagan. Almost to the point that his "handlers" won't allow him to be asked anything with any risk of requiring thought. Do you consider Dubya to be honest? and how would you know? Does his sealing of all discussions with Oil Inc. during the formulation of the Energy Policy make you wonder about 'honesty'?

Bush Sr. was not that way, nor was Clinton. And I really can't remember much about Carter/Nixon...

I wonder if it comes from electing "figure heads" more than electing intellectuals/leaders/visionaries?

Look at the Demo side, and if you are a great thinker, you are likely at the bottom of the pack, and if you are a smooth talker, you are up to the front, although Dean is probably the exception based on background/real life work/ and vision....

(Disclosure: I voted for Dubya in 2000.)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I wonder if it comes from electing "figure heads" more than electing intellectuals/leaders/visionaries? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I totally agree with that! I would love to vote for someone who does that. Seems those old Greeks may have had something with the whole idea of a Philosopher King thing.
I think "Dubya" is more scripted because he is NOT a smooth talker. He does not do all the "fluff" news conferences. He relies upon his press corps, I feel, because when he speaks from the heart or off the cuff he often trips over his own tongue, mispronounces words, etc. Then the press and the rest of us make fun of him. So he sticks to the script. He can't win either way, apparently.

As to the "philosopher-kings" - no thanks. When action needs to be taken, I don't want our leader philosophizing about morality or waxing poetic. I also like the idea of being able to change leadership periodically. I do think that professional politicians suck, and I would love to support any rational or reasonable alternative.

I guess this just proves what kind of left wing whack jobs like to send you email! Nice job of backing out of the gun fight.

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