Caribou Gear Tarp

Dubya had no reason to attack Iraq


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
And, France has a history of supporting "alternative governments."
In the 1970s, Pol Pot succeeded in killing two-thirds of the Cambodian population. Countless dead filled the countryside of the former Yugoslavia, and in 1994 militant Hutus killed as many as a million Tutsis and Hutu moderates within only three months, supposedly protected by the French government -- which, in fact, withdrew its troops -- and ignored by the United States and the United Nations.
Now another pandemic of mass killings is being documented, recorded and widely ignored. This time the perpetrator is Saddam Hussein, whose Baathist Party was said to be based on that of the Nazis, and accounts of its killing efficiency continue to flow to the Coalition Provisional Authority. The U.S. Agency for International Development reports that since Saddam was ousted, 270 sites of mass graves have been reported. These contain an unknown number of Iraqis, Iranian prisoners of war, Iraqi Kurds and Kuwaiti prisoners among the long list of those Saddam tortured and killed. British Prime Minister Tony Blair puts the remains in mass graves at 400,000 so far.

No sir, there's no reason to be there if we don't find any WMD's! Polly want a cracker!
Darren, your on a roll here and I don't see any of our whiney fence sitters doing any comments....LMAO!!!!
Wouldn't "fence sitters" be expected not to offer comments??

Elkchsr, do you even know what half the words mean that you type, or do you just assume if they pass the spell checker, they must make sense?
You two stop picking on Elkchaser! :( This thing has a spel cheker?? ;)
I don't think it does, they don't have any thing constructive to say, so this is all they can come up with, or the cut and paste drivel that seems to be their norm. Thanks though Paws, it is appreciated...They really don't bother me. I just like to draw out the ignorant ones for every one to see...Seems to be working. I have found that when the "Bully" starts to find they are wrong, or their cause is lost, they will raise their voice, call names and/or become very abusive because they are losing the argument. It is a very easy thing to see. ;)
Prove me wrong boy's....
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