Caribou Gear

Dubya/Cheney 04 Exporting Jobs to Burma....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
So much for Human Rights violations and trade embargos.....

Bush Markets Burmese Products; Evades Own Trade Ban

According to a new report, President Bush's official campaign is selling clothing made in Burma - a country whose goods Bush banned for sale in the U.S. because of their awful human rights, narcotics and sex trafficking record. According to Newsday, "the merchandise sold on includes a $49.95 fleece pullover, embroidered with the Bush-Cheney '04 logo and bearing a label stating it was made in Burma, now Myanmar."1

The decision by the president's campaign to defy its own embargo directly contradicts the president's pledge to enforce existing trade laws. Just this week the president said Americans need to be "treated fairly" and pledged to "make sure the playing field is level" on trade.2 But his decision to market Burmese textile products evades laws that prevent American workers from having to compete with Burmese workers who have no minimum wage, human rights or labor protections. Since Bush was elected, thousands of textile jobs have been lost -- particularly in the South - and many have questioned whether the Administration is adequately enforcing trade laws.3

On top of evading his own trade laws, the president's effective endorsement of Burmese goods means his campaign is marketing products from a country the State Department has repeatedly condemned for human rights abuses4 and that the Treasury Department has cited for laundering money from illegal narcotics dealers5. Just last year, the president told the United Nations it needed to more seriously address international sex slavery, saying, "there's a special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable."6 But his own campaign is now marketing products from a country that experts cite as one of the leaders in international sex trafficking.7

"Bush campaign gear made in Burma", Newsday, 03/18/2004.
"President Discusses Health Access", 03/16/2004.
"4,000 textile jobs lost in 2003", Charleston Post and Courier, 01/14/2004.
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Burma, US Department of State, 02/25/2004.
States News Service, 03/04/2004.
"President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly", 09/23/2003.
"Factbook on Global Sexual Exploitation: Burma/Myanmar".
Maybe Dubya is creating jobs.... just missing by 8000 miles.... :rolleyes:

Come on. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So your mind is made up that Bush has to go. We all have gotten your point. Why post stuff like this? There are some real issues out there.

Here is one what can the government do to stop moving jobs offshore? If the American consumer demands cheaper goods and the only way to compete is to reduce labor costs what are you going to do. Tell the American consumer: tough you have to buy made in America. We have been harping on that for years and the consumers have voted with their wallets. Ever been to the one of the stores that is owned by the No. 1 fortune 500 corporations, Walmart? Where is all of that stuff made? Why is most stuff imported? Because WE, the collective WE in this Country demand it. It will not matter who is in the White House as long as the demand is for cheap goods.

You ever order shirts with your company logo on them? You generally don't have a say where they are manufactured because you just order them with the logo you want and they ship them to you. I ordered 50 shirts with logos for prizes for a golf tournment. 27 were made in Sri Lanka, 23 were assembled in Pakistan. I didn't have any say so where they came from.

Any just 8 shorts months to go. :eek: :eek: :eek:

"the merchandise sold on includes a $49.95 fleece pullover, embroidered with the Bush-Cheney '04 logo and bearing a label stating it was made in Burma, now Myanmar."

Man EG; I can't believe you let that particular straightline get away!! :D :D
Isn't it funny that hundreds of thousands and a significant percentages of manufacturing jobs can go oversees w/out dramatic public uproar (granted the people who lost their jobs were pissed off), but when less than 1% of IT jobs go oversees and the white collars feel threatened, it is like it's the apocolypse.

Just an observation from the feeble mind of smalls

You ever gonna run out on those Hall Passes you keep giving Dubya? Could he do anything that would lose your vote?

I think Jobs is always an election year issue. Does it really seem like a bigger issue than in 1980 with Regan? Or 88 with Bush41?
Anybody wanna bet me the decision to buy those particular pullovers was made by a Bush volunteer who found them in an "American" catalog?

I'm quite sure that the president weighs in on such key decisions...oops better get rid of them styreefoam cups at the coffee bar. Envarmint an' all

I actually thought there was some law, or used to be, that all campaign printing had to be done in the US. I maybe mistaken. I thought one of the parties (Democrats?) always used Union Shops. Not sure.

I don't see where I gave him a hall pass. I merely pointed out what my thinking was.

If he had a different opponent then he may be in jeopardy of losing my vote. There is simply no way I would or could vote for John Kerry. I disagree with all of his politics. I would rather not cast a vote then cast one for Kerry. Do I think Bush is perfect, absolutely not. I do think he is better than Kerry. NOTE THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION, EVERYONE ELSE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPIONION ON THE MATTER.

Anything Bush can do to get your vote?

I am unaware of such a law but it sounds like a reasonable requirement.

The tone of your first post, taken in context with your steadfast opposition to GW, insinuates that the Prez, with the concurrance of the Veep, selected Burma over a field of candidates to include the USA as the source for said pullovers. What a delicious contradiction for the Kerry camp to pounce on!! If Bush told his staff to get him some Burmese fleecies than there would be legitimacy to this story but since he probably didn't, there ain't.

Somebody at Bush central got an idea and that idea was most likely assigned to an intern(as in working for free) who either picked up a catalog or went on-line to a company like Wear-Guard(not an endorsement) who offer a hundred different kinds of garments upon which they will gladly embroider your company logo(discount for bulk orders...hurray!). Such companies do not always list the manufacturing source of the basic garment.

Somebody at HQ Bush f#cked up. Plain and simple.
May we move on?
Just thought I'd post it here, too ---

Subject: LOST JOBS Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:10:25 EST Kerry does not like off shore companies: Oh Really? Just came across a bit of information regarding Kerry and his claim of the Bush administration sending jobs abroad. Well, it seems that the Heinz Corporation, owned by Kerry's wife, has 79 plants where it manufacturers products and 57 of the 79 are located in countries outside of the U.S. How many U.S. jobs are lost here? Factories located at: Taipei,Taiwan (makes Heinz baby foods)Dublin,Ireland;Paris,France;Dovarmenez, France;Lisbon,Portugal; Madrid,Spain; Milan,Italy; Monguzzo,Italy; Athens,Greece; Warsaw,Poland; Pudliszki,Poland; Wodzislaw,Poland; Miedzychod,Poland; Moscow,Russia; Georgievisk,Russia; Cairo,Egypt; Tel Aviv,Isreal; Haifa,Isreal; Elst,The Netherlands and 6 other plants there; Brussels,Belgium; Dusseldorf,Germany; Seesen,Germany; Turnhout,Belgium; Rovereto,Italy; Chateaurenand,France; North York,Ontario,Canada; Wheatley,Ontario,Canada; Caracas,Venezuela; San Jose,Costa Rica; Johannesburg,South Africa; Gaborone,Botswana; Harare,Zimbabwe; Cheguta,Zimbabwe; Wellington,South Africa; Melbourne,Victoria,Australia; Republic of Singapore; Auckland,New Zealand; Tokyo,Japan; Guangzhov,People's Republic of China (makes infant cereal); Qingdao, People's Republic of China (makes infant foods, ketchup,mayonnaise & puree); Inchon, South Korea (makes Heinz products and StarKist); Bangkok,Thailand; Mumbai,India; Jakarta,Indonesia; Surabaya,Indonesia; Manila, Philippines; Wanchai,Hong Kong. Also recently purchased from Bordens these products: Classico Pasta Sauce; Aunt Millies Pasta Sauce; Mrs. Grass Receipt Soups; Wylers Bouillons & Soups.

Think of the conflict of interest a President would have who's wife owns business interests in all of these countries and others. Pass it on!!!! We are made strong by the difficulties we face not by those we evade.

Kerry's wife does not "own" Heinz. Please don't try and mislead us like that. Cali, this one you might need to retract, as it is just plain wrong.

Heinz is a publically traded company with sales all over the world. If they are selling in markets around the world, wouldn't it make sense that they manufacture around the world? That is hardly exporting jobs. That is manufacturing in the local market.
Currently, 60% of the sales of the H.J. Heinz Company are outside the United States and to accommodate those customers by providing facilities closer to those markets, the company maintains a number of overseas facilities that provide products for consumers in those markets. This allows Heinz to pack the freshest ingredients, tailor its recipes to local tastes and deliver the final products in a timely and efficient manner. In the United States, Heinz makes its flagship ketchup in factories in Fremont, Ohio; Muscatine, Iowa; and Stockton, California.
Here is a release by the HJ Heinz company
Press Release Source: H.J. Heinz Company

H.J. Heinz Company Confirms Its Widely Held Public Ownership And Non-Partisan Status
Monday March 22, 4:13 pm ET

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 22, 2004--In light of some misleading speculation, the H.J. Heinz Company would like to make clear that neither Mrs. Teresa Heinz Kerry, Senator John Kerry nor any member of their family is involved in the management or board of the H.J. Heinz Company (NYSE:HNZ - News). They have no involvement in the Heinz® Ketchup business or any of the company's other brands or products.
The H.J. Heinz Company, in accordance with its corporate governance policies, is a non-partisan organization.

Neither Mrs. Heinz Kerry nor Senator Kerry nor any of the Heinz trusts or endowments - either individually or collectively - holds a significant percentage of shares of the H.J. Heinz Company. In 1995 the Heinz Endowments and family trusts sold a large percentage of Heinz shares in a secondary share offering to diversify their holdings. As a result, their current holdings are under 4 percent.

There is no connection between any philanthropic programs of the H.J. Heinz Company and its Foundation and the Heinz family interests (including the Howard Heinz Endowment, the Vira Heinz Endowment, and the Heinz Family Philanthropies).
And Cali, you might want to check your 401K, as it is likely that you own Heinz, and are the culprit in all those jobs overseas....

The top share holders are
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 29,040,984
Barclays Bank Plc 19,629,619
State Street Corporation 10,200,177
Mellon Bank, N.A. 10,050,028
Franklin Resources, Inc 8,348,519
Capital Research and Management Company 39,676,500
Vanguard Group, Inc. (The) 6,589,725
Harris Associates L.P. 5,596,051
Putnam Investment Management, LLC 4,554,472 03
Northern Trust Corporation 4,460,197 03


Washington Mutual Investors Fund 14,950,000
Investment Company of America 7,950,000
Income Fund of America Inc 5,255,000 03
Templeton Growth Fund, Inc. 5,200,000
Capital Income Builder, Inc. 4,720,000
American Mutual Fund Inc 3,500,000 03
Vanguard 500 Index Fund 3,059,080 03
American Balanced Fund 2,591,500
Putnam Fund For Growth and Income 2,361,654 Oakmark Fund

Pass it on!!!! We are made strong by the difficulties we face not by those we evade. And what are we made when we pass along complete fabrications???? :rolleyes:
Nope, I don't own any Heinz stock or in any of those funds - I do have some $$$ in Franklin, but it is in small and mid cap companies, not large like Heinz.

I still see nothing that tells me that none of their products sold here are made "off shore." I bet there are plenty, and that the numbers are far more significant than the stuff some staffer in Bush's campaign ordered. You brought this up, and now want to point out that Heinz-Kerry has nothing to do with overseas jobs. 4% of the stock is a lot more than Bush owns in the company producing the shirts.... and only shows that they made their fortune off the backs of peasant labor in third world countries, took the money and ran. ;)

You kind of prove my point about Dubya supporters. You are swept in by false statements that somebody likely on Rove's staff started spreading and you use it to justify your support of Dubya.

Then when it is proven completely false, you still refuse to refute the information.

Is your concern with "offshore" products a true conviction with you? Don't you have some guns that were made offshore? Ever been to Wal-Mart?

And your 4% claim is funny. That is not Kerry's or his wife's. You are still wrong, and you aren't able to see that.

And as for your ownership of HNZ stock, my guess the chunk in Deutsche Bank, Barclays, State Street, or Mellon are all custodial shares, and likely in some mutual fund you own.
Okay - the post is wrong. Feel better? If I take it out, though, you will accuse me of covering up my error. ;)

Since you brought up the point about "Dubya sending jobs offshore," (may not be an exact quote of your words), do you own any foreign made goods? I only posted this erroneous statement in response to your statements that since someone in Bush's campaign ordered some shirts from a company who may have them manufactured in Burma, that Bush, himself, is in favor of sending many/most/some (?) jobs offshore. Obviously, that is an exageration and no more relevent than the fact that I own a CZ and a Tikka rifle, Hungarian-made pistols, etc.

No - I am not against sending jobs overseas. I am an unashamed capitalist. If American labor costs too much, send the jobs overseas. Hopefully, American innovation and creativity will continue to lead the way.
The quote refers us to the page where it says the info. is at. I went there, here's what it says,

"All products offered on The George W. Bush Online Store are made in the U.S.A."
-Ted Jackson, President
Spalding Group

The quote is some mistake, on what it refers to?

It also says this,

"Founded in 1984, Spalding Group has been a principal supplier for the last five Republican presidential nominees."
Originally posted by Ten Bears:
EG, how much stuff do you own with foreign labels?????
Well my HuntTalk hat was made in Sri Lanka :( :eek:

It is impossible to not have something in the house without a foreign label. Heck I betcha some of the houses we live in have Canadian lumber in em. :confused:

Do you really want me to count them??

Let's see, there is the car from Germany (Stuttgart) :D .....

But why do you ask? My guess is Own Zero from Burma, or at least imported since DUBYA put the Embargo on them. I never got around to ordering one of Dubya's "fleece".

Are you really that Naive to think that something from Dubya/Cheney is the Truth? Should you check the GOP campaign in So. Carolina, and the claims about McCain? Or down South, with the Senator who was a dis-abled Vet, and Dubya/Cheney smeared him? Or how about checking out Dubya's State of the Union addresses???

Earth to Tom, come in..... :rolleyes:
There's lots of truth from Bush and Cheney.

I just went to the source and did a search on Bush and Burma. Nothing came up.

They do report stocks up though, all three main indexes.

Stock Last Change
DOW 10,433 41
NASDAQ 2,024 3
S&P 500 1,142 2

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