DT Jr. on Meateater

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A Biden Meateater interview would be awesome for gaff central sound bites! :D

Considering who he is, I believe Trump Jr. managed himself quite well in an election year with all the anti-Trump anything <Insert HT censored political party>.
Locking up land for rancher and his buddies, who might then decide, oh, hey, maybe we'll outfit a bit. Fine if you have $12K. Most Montana hunters don't.
Sorry I worded that poorly (I didn't;t even understand what I meant when I reread it;) ). My assumption/guess was the the owner changed his mind or there was a change in ownership, with the new owner having a different view/purpose. Anything is possible. Maybe the old owner found more money in leasing than letting you walk through it. Capitalsm at its finest. I get your frustration, but think your placement of blame is misplaced.
Perhaps, but I'd be floored if a lifelong city-dweller from Chicago had more significant feelings toward wild places other than how they affect the next election when compared with a person who actually hunts and enjoys the outdoors...

I wouldn't be...sometimes locals take a lot for granted in regard to wildlife, public lands, etc. and treat them like total crap. I'll be cleaning up a piece of BLM land here in the next couple weeks that the locals about destroy every year. A city dweller may view the opportunity to use public lands and hunt as something very special or at least show a lot of appreciation when they may get the chance. Its a wrong assumption that you have to be physically present on every piece of public land to have "significant feelings toward wild places". Advocates are advocates, no matter where they live and some that live in very urban areas are some of the best we have, for all kinds of reasons.

I think maybe it would be best to drop the assumptions and pre-conceived notions...both ways.
A Biden Meateater interview would be awesome for gaff central sound bites! :D

Considering who he is, I believe Trump Jr. managed himself quite well in an election year with all the anti-Trump anything <Insert HT censored political party>.

Yikes lol... I'm cringing just thinking about it.

I'd love it if they had Justice Kagan on to discuss hunting with Scalia and 2A issues.
Perhaps, but I'd be floored if a lifelong city-dweller from Chicago had more significant feelings toward wild places other than how they affect the next election when compared with a person who actually hunts and enjoys the outdoors...

Considering that the last gift to the American people on his way out of office was to gift them a 300 sq mi monument I'd say that administration cared a great deal about wild places and public lands.

Was anyone able to fact check the stats DT Jr quoted at the end of the interview? He stated some 4 million acres are now available to the public. Is that accurate, and if so, how many projects were leftover from the previous administration?
It would be interesting to sit around a campfire with Jr in 5 years. He definitely made some points I agree with and I will give him the benefit of the doubt he was being sincere.

That said he’s way too close to the politics and clearly at a 10 on the defensive scale, though I can’t blame him for that, I can’t imagine the crap he deals with daily.

Felt bad for him when he alluded to his relationship with his father growing up, essentially having to rely on male role models outside of his family to take him under their wing. Made me appreciate my dad. The narrative I’ve heard was that his grandfather got him into hunting but per the podcast that seems false. Shooting sports yes hunting no.

Yeah I was shocked at how much I felt like this is just a guy like any of us. Probably holds similar views to any average BHA member. I wonder how most of the folks on this forum would come across if we were suddenly thrust into politics (that said, nobody made Trump run).

When he went defensive it made me realize that, as rich outsiders, they aren't used to being criticized constantly. I watch our governor take hit after hit at his Covid press conferences and just grin through it with grace. He's a professional politician. Trump family isn't used to the attacks and just take everything personally.
I agree with @neffa3 that it really seems like he cares, but it’s hard for me to get past the glossy, hair jell shine that everything he says seems coated with. I guess that’s a politician thing though, everything they promote gets a special shine on it.

He does, one quick look at his IG and you will see he is an avid outdoorsman. Sure, he's filthy rich, but he goes on awesome hunts and is an awesome ally when it comes to wildlife.
He does, one quick look at his IG and you will see he is an avid outdoorsman. Sure, he's filthy rich, but he goes on awesome hunts and is an awesome ally when it comes to wildlife.

Hmmm, I just looked at his IG and there were only a few out of the last 30+ that looks like anything to do with the outdoors. The rest of of his posts looks like some partisan hacky meme page.
Hmmm, I just looked at his IG and there were only a few out of the last 30+ that looks like anything to do with the outdoors. The rest of of his posts looks like some partisan hacky meme page.

Well hunting season ended a few months ago and his father IS running for Presidency again...
Was anyone able to fact check the stats DT Jr quoted at the end of the interview? He stated some 4 million acres are now available to the public. Is that accurate, and if so, how many projects were leftover from the previous administration?
There was a thread on this and someone posted the document listing the places and changes, but I can't find. It is true, but mostly political spin (old fashioned spin, not new fashioned complete untruth). It isn't 4 million NEW areas. A lot of it was minor changes to existing public land. Basically, you can now hunt snipe on a couple of million acres you couldn't last year.
....... with all the anti-Trump anything <Insert HT censored political party>.

You referring to the Dems as the censored political party, due me banning vocal "anti-anything Republican" members like OnPoint, Mark, Riley, or any of the others whose world is viewed through a highly political lens?

Or, is this some form of collective victimhood because I have no concern for either political party and will ban/censor the assholes from either side, just that the last two people banned have come from the side you see as the censored victims here on Hunt Talk, one of which should have been banned long before he got the hook?

Cracks me up how many PMs and reports I get about anyone who seems even slightly left of center on a single topic; "Get rid of that commie asshole." "He's a liberal prick who is just here to troll." Yet, no reports when posts lean right of center. Left leaning folks who derail threads and don't follow the rules will result in my inbox filled with complaints. Right leaning folks who do the same and get the same consequences are now the victims of "partisan censoring."

If you don't like how things are moderated, nobody is requiring you to hang out here and post poorly veiled complaints about how the joint is operated.
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