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DT Jr. on Meateater

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
This was a prime example the multiple dimensions of reality we see today. Depending on who you listen to, DT Jr spent 1 hr lying. And while I do think he's picking and choosing how to color the picture, to create a rosie picture, I also think he cares. I might say he (DT Jr) actually cares more than the previous administration (I recognize that's a bit of apples and oranges).

When I tried to listen to it, it got to about 20 minutes and the podcast abruptly ended like they had an issue uploading it. I’ll check it out again. It must be fixed.
Same thing happened to me, but worked when I re-downloaded it. As for the DT Jr portion, I agree with @neffa3 that it really seems like he cares, but it’s hard for me to get past the glossy, hair jell shine that everything he says seems coated with. I guess that’s a politician thing though, everything they promote gets a special shine on it.

On another note, it was a sort of surreal experience to hear Steve talk about my late friend and steelhead mentor, “Steelhead Joe.” Joe and I used to work for the same fly shop, and he taught me most of what I know about steelhead fishing. Last time I saw him was a few days before he died, and that interaction still haunts me.
Anyone on here look into any of the stats he was mentioning making everything sound like DT is the best thing since TR? Yes, I believe he does care a lot about hunting. I also liked that he touched on public land hunting and a more down to earth perspective. It did sound a bit like a speech but I'll be honest i haven't heard him talk much besides on some Kuiu hunt videos. I would say if permanent protection of Bristol Bay could be added to the GAOA passing it would be some huge wins by one administration and would be hard to go against it.
Anyone on here look into any of the stats he was mentioning making everything sound like DT is the best thing since TR? Yes, I believe he does care a lot about hunting. I also liked that he touched on public land hunting and a more down to earth perspective. It did sound a bit like a speech but I'll be honest i haven't heard him talk much besides on some Kuiu hunt videos. I would say if permanent protection of Bristol Bay could be added to the GAOA passing it would be some huge wins by one administration and would be hard to go against it.
The trump administration blocking pebble mine could sure swing some votes for sure.
There's such an animus against Trump precisely because he opposes the Deep State in all its manifestations that he will never get credit for anything from lots of folks. Nice to have more public land though, and really nice to have funding for maintenance of federal lands. What Don Jr. was talking about re public land access was so true, at least in Montana; land, including where we for years had our backcountry elk camp was blocked by a narrow swath of private land in later years. But, if a trade was made to gain access, all you would hear, was, "Trump sells public land". Couldn't even ride horseback in to our old elk camp to spread my buddy's ashes, which was his wish.
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Do you guys think the Passing of the GAOA will significantly help those that voted yes for this bill including trump signing it? Hunters generally lean right but we are often caught in the middle.

Will a Republican senator that voted no to this bill lose hunter votes this fall?

Will trump gain votes from hunters for him supporting and passing this bill?
Sadly, Dems are so anti-hunting and anti-gun that R senators who voted against it will likely get a pass.
It would be interesting to sit around a campfire with Jr in 5 years. He definitely made some points I agree with and I will give him the benefit of the doubt he was being sincere.

That said he’s way too close to the politics and clearly at a 10 on the defensive scale, though I can’t blame him for that, I can’t imagine the crap he deals with daily.

Felt bad for him when he alluded to his relationship with his father growing up, essentially having to rely on male role models outside of his family to take him under their wing. Made me appreciate my dad. The narrative I’ve heard was that his grandfather got him into hunting but per the podcast that seems false. Shooting sports yes hunting no.
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And while I do think he's picking and choosing how to color the picture, to create a rosie picture, I also think he cares.

Everybody does that to some degree, and not just politicians...

I might say he (DT Jr) actually cares more than the previous administration

There's absolutely no doubt he does...

Edit: he’s protecting the Bible from being hurt though.
??? I thought we were talking about more public lands? I like more public land. I thought every hunter did. I guess not though if your private preserve is now public due to a land swap. Sorry if I offended. I'm new here.
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There's absolutely no doubt he does...
I don't think that's nearly such an absolute. I highly doubt we know much about how the last administration felt about wild places. People that care do more than come on friendly podcast and preach to the choir. They also promote responsible individuals into leadership roles to care for the things they care about. We have seen exactly ZERO good responsible leaders promoted into the land/water/conservation space, more than half have had to resign already.

But as alluded to previously, it's certainly still a possibility.
??? I thought we were talking about more public lands? I like more public land. I thought every hunter did. I guess not though if your private preserve is now public due to a land swap. Sorry if I offended. I'm new here.
We all like public land, but land swaps works both ways- they can add or take away public land. You have to keep in mind that the Admin and Senate is packing courts with very conservative judges that will favor private land rights for years to come. In the west, a lot of roads might not be roads. I suspect this will result in more locked roads and lawsuits. Your original comment on not being able to ride to your old elk camp is probably an example of the ability to traverse over pvt to get to public changing over time. The new owner (or even old owner) saying "no more" because of the over use. Land swaps have a legitimate use, but you are going to see them become more complicated. The value placed land with a public road will be higher than land that is landlocked, steep elevation, etc. You have to have some faith in the people in the public agencies that they understand the various public uses and can place an appropriate "value" on the land. I'm sure you can always fall back on blaming the "Deep State" when you something doesn't go your way, but it is happening right in front of your eyes.
Your original comment on not being able to ride to your old elk camp is probably an example of the ability to traverse over pvt to get to public changing over time. The new owner (or even old owner) saying "no more" because of the over use. Land swaps have a legitimate use, but you are going to see them become more complicated. The value placed land with a public road will be higher than land that is landlocked, steep elevation, etc.
Classic example of assuming. This had nothing to do with overuse. Locking up land for rancher and his buddies, who might then decide, oh, hey, maybe we'll outfit a bit. Fine if you have $12K. Most Montana hunters don't. Longbow out on this thread.
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nah, MeatEater is too"left", no way he had Don jr on...:whistle:

Do you guys think the Passing of the GAOA will significantly help those that voted yes for this bill including trump signing it? Hunters generally lean right but we are often caught in the middle.

Will a Republican senator that voted no to this bill lose hunter votes this fall?

Will trump gain votes from hunters for him supporting and passing this bill?

the MN repubs here voted no to the bill, unfortunately, like donald jr. said, there isn't enough press showing how much they just opened up now with the new act and therefore no one will care around here to not vote for them

I just finished listening, he seemed likable at first but then he got into political mode when steve asked him some questions and it was like a switch, he got fired up and alot of his dad came out from him; all in all though he seemed to have some good points
I don't think that's nearly such an absolute. I highly doubt we know much about how the last administration felt about wild places. People that care do more than come on friendly podcast and preach to the choir. They also promote responsible individuals into leadership roles to care for the things they care about. We have seen exactly ZERO good responsible leaders promoted into the land/water/conservation space, more than half have had to resign already.

But as alluded to previously, it's certainly still a possibility.

Perhaps, but I'd be floored if a lifelong city-dweller from Chicago had more significant feelings toward wild places other than how they affect the next election when compared with a person who actually hunts and enjoys the outdoors...
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