Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

DS' Dink........




A double-lunger Delw :D maximum vitals damage with minimum meat do you want any minimal damaged goat meat, I hate that sage tasting stuff! :eek:

Thanks Dan.......he won't ever see a tape, but it was fun.

Greenhorn is gonna teach me how to better field judge!
Nice goat DS. I can actually help out with your problem with the guide if you want. We can talk about it later. That sounds like a stunt another guide I know of might try. Think you can guess who?
Nice goat, DS!

Hey, make sausage out of it! That's what I always do with mine. GOOD!!!

He's all yours Oak! :D got him all cut up and froze..............need to make room for a few more......'cause Indy Jay is coming to town with guns a blazin"! :eek:

Thanks Tim.......and yeah, I know of scum that is that low, but it still aint good.
I figure it all comes out in the wash......what ya think? ;)
April liked antelope better than deer ds... At least the 2 I got here in az anyway

thanks anyway

Well I just imagine I would pay the shipping to get this one to her! ;) .....cause it ain't beef, that is fo sho! :eek:
:cool: DS
Nice range maggot! Not really a "dink." They get a lot smaller than that.

Call me crazy, but I think lope meat is some of the best there is. I've never had a bad one. I've heard of some nasty ones... but none I've eaten. I've had far worse deer and elk... and speaking of shoe-leather.. I have a few moose steaks left for any takers.
Greenhorn, are too kind ;) Greenhornian Standards, that is a dink, no matter how far back I get in the pic :eek:

My bow buck was a tad smaller than that one, and neither have seen a tape, but me being a carpenter(like Jesus)
.........I know how many inches it takes to make a foot, .....that being said, I shoulda held out. But I am feeling pressed to get on to the deer and elk in I did what I had to! :D

As far as the taste of Lope, actually, I have never had the first taste........I can't get past that raunchy sage smell! :eek:
:cool: DS
You gotta try the 'lope, DS... it's some of my favorite game meat. Even my wife likes it and she cooks her beef tenderloins well done... :mad:

You dropped a nice 'lope by anyone's standards... don't let yhourself feel different. Think of how many hunters back east have never evenseen a pronghorn antelope!

Seven days My Brotha!
Well put in for the tag next year, and I will put you up and guide.......NO, I DIDN"T SAY THAT!.........I'll escort you to a nice buck lope and a couple of does for good measure!:D

It's a blast, and I mean what I say if you decide that you want to. I am good on my word, and there is at least......oh, 5 or 6 fellas on here that can personally vouch for that.

Indy.......glad you like it so well,.........cause you'll be taking about 3 or 4 hundred pounds of it back with you! :eek:
Nice antelope, DS. But you should try the meat. Every pronghorn I've eaten has been great. Next to elk, it's my favorite game meat. I've always made sure to get them skinned out and cooled very fast, though. I've heard that their hair is hollow and very insulating, so the meat can go sour pretty fast.'ve been sitting on your invitation fot a year now, I guess you know you can go with me anytime! ;)

Thanks elky and Cali.........and I will taste the choice, since I have a freezer full of it! :eek:
I think I'll take you up on it next year.

After all, we'll practically be neighbors! :eek:

Now come on DS....
It is all in how you cook it trust me friend.....And beside, unless you take your son to that big boy out there this year, next year he is alllllll mine!!!!!!!
Caribou Gear

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