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Don't Tread on me!


New member
Jan 30, 2002
This was sent by a Police Officer in Southern California!
This fine upstanding member, of the infamous 18th Street LA gang, decided one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point. The gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion, and stuck a gun in the drivers face. The only problem was that the truck driver opened up the door and knocked the attempted thief, off. He lost his balance and fell under the wheels of the truck. At which time the driver slammed on his brakes, the truck coming to rest on top of him, and the driver decided that this was the perfect time to whip out his Fuji Disposable camera....Say cheese homie!



Looks like it wasn't a "Goodyear" for him :)
Looks like it wasn't a "Goodyear" for him

I like the last shot with the soda can in it...a guy should always collect the trash around his work space...homie included!

....and don't forget to chaulk your tires ;)
Holy crap talk about bad luck :eek: not that he didnt deserve it ,D@MM thieves.
Damn it was much funnier before we knew the truth. Is it true the guys name under the truck is Jack?...
well he got what he deserved but damn i say it is a dead man so sad in a way only becouse he so young but who cares he deserve dit good thing it aint to gory moveis fine in real life ewey
I'm guessing the bench press wasn't his favorite exercize.
Deerking..."Jack" that's funny.
i call tractor axle is 24000 pounds and my trailer axle is 19000 pounds and thats empty.if the truck was moving he would be completely crushed if not torn in half.
I've seen coyotes, deer, etc. that have been run over by semis, Tim, and they are not cut in half. His chest looks pretty smashed to me, as does his left arm. Take a steak - smash it flat with a rolling pin and all your weight - it tends to spring back, and that is without the "spring action" of cartilage and rib bones. If the tires were spinning at a high rate of speed, then they might have torn the body up more. From the facts, it doesn't sound like the truck was moving very fast.

It looks plenty real to me. Bodies are tougher than you might think.
That's odd. Check out the tattoo on his neck. If I'm not mistaken, I see the number 18 on there. It must have been fate that he was killed by a vehicle that just so happens to have '18' wheels on it. LMAO :D :eek: :D
He was not trying to steel the rig

Flaro demanded money from the driver and attempted to pull open the door on the driver's side, but he had no weapon, he was not attempting to steal the vehicle, and the driver did not open the door. Flaro then jumped or fell from the truck and tried to stop it from moving by placing his shoulder against its rear tires; the rig backed over him, crushing him to death beneath its wheels.

It is funny cause it was the guys stupidity that got him killed!!!!
I see what appears may be a dollar bill crumpled on top of the can? If thats the case at least we know he didn't die flat broke.... just flat :)
LOL know I got one of those can crushing thingamajigs out in the garage...never occurred to me to use a big rig and a gang banger to accomplish the same job :eek:
I've never checked the warning label on my can crusher, I had no clue that could happen! I think you have the economy version, that guy was using the industrial model.
that dude just had a really bad day it seems. My guess is that the tattoo has something to do with the rest of his tats. Probably something gang related. But on the brighter side, thats one less banger on the streets.