Donkey for packing?


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2021
Northern NM
My wife has determined that I have only so many more years to pack out game. She really likes the idea of a burro or donkey for that purpose. Does anyone have experience with using them to pack, and to keeping them as animals on the farm?

They are a herd animal so would be smart to have at least two of them. Their braying can get old real quick. I’d look at getting two llamas over donkeys.
I have two of them, they are great animals. I have worked with a lot of equines, they are pretty user friendly. They have personality and are smart. They will follow me like puppy dogs.
You definitely don't want to get one, you need at least two.


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I have two of them, they are great animals. I have worked with a lot of equines, they are pretty user friendly. They have personality and are smart. They will follow me like puppy dogs.
You definitely don't want to get one, you need at least two.
Cool pic
I have no experience either but my kid used to be my pack horse and he’s engaged now. He will still hunt with me but there will be times I go without him and I need something. Lately we’ve been deboning in the field more, so just a llama might suit my needs. I think with llamas you can use just one and the lama won’t wander. This is an interesting thread.
Look into BLM burro and donkey adoption, they were paying people to adopt them.
Next question - if we get them very young, how hard is it to teach them to pack? I look at the prices of saddle-broke mules and donkeys and it takes my breath away.

Since we have dogs, I prefer to bring young animals in, so they grow up knowing that the dogs (at least ours) are ok. Same approach I will have to take with chickens - those are ours, go chase the neighbors....

My quick search showed I can adopt Burros for $125 a piece after approval. Wife’s not keen on the idea.
My wife is open to the idea, if we can get them young. She's the brains of this operation - has determined that we extend our hunting if we can have help packing (I guess that is commentary on how poorly the testosterone supplement is working, LOL!). We hope to be in ID in a couple of years, planning to buy property enough for such critters.

I have friends that have had mules, sound like great animals. But I have no need for that size of critter, and have no plans to ride. My butt and a saddle are not friends (well, the animal under the saddle...).

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