Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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Actually no it didn't, since im not an illegal that gets healthcare under a fake name and walks out of the E.R. never to pay again. I am a healthy relatively young person, that contributes to society (ie has a job and pays taxes, unlike the majority that voted for Obummer), who should not be forced to subsidize obese, unfit, slobs. But hey, for the greater good right? Why should I be forced to pay for some slob that 100lbs over weight and lives off of Cheetos and pepsi????? It just wouldn't be fair, would it?
Kinda like I have to buy car insurance even though I've never been in an accident? Or pay taxes for roads I don't drive on? How is the health insurance mandate for Obamacare any different?
Actually no it didn't, since im not an illegal that gets healthcare under a fake name and walks out of the E.R. never to pay again. I am a healthy relatively young person, that contributes to society (ie has a job and pays taxes, unlike the majority that voted for Obummer), who should not be forced to subsidize obese, unfit, slobs. But hey, for the greater good right? Why should I be forced to pay for some slob that 100lbs over weight and lives off of Cheetos and pepsi????? It just wouldn't be fair, would it?

And thanks for not challenging the fact that Obama's admin has completely hamstrung ICE and BP. Hell ICE wont even show up to a jail for a ice hold anymore thanks to the Obama admin's agenda to completely sweep illegal immigration under the rug and look the other way.

If they are going to do that, why wouldn't they make an effort to improve Mexico as a whole to slow illegal immigration? Why wouldn't they cut foreign aid to countries across oceans and send that money to Mexico, who we obviously have a vested interest in?

Who knows why, I guess the bleeding heart liberals don't get misty over Mexico and their issues. Just some guy named Kony in a far away land called Africa.

I hope anyone but Curz, Rubio, Hitlery, or Uncle Bernie gets elected. But Im sure i'll be disappointed, and more of my paycheck will be stolen from me one way or another in the next 4 years....for the greater good!

Sometimes it's better to not say much of anything and let people think you're somewhat smart, slick.
Its interesting the different ways people try to rationalize that it is progressive to fine poor people for not purchasing a service they can't afford, and don't want or need.
Then they'll turn right around and tell you that their party- the ones who voted along straight party lines for the ACA- are enemies of Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.
When you force every American to purchase a certain industry's service, by passing a law written by that industry's lobbyists, you aren't their enemy.

As for Mr. Lamb's single payer idea...
How's the VA turning out?
Its interesting the different ways people try to rationalize that it is progressive to fine poor people for not purchasing a service they can't afford, and don't want or need.
Then they'll turn right around and tell you that their party- the ones who voted along straight party lines for the ACA- are enemies of Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.
When you force every American to purchase a certain industry's service, by passing a law written by that industry's lobbyists, you aren't their enemy.

As for Mr. Lamb's single payer idea...
How's the VA turning out?

It'd be much better if the GOP would appropriate the proper funding for it instead of trying to prove how broken the gov't is by continually breaking it.

And I've never said the dems were the enemy of pharma or insurance lobbies. Quite the contrary.
But back to topic...

I think the ideal political situation for 2016 is as follows,

Hillary is indicted, tried for treason, executed. (that part is unfortunately a joke)

Bernie beats Hillary, is nominated and elected. The senate stays Red.
Bernie is moderate on guns and won't allow our lands to be transferred by the right-wingers.
He isn't chomping at the bit to get another 3 of my friends blown up in the midst of a civil war between sub human barbarians on the other side of the world.
I agree with his policies on the drug war, the 4th Amendment, etc..
A republican Senate will never pass any of his socialist agenda, but may be forced to cut corporate welfare and ridiculous military expenditures to get a budget passed. win-win

A repub Pres and Dem senate would be 2nd closest to ideal, but much more divisive and vitriol, especially if that president was Trump or Cruz.
Okay, maybe not Trump...still not convinced he's not a D
It'd be much better if the GOP would appropriate the proper funding for it instead of trying to prove how broken the gov't is by continually breaking it.

And I've never said the dems were the enemy of pharma or insurance lobbies. Quite the contrary.

No, you possibly never have said that. But that's who Hillary named as her 'enemies' in the first Dem debate, if you recall. The left parades the mantra of being the enemy of corporate America, constantly. I'm glad you see through that.

Do you really think funding is the issue at the VA?
Money cannot and will not change the culture of unaccountability that comes with the way government functions. It is an inherit trait of bureaucracy.
Both sides of the isle have been using the 'throw more money at it' approach to their pet projects for a century. We are now &19T in debt and all the problems are either the same or worse.
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No, you possibly never have said that. But that's who Hillary named as her 'enemies' in the first Dem debate, if you recal.

Do you really think funding is the issue at the VA?
Money cannot and will not change the culture of unaccountability that comes with the way government functions. It is an inherit trait of bureaucracy.
Both sides of the isle have been using the 'throw more money at it' approach to their pet projects for a century. We are now &19T in debt and all the problems are either the same or worse.

Funding is a big part of it, just as intransigence from politicians to change the status quo is. VA reform has been an issue for a long, long time and yet here we are today - because we've turned healthcare into an industry, instead of a basic human right.

Unlike the rest of the civilized world.
If turning it into a basic human right degrades the level of care and the advancement of technology, then perhaps it remain a commodity.
Much of the civilized world also pays 50% income tax, and has nationalized oil companies (Norway for example) that subsidize entitlements.

The Canadians are far too nice, to leave without a place to escape to, to receive basic (or electable as their government might say) medical care in a timely fashion... :D
If turning it into a basic human right degrades the level of care and the advancement of technology, then perhaps it remain a commodity.
Much of the civilized world also pays 50% income tax, and has nationalized oil companies (Norway for example) that subsidize entitlements.

The Canadians are far too nice, to leave without a place to escape to, to receive basic (or electable as their government might say) medical care in a timely fashion... :D

Cuba has had nationalized healthcare since the 50's and they've led the world in research for specific issues. The myth that Canadians are rushing to the US for healthcare is just that. Whereas we've had a lot of Americans run to Canada to get their prescriptions filled for a fraction of what we pay here.

I don't think we'd need to raise taxes. Maybe just quit spending trillions we don't have on crap we don't need, like the F-35.

But yeah, let's keep defending a system that produces gems like this:
Option #1
Common sense gun control and a President who will protect my public lands so I have a place to hunt and fish.

Option #2
No gun control whatsoever and a President who will sell every last acre of my public land so I have no place to hunt and fish.

For me the choice is a no brainer, I'll take option #1 all day long.

Just for the record I do support common sense gun control, so I don't have any issue with Hillary as my next President.

The reason the NRA hasn't taken a pro-public land stance is because they don't have one. If you're hoping they come to their senses and come out in support of protecting public lands, you're going to be waiting a long time, like forever, get used to it.
[QUOTE I don't have any issue with Hillary as my next President.[/QUOTE]

I just threw up a little. mtmuley
What is common sense gun control? Hillary supports litigation laws that would put fire arm manufacturers out of business. Even Bernie Sanders has called her out on that. And commonly references Australia's gun control, which was registration and confiscation. I'm not sure what other policies of hers you support, but I'm sure once she comes out with them you'll likely support those too. Interesting thing about Hillary, is whatever position she claims to support, I can find you a video on the Internet in about 20 seconds of her stating the opposite.
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Interesting thing about Hillary, is whatever position she claims to support, I can find you a video on the Internet in about 20 seconds of her stating the opposite.
Same with Trump. I'll take Bernie all day over any other clown. At least he's consistent.
What is common sense gun control? Hillary supports litigation laws that would put fire arm manufacturers out of business. Even Bernie Sanders has called her out on that. And commonly references Australia's gun control, which was registration and confiscation. I'm not sure what other policies of hers you support, but I'm sure once she comes out with them you'll likely support those too. Interesting thing about Hillary, is whatever position she claims to support, I can find you a video on the Internet in about 20 seconds of her stating the opposite.

Same for Trump or haven't you been paying attention? I'll support those candidates who support my public lands and other issues that matter to me. I'm a proud center left guy anyhow so Republicans have never appealed to me. I'll give up hunting and fishing, sell all my guns, archery equipment, fishing gear, hunting clothes, and optics, and take up golf before I'll support any of the Republicans in this current lot of misfits. Too bad there's no room in the Republican Party anymore for a Teddy Roosevelt type figure.

I can respect your values, and if that makes you lean one way or the other, great. Let's be clear though, I have the same security clearance Hillary does, and if I had done what she has, I would be sitting in Leavenworth. What I cannot understand is your thinking that her policies somehow make up for her glaring lack of judgment.

I am mystified that she is even in the race considering her performance leading the State Department. The President heads the Executive Branch, not the legislative, so her responsibility would revolve much more around being a reasoned, logical thinker, who can see both sides of a situation and then make the hard decision regardless the politics involved. Put the politics aside, she has no integrity.

IMO, presidential candidates should not be allowed to affiliate with a party, they should be unbiased leaders without agendas. The parties can exist in the legislative branch.
IMO, presidential candidates should not be allowed to affiliate with a party, they should be unbiased leaders without agendas. The parties can exist in the legislative branch.

In my daughter's opinion, she would like a unicorn for her birthday. Both your dream and hers have about an equal opportunity of happening in the real world.

What you are suggesting is a logical fallacy as that would mean they'd have to be politically unafilliated from birth, but yet still somehow make a career in politics. A political eunich

You missed my last point entirely. Of course if the boys I knew in Kosovo are still there and have made it to adulthood they should absolutely rebuild their country to what it could be. I was pointing out the utter stupidity in suggesting that an entire people be banned from our country based on their religion, as Trump is suggesting. It goes against the very principles that our country was founded on and the ideals that we swore to protect,
Same for Trump or haven't you been paying attention? I'll support those candidates who support my public lands and other issues that matter to me. I'm a proud center left guy anyhow so Republicans have never appealed to me. I'll give up hunting and fishing, sell all my guns, archery equipment, fishing gear, hunting clothes, and optics, and take up golf before I'll support any of the Republicans in this current lot of misfits. Too bad there's no room in the Republican Party anymore for a Teddy Roosevelt type figure.

Yes I've been paying attention. Trump has been an anti gun, partial birth abortion supporting, single payer advocate, Clinton pal and Obama cheerleader for most his life. Sounds like your type of guy? No? That's right, he's doesn't quite possess the same war mongering, military and prison industrial complex credentials that you seek in H.
I posted a video of all of his leftist statements on the 'trump phenomena' thread

As far as I'm concerned, trump vs Clinton is like choosing between having your leg quickly severed with a sharp object, or your arm slowly severed with a dull object.
Two heads-one coin.

It's too bad there's no room in the Democratic Party for a JFK type character. Jim Webb would have been the most qualified, accomplished and moderate president in a long time. Never polled over 1.5%.
When a
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