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Does anyone use Nikon Monarch binoculars


Nov 30, 2004
Great Falls, MT
I have been looking for a good set of new binoculars and have decided on the Nikon Monarchs (10x-42x). Before I make the purchase, I need to know if anyone out there knows how they perform in low light (early morning and late evening) conditions. Any info good or bad would be much appreciated.
GF...I use 10x50 Olympic Wind Rivers but have heard good things about the Nikon Monarchs. I've been thinking about the 10x42 WR Pinnacles..they're about the same size as the Monarchs. Very clear and lighter than my 10/50's. You might consider calling the techs at Bear Basin and getting their input on the Nikons. They've been a big help to me on Binos and Scopes. Good luck.
Dean I had a pair of the Monarchs and they were pretty good. I also had a pair of Wind Rivers at the same time. I would give the edge to the WR, but both are good glasses.
The Nikon ATB Monarchs are a very good binocular for under $300, don't expect them to compare with $1000+ European optics, but for around $280, they are probably the best thing around. The Wind River Pinnacles run about $70-$90 more, and are also very good in that price range.
Both of these binoculars are "bargins" for the hunter, to get anything noticably better, you will need to spend well over $500.
I use the monarchs 10 x 42 and some of my doctor friends us the swarski. While sitting around with them when things are getting dark I took a look. I could not tell any difference in the field with the sun setting.
I just saw some optic shootout in one of the bigger hunting mags. They listed the Nikon Monarch as the best buy under $350
I've been using the 10x42 monarchs for work for about two years now. They have served me well and I rarely find myself wanting much higher performance than they give. They are darn good for the price.
My brother and best friend both have those binos. I would say that they are some of the best binoculars short of the European ones you'll find. I would buy them in a heartbeat in the $300 range over any other brand. Now if I get lucky enough to do any more shows with Fin I'll have to try out Leupolds and let you know how they are:D
I have and love a pair of 10x42 atbs, great glass for the money. Saying you can't tell the difference between them and Swarovskis in low light is just silly though.
I own two of the Nikon Monarch 10X42 ATB's and have had one of them for ten years at least. I have put them through the torture test and they have worked extremely well for me in all conditions.

Why own two? I thought I had lost a pair and finally broke down and bought a new pair. After two years I was in one of my daughters closet and found the other pair in a shoe box. I have no idea how that happened. Anyway, it has been handy have two pair.

Good luck.
You can get the 10x42 monarchs on amazon right now for 249 plus the 50 dollar rebate will put ya at 199, can't beat that......... Personally the glass is alright, but I don't like the eye cups there pretty chinsy imo.....
I use the Pinnacle 8x42 and love them. I used to have 10x42 swarovski and the Pinnacles are not even close. When we were in Kodiak last month, the folks we stayed with had 12x42 Monarch's. I was pretty impressed since I don't care for Nikon products. I personally would rate them the same as Leupold 10x42 Cascades. My wife has the cascades and they're very nice.

I'm told the new Leupold Northfork are very nice too. Might want to check those out...
I just ordered the Zen Rays. They will be showing up to my door today or tomorrow. I hope they are at least half as good as what guys are saying they are.
i used a pair of monarchs 10x42 for 4-5 yrs. very good glass for the price $299.00 in orgon. sent them to my son in alaska, 2 yrs ago, and no problems he loves them. bought a pair of swaro's 10x42 slc's, had the nikons long enough before i sent them off to ak. to compare, swarow's were better, but those nikons were not shabby for the price, you won't be dissapointed.
I tried to buy Nikon Monarch X at Cabela's before a spring trip to Alaska, but they didn't have them yet. Since that time I have acquired a pair of Bushnell Legend 10 x 42 with ED glass and they are my go to binocular. They are super bright and light to carry.
I am a firm believer of always buying the best glass you can afford. Unfortunately I didn't practice this theory until I had already gone thru two other pairs of binoculars prior to buying my Swarovski's. I do have a nice pair of Steiner 10 x 32's that I would part with cheap :)
My suggestion would be to go to your sporting goods store and take all the bino's you are considering out and look through them at last light. You make the comparision with your our eyes and any store that is wanting to sell you something should allow you to take a few pairs out to look through.
I have a set of the 10x42 Monarch ATB's and have been very happy with them for the price I paid. My Dad has a set of the Swaro SLC's in 10x42 and in the daylight you really have to be paying very close attention to notice much difference. The difference comes in the last 10 minutes of shooting light, and then the Swaro's are just shamefully better than the Nikons. But for the money and for 99% of your hunting time, the Nikons are a very good binocular.

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