Caribou Gear Tarp

Doe Antelope Run Off Cliff By Off-Leash Dog

There's more antelope where that one came from. Nothing to get all tangled up over.
Stray cats are best put down. They are rarely adopted once adult size when they are in an animal shelter. Please spay and neuter you pets. Songs birds can’t handle more house cats.
Dogs will give chase if something runs from it. That is a natural response. Some areas are not leash areas. When we lived on the farm none of our dogs were ever on a leash except when we went to town with them. I suspect the article is not reporting the event in full context myself. Our dogs chased rabbits and ground squirrels all the time. Without complete details, more than what this article provides I don't think you can blame the owner at all or the dog for that. Deer will panic if they feel threatened and do things that hurt themselves. I saw a doe on the farm jump into a farmers irrigation canal that was more like a small river and drown when one of our dogs jumped out of the truck with us boys. They didn't chase the deer but the deer panicked after seeing our dogs. They were more interested in playing in the muddy corn fields.
This fat ass killed a western meadowlark that comes back every year to nest and he almost got removed from his cat duties, but I love him to much. 20191210_220821.jpg
Meanwhile the dog owners were oblivious 200 yards back, enjoying their stroll. I have never had a stronger urge to shoot a dog in my life, but thanks to my desire to stay out of jail in hunting season, I resisted.

I hear ya there. So so bad wanted to shoot the neighbor dog when I was hunting deer in the plains deer season near Genoa, Colorado. I had been watching a nice buck when the neighbors dog saw me and come running into the CRP land I was on and spooked the buck off. I have wanted to shoot that dog more than once but the neighbor was also nice enough to let me hunt on his land too so I was forced to be nice and not shoot his dog.
When I was in high school we were coming home and saw a mule deer doe hanging by her flanks over a barb wire fence. She was struggling to free herself as 2 dogs lunged in from behind and were tearing chunks out of her hind quarters. One was a Doberman and the other a small white purse dog. We stopped and chased the dogs off and shot the deer. It was sickening. The dog owners house was 300 yards away.

Last fall there was a deer killed right outside a restaurant right in town. A couple of sweet dogs running loose who would never do any harm.

I am not sure why dogs get a pass.
In the city, there is generally a leash law. The dog owners should of got a ticket
I work across the river from a popular dog park in a riparian/cottonwood area. Three times now I've watched dogs kill whitetail while their owner tries to call them off.

It'd be interesting to know how much wildlife gets killed by dogs each year.

Randy11, he's still a good boy. A good Doggo........................

But I'm guessing a lot and maybe feral cats shouldn't get all the bad rap.

I remember the local missing dog that had posters up every where, the reports indicated it was scared and ran "away" from the herd of elk in the area. LOL. I'm not a dog lover or hater. Just a dog Ok'er. But I swear you're better off insulting someones kid rather than their retarded, miss behaving, chithead dog. Fact.

Oh yeah, there was also that time I was deer hunting and watched some subdivision dog chasing deer and, and, and. and.........................
I work across the river from a popular dog park in a riparian/cottonwood area. Three times now I've watched dogs kill whitetail while their owner tries to call them off.

It'd be interesting to know how much wildlife gets killed by dogs each year.

785 mule deer
1126 white trails
9 elk
1 moose
34 antelope.

There ya go. Fact check it if you want
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