NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Do we have enough hunting influencers yet?

At one time I would have argued otherwise, but now I wonder if the banning hunting related content on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. wouldn't be best for the future of hunting.
No kidding. Pretty crazy statement!
I’m going to make it a personal goal of mine to give more of my money to organizations that’ll increase habitat and opportunities… rather than content creators that are doing neither if those things.
I feel a push/pull between my inner Matt Rinella and my appreciation for the messages the purveyor of this corner of the internet, and the few like him, convey.

What I don't understand, is who is following all the influencers out there? Who of those who care about what we do, gives a chit about the lives and stories of internet things? I have one social media, and follow Randy and Rinella, and maybe another I can't think of and that I think that is it. It's true that there are 15 million hunters in this country, but of the 100 hunters I know, maybe 4 give a chit about social media and would ever occupy themselves enough to care about media personalities in the hunting space. Most hunters I know, are not Open to Being Influenced.

Which brings me to my conclusion. The vast majority of influencers, aren't influencing anyone but themselves. It's self-as-fetish and little else.
I feel a push/pull between my inner Matt Rinella and my appreciation for the messages the purveyor of this corner of the internet, and the few like him, convey.

What I don't understand, is who is following all the influencers out there? Who of those who care about what we do, gives a chit about the lives and stories of internet things? I have one social media, and follow Randy and Rinella, and maybe another I can't think of and that I think that is it. It's true that there are 15 million hunters in this country, but of the 100 hunters I know, maybe 4 give a chit about social media and would ever occupy themselves enough to care about media personalities in the hunting space. Most hunters I know, are not Open to Being Influenced.

Which brings me to my conclusion. The vast majority of influencers, aren't influencing anyone but themselves. It's self-as-fetish and little else.
I totally relate to your sentiment. Sure, maybe you and I and our buddies aren’t open to being influenced, but the future is being created as we speak. I also only follow a few content creators like Newberg and people I believe utilize their resources to make the landscape better.
I only brought this up because I decided to mentor a few new hunters last year. They’ve been asking me some questions that made me wonder where in the world they get their info. Once I saw some of their sources, I went down the YouTube rabbit hole… and it is sad lol
At one time I would have argued otherwise, but now I wonder if the banning hunting related content on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. wouldn't be best for the future of hunting.
I'm 100% on board with that. The best thing you can do is just don't engage or watch any of it. There is a youtube ban at my house. 99% of the crap on there is just that.
My pappy always said. ”Son, moderation is the key to life. There are very few things in life you can’t get too much of… fast horses, beautiful women, cheap whisky and hunting influencers are a few.” End quote

Feel free to pass that on to your kids just like my Pappy did. God rest his soul
I feel a push/pull between my inner Matt Rinella and my appreciation for the messages the purveyor of this corner of the internet, and the few like him, convey.

What I don't understand, is who is following all the influencers out there? Who of those who care about what we do, gives a chit about the lives and stories of internet things? I have one social media, and follow Randy and Rinella, and maybe another I can't think of and that I think that is it. It's true that there are 15 million hunters in this country, but of the 100 hunters I know, maybe 4 give a chit about social media and would ever occupy themselves enough to care about media personalities in the hunting space. Most hunters I know, are not Open to Being Influenced.

Which brings me to my conclusion. The vast majority of influencers, aren't influencing anyone but themselves. It's self-as-fetish and little else.
I'm also told by my teenage children that influencers purchase followers to boost their status in the algorithm. So by the time they all follow eachother, add in a few foreign bots, some followers they bought, and some modern day ladies of the night, you've got a pretty good batch of groupies right there.
There are a couple that i will watch some of their content. I think there is a very small percentage of folks actually making a decent living by doing it. Most of these "influencers" are chasing that 1% and trying to mimic what they do and be on that level. Just like anything else there is good and bad among everything.

I watched a very interesting video that interviewed video game streamers. Different but the same concept. They discussed how the industry has drastically changed over the last few years. But they said the same thing, they were lucky that they were and a part of that very small percent that makes a good living from it.

Times have definitely changed since i was a kid and i am only 31. Kids can go to college on scholarship for playing video games.
Influencers basically participate in an online circle jerk (pardon my french). Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Like my photo, I'll like yours. Toss a 👊🏽 in my comments, I'll toss a 👊🏽 in your comments. Pretty comical. Delusional individuals who believe the universe rotates around them.
There is a few people I watch on YouTube. I don’t know if they are considered influencers or not, they certainly are not the most main stream or well known people but they produce video content that I enjoy and I think they represent hunting well or I wouldn’t watch them. None of them are currently involved in a court case involving a poaching scandal so they’ve got that going for them.
IMO, There is a big difference between influencers like Randy is and some of his crew are becoming that seem to do the social media to help for a better cause and truly spread knowledge versus someone like Zach Griffith or elk shape that are doing it purely and 100% self gratification.

Or worse yet is the females who have seemingly taken up hunting and fishing only to self promote themselves because they’ve learned if they hold a bass or a redfish in a string bikini 10,000 fat old men in their basement will smash the like button.
IMO, There is a big difference between influencers like Randy is and some of his crew are becoming that seem to do the social media to help for a better cause and truly spread knowledge versus someone like Zach Griffith or elk shape that are doing it purely and 100% self gratification.

Or worse yet is the females who have seemingly taken up hunting and fishing only to self promote themselves because they’ve learned if they hold a bass or a redfish in a string bikini 10,000 fat old men in their basement will smash the like button.

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