Do Not Do This


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
My screw up is for your laugh of the evening.

Got home from work late and the Mrs had taken the grandkids to a play. Being the nice guy that I am, I cleaned up the kitchen and ran the dishwasher, turned on the TV to watch the series.
Went back to kitchen to grab a beverage. Soap and water flooding the kitchen. WTF? Drain plugged up? Grabbed the shop vac and went to town on it all the while trying to figure out the problem. Still couldn't figure it out so looked under the sink. Ahhh, put regular dish soap in the dishwasher, not the dishwasher soap. Argggh! Do not do this.
Thanks for posting that. I will have Mrs. Fin read it, in case she might be thinking there is a reason to again allow me in her kitchen, a place off limits to me for over twenty years now. Laughers like this are a good reminder why she is wise to keep me from her lair.
That is an OYOA right there. Someone walks in, and sees that mess - you are ON YOUR OWN cleaning that up brother.
Here's your sign.
...a common malady resulting from standing too near a kitchen appliance....aka Dinkshooter's syndrome.
My youngest boy was trying to help with the dishes one night many moons ago. He said he would help load the dishwasher. The next day it was about an hour of scraping and scrounging to get the paper plates out.
good stuff. . .I made that mistake once by adding bubble bath to our jet tub . . .it said only add a cap full. . .my thought " if a little is good". . .clug, clug, clug. . . .wife went in turned the jets on and boom instant 2ft tall wall of bubbles!!!! I laughed, she wasn't impressed!!

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