Caribou Gear Tarp


Teenagers have a wounded buck that wasn't able to move. They proceeded to kick it and grabbed an antler and kicked it repeatedly in the head.
Total lack of respect for the animal. Killing for the sake of killing. Do the authority’s not see a problem here? Watched “The Last of the Mohicans “ last night, it always gets to me when they thank the elk for his life. Respect for your query.
Total lack of respect for the animal. Killing for the sake of killing. Do the authority’s not see a problem here? Watched “The Last of the Mohicans “ last night, it always gets to me when they thank the elk for his life. Respect for your query.

In Europe we call this the last bite, whatever the animal was eating, before it was taken, it has some placed in the mouth and thanks given, In Germany after the drives thanks is given by the animals placed on sitka branches and the hunting party sounds the hunting horns. Respect for your quarry is most important, for me anyway.

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I put this story up on every FB group I'm a member of. I couldn't even watch the video, the written article was enough to make me want to vomit.
We've all been there, the moments after the shot, when the animal is down, but still kicking and thrashing. Religious or not you pray it dies quickly, and I'll admit, I feel remorse during this time. I cannot comprehend the mindset of what these 2 did, I just cant.
In Europe we call this the last bite, whatever the animal was eating, before it was taken, it has some placed in the mouth and thanks given, In Germany after the drives thanks is given by the animals placed on sitka branches and the hunting party sounds the hunting horns. Respect for your quarry is most important, for me anyway.

I love the tradition and respect so many European hunters show towards their quarry.
I think many of would be shocked at some responses I have read online from hunters regarding the recent bill that was signed by the president. Sometimes I feel like we been to complacent with dirtbags in the hunting ranks
President Trump just signed a bill making animal cruelty a felony. The parents of these kids are the ones who need the a$$ kicking.
On one of the FB Hunting groups posts I believe I saw a response by the mom of one of the boys, something to the effect of they are just teens and it wasn't THAT big of a deal. I also read one of the boys father is a LEO/Police Chief. No substantial facts about that though.
Last I read PA law enforcement is working with F&G to gather evidence and identities.

As for the punishment, well debatable as to what it should be. I'd include a community service of some sort where they go around to several thousand Hunter Safety courses and speak about what it means to respect the game.
On one of the FB Hunting groups posts I believe I saw a response by the mom of one of the boys, something to the effect of they are just teens and it wasn't THAT big of a deal. I also read one of the boys father is a LEO/Police Chief. No substantial facts about that though.
Last I read PA law enforcement is working with F&G to gather evidence and identities.

As for the punishment, well debatable as to what it should be. I'd include a community service of some sort where they go around to several thousand Hunter Safety courses and speak about what it means to respect the game.

There is always a “they’re good boys, it’s not a big deal, they just made a mistake” comment from a family member that either actually believes what they did isn’t a big deal, which would explain why the kids thought it was okay in the first place, or the parent really can’t accept they raised turd. There’s gonna be plenty of “well it’s not any worse than....” and whataboutisms as well.

I don’t think they understand what respect means and likely never will. They will blame society and say how dumb it is they’re in trouble for just kicking a deer.
If this doesn't ring a "Red Flag" warning, I don't know what does. Yes, I agree with those who say a lifetime hunting ban is in order. Furthermore, we should constantly correct the press whenever they are referred to as "hunters". They are not. Torturers, sadists, criminals, thugs, call them anything along those lines, just don't allow them to be referred to as hunters.
Additionally, while I'm not trying to make this political (at all!), I find it fitting that congress recently passed and the president recently signed a new law that stiffens penalties for animal torture. This qualifies by every measure and metric I can think of. I'm angry and sad.
I couldn't finish the whole video like many others here. It instantly made me very angry and sad. These are not hunters and they have zero concept of what respect is. They laughed as they kicked the deer. I really dont understand why they filmed and posted it....I mean were they trying to get a reaction from people? Did they really think it was okay? Just absolutely horrible.
I couldn't watch the video, but I heard their parents own Devil's BBQ, you can see both of them trying to model it up with the BBQ sign

....pretty funny reading all of the google reviews on the place now...
In Europe we call this the last bite, whatever the animal was eating, before it was taken, it has some placed in the mouth and thanks given, In Germany after the drives thanks is given by the animals placed on sitka branches and the hunting party sounds the hunting horns. Respect for your quarry is most important, for me anyway.

@Big Fin always thanks Mr. Buck or Mr. Bull and I respect that.

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