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Discuss Master Hunter programs here....

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20812
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Weird, after I posted all of these another posts appeared. I was sure I had made to the end but I guess not.
However unpopular this may sound. I am not and will not be a fan of a master hunter program. The idea may be for positive impacts, but I can see the negative rearing its ugly head very quickly. Adding another hoop to the to the legality's of hunting here in Montana wont help. Its just adding another bottle neck. My opinion "and this is coming from a guy who doesn't have 20 preference points" make it all a lottery to draw the coveted tags that we all hope to draw every year. Offer "out of the box" solutions to gain BMA Access to private lands. Maybe the people who are mananging the BMA access programs can put out a feeler for volunteers to come help out on some ranches for free so we can start gaining some additional BMA's. Sometimes money is not going to be what gets us the access we are logging for, sometimes you got to be willing to get your hands dirty. We lost the big BMA on unit 393, what is being done to gain that back? I haven't heard of anything. Instead of creating more obstacles, I think we should look more into just being more of a human and helping out our local landowners. RMEF is doing it right and there is no reason why we cannot have additional programs that do the same thing.
However unpopular this may sound. I am not and will not be a fan of a master hunter program. The idea may be for positive impacts, but I can see the negative rearing its ugly head very quickly. Adding another hoop to the to the legality's of hunting here in Montana wont help. Its just adding another bottle neck. My opinion "and this is coming from a guy who doesn't have 20 preference points" make it all a lottery to draw the coveted tags that we all hope to draw every year. Offer "out of the box" solutions to gain BMA Access to private lands. Maybe the people who are mananging the BMA access programs can put out a feeler for volunteers to come help out on some ranches for free so we can start gaining some additional BMA's. Sometimes money is not going to be what gets us the access we are logging for, sometimes you got to be willing to get your hands dirty. We lost the big BMA on unit 393, what is being done to gain that back? I haven't heard of anything. Instead of creating more obstacles, I think we should look more into just being more of a human and helping out our local landowners. RMEF is doing it right and there is no reason why we cannot have additional programs that do the same thing.
RMEF is one of the backers of the master hunter program.
RMEF is one of the backers of the master hunter program.
Thats perfectly fine. Doesnt mean I have to agree with everything they do. My opinion is just what I think. Just making an example of a charity that does make a positive impact on the landscape. Good call out tho, I didnt know that.
I wouldn't use WA an example of doing anything well (actually I think we manage MT goats pretty well), especially with regard to our "Master" hunter program.
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is proud to support the Montana Hunter Advancement Program. To support Montana sportsmen and women – and address ongoing challenges to hunter access – we need to seek innovative solutions. By building partnerships with private landowners and elevating the importance of responsible, ethical practices afield, we can work to ensure the future of our great Montana outdoor traditions.” John Sullivan, Chairman of the Montana chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
The MT BHA Chapter supported the program in the opening year. After that initial year, there was a discussion that looked very similar to this thread and after receiving feedback from participants, the chapter decided to not sign on for support in year 2.
Will this get me on to the N-Bar Ranch? If so sign me up and the rest of you suckers can watch from the shot out public....:)
I noticed in the post from above (copied below), in the last paragraph, that the certificated received is good for 3 years. Does this mean you have to complete the program again, every 3 years and fork over another $345?

Didn't read this all but it reminds me of similar classifications required to do certain urban hunts in MN. The "master hunter" or "expert marksman" (forget what it's called) is comical. The only folks I've met that do it are shitty hunters, shitty archers, and shitty riflemen but it's so easy to qualify it doesn't matter.
I've read this thread. Some folks feel that there is a problem that needs a fix n suggest that at least they are trying to do something. For me , especially when government is concerned doing nothing is doing something. As public lands they belong to all equally, even folks in like me. There is no infrastructure set up for programs like this in AK. Especially for folks in villages. How can these programs be fair to folks who have no ability to try to do this but couldn't if they wanted to ?
I've spent 40 years in bush ak. And do not need a title and do not not think that we need the government to get involved with more programs. I realize for some they feel that the world will be a better place more elk more land n such, but only for the folks who follow the government mandated rules. They are master hunters so I guess they deserve more privileges. When lots of folks are busy trying to feed their families and just don't have time to get involved in the public arena.
I also respect the work organizations like rmef do. But the decisions that the board makes are their decisions. I don't feel right when they say they are the voice of everyone.
Doing nothing is doing something. I do not feel master hunter programs that provide extra privileges to resources that belong to all equally all is right. Those resources, our wildlife, because they went to a special program.
As far as not enough elk or any other game. There are many variables that influence their numbers. Like wolves. There are plenty of levers already there that can be pulled for management purposes. And add another one only makes it worse.
Maybe it's just me. I'm not a fan of the well we gotta do something croud. Because someone else is going to loose. Lots of times it's hunters fishers trappers who tend to be individuals anyhows and folks who are busy taking care of their families. And well organized well funded special interest groups will continue on with their agenda. Just my opinions,,I hope you can get out n enjoy your time out
I don't know about master hunter, but when I go fishing they call me the master baiter.
Try Plenty Of Fish... ;)


“Though most hunters in Montana are good stewards and responsible hunters, concern over ethics is something we hear every year from both landowners and hunters alike. The Montana Master Hunter Program is an innovative solution to improve hunter ethics, while also creatively looking at new access opportunities.”

Will this get me on to the N-Bar Ranch? If so sign me up and the rest of you suckers can watch from the shot out public....:)
You need to kiss their boots dance for the royalty for a chance to shoot a cow while the ranch manager holds your hand and tells you where to shoot one of the King’s Cows.

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