Did ya hear TX is freezing over?

And that is why I live in Southeast Alaska; to avoid all that crap!:) Heck, we don't even have snow days.
Frozen windmills ? Snow and ice covered solar panels ? Man, I really enjoy seeing those coal trains when I travel west !!! It tells me Americans are employed with good paying jobs providing a valuable resource for the rest of us. Some green is OK, but we still need tried and true power sources. Hope you folks down south get some warm weather soon !!
Sending more winter wonderland your way Tejas.
Could get another foot by tomorrow, here. Balmy 23 & snowing now. Below zero windchills again.
All the NM tv news stations just went black. So Sandia Peak has lost power now...
I'm curious to see what the south is going to do when this becomes a common occurrence.
We lost power about 3 Sunday afternoon. Along with losing power, we lost water also. The fireplace looks nice, but really doesn't supply much heat. 10 degrees and about 4" of snow. Wind chill quite a bit lower. Dipping water out of the pool for the commodes and brought the Big Buddy heater in for heat and survived. Power finally came on about 11:30 last night. Still no water, and the pool pumps are also running dry, this may become an expensive weekend.
As a Minnesotan, I can't pass up this opportunity to feel superior, since we aren't superior at pretty much anything else.
They cut our power at 7:05 this morning. Really kind of feels like we are living in a 3rd world country if we can't keep our power grid up when the temperature dips into the single digits for a couple days.

Been meaning to get the generator setup to run the pool pump and water well but one of those things I haven't quite gotten around to.

Right now the pool pump has a blanket over it and a little electric heater plugged into the generator. The well should be okay, but we've been running water since last Friday to make sure and that is out now so hopefully it won't freeze.

I guess I should have moved the bypass switch up higher on the agenda. :(
Wife in so Cal calls from the beach to suggest I try defrosting kitchen sink with her hairdryer. Had to tell her the hairdryer was already employed in the backyard keeping the boat engine from freezing. Went to run some antifreeze in it a few days ago but the raw water impeller was already frozen (might have destroyed it when I ran it) so this was last ditch. If I can get another 24 hours out of it (and power grid) I should be in the clear
Were were part of a controlled outage from about 7:40 till 8:20 or so. I guess they're rolling outages to avoid a surge. You'd think the demand would be higher in the summer with all the A/Cs running. I know the towns around here have been trying to run as much natural gas lines as possible and trying to get people to convert. I'm guessing the controlled outages are because there is too much electric heat in the area, them suckers pull some amps.
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