Caribou Gear

Dial Up Suggs !


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
North Central, IN (the corn belt)
We live in a rural area so a cable connection is not an option. We subscribe to a service that has towers in the area, then they stick an antenna on your roof pointed towards the tower for high speed service. Anyway, the tower has been down for a couple weeks and we are stuck on dial up till it is fixed.

Can't hardly open a picture or an attachement in any kind of timely fashion. If I had to use this system on a daily basis, I think I'd just build a fire and send smoke signals.

Boo Hoo, Waaa Waaa, etc. Hope they get this shizz fixed before too long.
When the ice storm hit in '98, my buddy lost power and cable TV.
After 1 week, power was restored, after 3 weeks all he could get from the cable co. was they'd get to it as soon as possible.

He called them one AM and said he wanted to cancel his subscription.

His TV was crystal clear that same afternoon.

The 'squeaky wheel' as they say...
cjcj- Are you telling me you've made over 5,500 posts on dial up??? I thought I spent a lot of time online... ;)
Yep, and I love my Dell its 3 years old and lets me cut and paste...thank to Jose for showing me the add ..... printer/scanner/screen/ speakers etc... everything works... and I am never upgrading... run it till she blows.
I hear ya CJ, $600 E-machine from Costco and $9.95 dial up. I'll spring for high speed when they get it down around $15
AOL is Anti Hunting CJCJ... they Suck ASS. But you only care about Me-hican issues to know that. Maybe thats not true, but AOL sucks Wanker big time.

At any rate, I haven't been on Dialup for...... 6 years maybe ? I told my boyz the other day they were as slow as Dialup when we order food at a Drive through. they were like "Whats Dialup" ?!?!? God bless the kids now adays that will never know the Horror.... I mean Really, Waiting for Porn on Dialup is Time consuming... Huh cjcj :)
I make my own porn Mooshead.:eek: .. I tried people pc [ sucked]... AOL is great If I get into trouble some dude from India.. helps me... and he speaks good English....I'm just old fashioned....prefer real sex or jacking off.....In fact I can "get off" twice while waiting for my connection:p
My gawd, what's the internet came to? People are bragging about dial-up and its 2007, but since cjcj is stuck in 1977 I'll give him a short bus pass... :D ;)
have you seen his Shorts ?!?! I'm jsut glad he has a 286 computer and knows how to turn it on !!
cjcj- Are you telling me you've made over 5,500 posts on dial up??? I thought I spent a lot of time online...

LOL, that was my first 18,000 posts, you learn to cope... :D

Steiny... go to cable, it will change how you work the internet... :)
Steiny... go to cable, it will change how you work the internet... :)

HAHA, thats why the guys make fun of you bud, in one sentence you made a post that made it obvious you didn't read his first post :rolleyes: Thats OK though, I still luv ya :D
:p It's not that I didn't read it, I missed a little of that first part... Trying to get caught up after being gone for a few days :p

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