NEW SITKA Ambient 75

deuce toms & prodigal gun


New member
May 30, 2007
Augusta, KS
I told most of this story on KSDads Kansas Turkey Adventure thread but thought I would finish here.

We have had a stormy start to our turkey season dodging hail, lightning, high winds, tornadoes you know Kansas stuff. Anyway, after chomping at the bit I was able to get out Saturday afternoon. The river was too high with too much current and debris so I had to drive around and make a 40 minute hike into my spot at the edge of a hay meadow against hard timber along the river in the bottom ground off high Flint Hills native pastures.

I got in, got organized, had a couple calls laying at my side and put on my 3d leafy mask.
Less than five minutes there I hear a distant gobble from the direction I came in so I picked up a box call and made three loud yelps and stopped. Moments later I see two shiny black dots come over the horizon and they are on a string at turkey trot speed.

I fully expected them to hang up or just start feeding around for one I didn't even put out decoys but they had purpose and they were hooked for the whole 400 plus yards across the meadow. They knew exactly where the yelp had come from and when they hit about 40 yards one went into full strut and the other let out a thunderous gobble.
I first took the full strut bird and he went straight down while the other started to run I hit him and he goes down but gets back up and I finish him off.

15 minutes in and I fill both my tags.

I do a happy dance, check out my birds and pack up hike out. The adrenaline helped me carry my 45 lbs of birds, 10 lb vest (yes, it's got a lot of stuff) and my Remington 870 super mag back up to the truck.

I lay my stuff down arrange the birds and take a few pics, I grab my vest and then grab the birds load in the truck and head for the farm because the wifey is going to have dinner ready at 5.

Next day I get up have some coffee, eat some breakfast, piddle around starting to put my stuff together to head back home and I realize I don't have my gun. Yes, this ole bone head left it laying about 20 yards back behind my truck. Did I mention it rain another 3/4" over night?

I jump in the truck and rush back around and notice fresh truck tracks up the dead end road going to the gate but they don't stop at the gate they go through and down to where my gun WAS yes WAS. My gun I have taken a boat load of birds with since 91' was gone.

Now, this is a private and gated road and my gun was at least 800 yards past the gate. this road two discernible ruts but three land owners have access and we are one I know the other one whose land the roads is actually on wasn't there and there really shouldn't be anyone in there that I know of.

Long story, sorry........I'm bummed and really am thinking it's gone for good someone found them a new free gun but I go ahead and call the sheriffs office and report it.

Lesson learned, I don't have a designated place for my serial numbers but have kept records through sales receipts etc. but they are not organized and definitely not in one place. I get home and after a 2-3 hour search I find the original sales receipt with serial number.

My father in law see's the sheriff at the ole guys coffee shop and gives him serial to register and then goes to local hardware store just to spread the word. The hardware store guy says "You are kidding me" the guy who found it was in that morning and was wondering what to do and the owner said if it is registered lost or stolen and you are in possession then you are in trouble. The hardware shop owner couldn't remember his name but knew he had a bought a gun not long ago and was able to look up his info and gave it to my father in law. Father in law calls and guy is kinda shocked but delivered it him this afternoon all clean and ready for action.:D

The guy lived in another town about fifteen miles away, I'm still not sure he had any permission to be in there but I am just happy to have it back. Almost back anyway.



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That is a great ending to a bang up turkey hunt. Honestly, are you not a little sad that it's over so soon? But I guess that means you will have more time for mushrooming, fishing and tinkering with your reloading hobbies.
Guilty, I will take it but yes when it happens that fast I am never ready for it to end. You did nail it though with conditions ripe for morals and I definitely want to do some fishing and always have firearms to shoot and loads to develop.

Best wishes on your upcoming hunts, I will be watching for updates.
Congrats on the birds! I did the same 'trick' with the gun when I was 16. It was my dad's shotgun and the ending wasn't quite as good as yours...
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