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Dept. of Ag. dominated by welfare ranchers

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
As spokeswoman for Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman, Ms. Harrison has helped guide news coverage of the mad cow crisis, issuing statements, managing press conferences and reassuring the world that American beef is safe.

For her, it's a familiar message. Before joining the department, Ms. Harrison was director of public relations for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, the beef industry's largest trade group, where she battled government food safety efforts, criticized Oprah Winfrey for raising health questions about American hamburgers, and sent out press releases with titles like "Mad Cow Disease Not a Problem in the U.S."............her effortless transition from the cattlemen's lobby to the Agriculture Department is a fine symbol of all that is wrong with America's food safety system. Right now you'd have a hard time finding a federal agency more completely dominated by the industry it was created to regulate. Dale Moore, Ms. Veneman's chief of staff, was previously the chief lobbyist for the cattlemen's association. Other veterans of that group have high-ranking jobs at the department, as do former meat-packing executives and a former president of the National Pork Producers Council.

I hope you're all able to access that article. It explains a lot about why the Forest Service lets welfare ranchers destroy our national forest wildlife habitat. I'm assuming you all know the FS is under the Dept. of Ag.

I'll copy and paste the whole article if you need it. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse!! The Dept. of Ag is the worst example of that in the US gummint!
"the Agriculture Department is a fine symbol of all that is wrong with America's food safety system. Right now you'd have a hard time finding a federal agency more completely dominated by the industry it was created to regulate. "

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 13:14: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
The NYTimes has about as much credibility as a two dollar whore in Tijuanna. I would expect any ariticle there to favor the red/green opinion of America. Sorry I will pass.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 13:59: Message edited by: feclnogn ]</font>
FEC, IT doesn't care if you have a differing opinion as long as he gets to spout his propaganda. He whole heartedly back the LA Times too.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Dept. of Ag. dominated by welfare ranchers <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well it beats the hell out of it being dominated by a bunch of clintonian left wing anti capitilist pinkos who's only mission in life is to close off public land and secure their next bong load of weed.
Department of Ag. run by people who are pro agriculture. Sounds about right to me. Next you'll say the Boone & Crocket club is run by pro hunting advocates and they should be run by PETA.
Troy, That's convoluted thinking. Dept. of Ag has many regulatory duties. Letting the agriculture industry dominate it is like having criminals run the FBI.

I'm still waiting for you to start some brilliant topics that will stimulate lots of lively discussion on the issues you think we should discuss.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-05-2004 08:15: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
IT, you've called me many things in the past, why not call me a liar now. You have NO credibility with me anyways. You disprove it.
Well EG there was all that land that clinton made into national monuments effectively closing them off. Remember when he closed off the land in utah that had the coal on it. Once he made that land into NM status he closed that off. He then turned around a took a campaighn contribution from a company in india that produced the same kind of coal.
fecl- Me, you, or anyone else willing can still go and enjoy that place. Sure, we can't get the coal, but it will still be there and monument status is easier to repeal than making a damaged landscape productive.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Me, you, or anyone else willing can still go and enjoy that place <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That true. However this thread is not about what we can do, but what Ag can do, as this was once blm land you can no longer have catlle on it, mining on it or any extractive industry on it. So I was correct in stating it was closed. If you want to make the points you did, while sound should be done in another thread.

Should we all assume you don't know what you are talking about on all your posts, or does this thread just happen to be the one you have no clue, but keep posting anyway?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>clintonian left wing anti capitilist pinkos who's only mission in life is to close off public land <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>all that land that clinton made into national monuments <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, as 1-ptr pointed out, that land is not closed. You are perfectly welcome to visit that land. That is funny that land is "effectively closed" if you can't mine coal off of it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> However this thread is not about what we can do, but what Ag can do, as this was once blm land you can no longer have catlle on it, mining on it or any extractive industry on it. So I was correct in stating it was closed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uhhh....Fecal, no, you were not correct, as the land is not closed, and even funnier, BLM is not under the Department of Ag, but is under the Department of Interior, so again, you seemed to have been missing the facts in your opinion.

Hey, let's face it, this just isn't your subject/thread is it ????
Oh well, at least you are reading, and you are able to get a schooling from others....
Grazing can occur on National Monuments if it is written into the charter.

From the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Charter:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to affect existing permits or leases for, or levels of, livestock grazing on Federal lands within the monument; existing grazing uses shall continue to be governed by applicable laws and regulations other than this proclamation." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Additional info:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Grand Staircase-Escalante is unique among the nation's parks and monuments in that it is the only one managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Foremost in the management ethic of the monument is the retention of the area's remote and undeveloped character. However, the area's designation as a monument (as opposed to a national park), as well as the conditions of President Clinton’s proclamation, allow for the continuation of traditional mixed uses of the land, such as grazing, hunting and fishing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-06-2004 08:48: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Burden of proof is on the accuser in the US of A, remember? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then prove I'm a liar.
Good education going on here.

I am currently working on planning efforts of the Upper Missouri River National Monument in MT.

The proclamation is very similar to Escalante.

Link to Proclamation if interested

Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the jurisdiction of the State of Montana with respect to fish and wildlife management.

Laws, regulations, and policies followed by the Bureau of Land Management in issuing and administering grazing permits or leases on all lands under its jurisdiction shall continue to apply with regard to the lands in the monument.

Mineral extraction is still allowed, although additional leasing is not.

All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, location, selection, sale, or leasing or other disposition under the public land laws, including but not limited to withdrawal from location, entry, and patent under the mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to mineral and geothermal leasing, other than by exchange that furthers the protective purposes of the monument. The estab-lishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights. The Secretary of the Interior shall manage development on existing oil and gas leases within the monument, subject to valid existing rights, so as not to create any new impacts that would interfere with the proper care and management of the objects protected by this proclamation.