Yeti GOBOX Collection

Deer Damage Permit sniping


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
A little thing just to be doing;)

The oldest son and I went this evening. So we go to the shooting tower on the orchard for the first evening just to get a feel and can pretty much see 80% of all the fields.

At the far end (guessing 600+yards away) about 5:50pm 3 bucks come out. Yes they still had racks. I knew I was in trouble when the son asks how far above would he have to aim.(Kid never shot the rifle over 150 yards before).
Then about 10 minutes later 3 does come out at about 120 yards and start heading our way. He is ready right away. I keep telling him to wait because if they keep going the same way they would get to bow range easily. He is antsy and I can tell it. Fnally I relent at 75 yards but tell him that we should go for a double and for him to shoot the biggest one. I also put my sights on the biggest one because he is nervous...I planned to tell him that I missed just in case. So I start the count. One...........Two..BOOM! WTH is my reaction and I then watch through the scope as the 3 deer run away. I grab the binoculars to watch the deer. He even missed because the 3 deer stopped at 300 yards and just looked back before slowly going away without any signs of distress. Then during the following conversation he says "I didn't pull the trigger". You all know what I said after that.

We stayed another hour until I got cold.

It was fun and we plan on going Thursday and Sunday nights.
Who had the empty shell in the chamber? Someone pulled the trigger.. He!He! Is there such a thing as "Doe Fever"?
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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