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Dean demands Saddam's Release

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Dean Demands Saddam's Release, Recapture by U.N.

(2003-12-15) -- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean today said the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein "lacks legitimacy because it was a unilateral effort by American forces."

"It's great that Saddam Hussein was caught, but we did it all wrong and he should be released immediately," said Mr. Dean, "This will allow him to be recaptured later by a true multilateral coalition led by the United Nations."

The former Vermont governor noted that U.S. forces acted pre-emptively to surround the area where Mr. Hussein had hidden, and declined the former Iraqi leader's offer to negotiate.

"It's just another example of cowboy diplomacy," he said. "The Bush administration's ignorance in foreign policy and military matters is stunning. Did they read Mr. Hussein his Miranda rights? Did he get his phone call? Was there even a search warrant? We in the global community demand the justice that only the United Nations can legitimately deliver."

Boy, I had to remove that! I couldn't leave that there and look so stupid. I probly ought to read the whole thing before I speak.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-17-2003 15:34: Message edited by: ktc ]</font>
This guy is the biggest fruit loop of the bunch... Even the Democrats are looking at him funny. He's so far left he can't even see the middle...
Do I detect a groundswell of support?
Go GDub!!!!

and Yukon, I shoot a .358 Norma

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-17-2003 15:14: Message edited by: Wally Dog ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Ummmmm... Guys? I think it's a joke.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I was going to post the same thing, but then I started to think maybe the replies were just jokes as well.
Then I would look like the doehead (miller dictionary-dork).

Maybe you should have kept it to yourself Yukon. I am sure plenty more would have jumped in as the opinions snowballed.

Nice to have you around to slap us with the stupid stick once in awhile.
It was pretty funny, and an obvious joke,but the format made it look real, until after you read it [funny sarcasm]
step #1-- engauge brain
step #2-- engauge mouth
reversal of these steps can be dangerus to your mental well being
I suppose I could have let it go, and see how many others got indignant... dang. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess.
As for the stupid stick, yeah, I've been smacked by it enough times myself to have a passing familiarity with it...
Sarcasm, especially when it is purposely kept close to the truth, can be hard to decipher - that is why I put the
after the post. I didn't want anyone to think that I thought it was true. However, Dean was just about the only Democrat candidate to try to put a negative spin on the capture of Saddam. Perhaps that's why some people bought it. (?)

Your being silly! Everyone knows that Dean would have been in favor of capping saddam if France and Germany would have first given us permission.

The Repubs haven't cornered the stupid market. The brisket eater, Madilynn (SP?) Halfbright's recent comments are evidence of that!

Paul, Madeline Albright's remarks aren't funny, they're just plain sad. She has apparently taken leave of whatever senses she had.