Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Daughters 1st time


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Hippyville, Idaho
Well this year I finally broke down and decided that taking a (deer buck or doe) while being accoupanied by my 5 year old daughteror or my 3 year old daughter is worth more to me then a trophy buck that I've held out for during these last couple of years.
Well, last night I decided to head out with my 5 year old Emma to see if we couldn't fill my doe tag. After about 45 min of driving to my spot my daughter looks at me and says "Dad, if we don't see a deer that is ok, but if we drive any further I'm not going hunting with you again."
So what can a dad do, I stopped at the 1st place I could. As soon as we get out she then says "Dad if you miss those deer over there I'm going to take your gun and break it." (Seesh, talk about pressure.) Well at 1st I couldn't see what she was talking about but as I crouched down next to her to look under the brush I saw 3 does standing at what I thought was about 200 or so yards away. So with her telling me to shoot the mommy and not the babies we laid on our bellies and got prepared to shoot. I gave her my binoculers and told her to watch them to see which way they go when i shoot. Well, I guess I need to get my eyes check becasue I flat out missed her. My daughter was so mad, she jumped up and yelled "I can't beleive you missed, I could have hit her with a rock Dad. Grandpa needs to teach you how to shoot!":eek: After calming her down, i took out the range finder and ranged it, 389 yards. I told her she could throw her rock because she wouldn't come close, she then proceeded to throw snowballs at me while walking the 100 yards to the truck. By then it was about 6:10 and I decided to head home. We got no further then 1/4 mile when again my daughter pointed out 3 deer in the distance. Before I can even get out of the truck she is out and saying "Dad the front one is the one I want, he looks like a big buck." Skeptical I look through the scope and noticed that he is indeed a buck and the biggest one of the three. I then told her that she needs to stay next to the truck until I shoot then she can come up to where I am. Well after a well placed shot at 180 yards and answering questions about deer guts for about an hour after I gutted him this is what her trophy buck looks like. I couldn't think of a better deer hunt then what happened last night. This hunt has by far ment the most to me and hopefully to her as well. Now to do it agian with my 3 year old.:D


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very nice. Good job Dad. I have an 8yr old who is the same way about being in the truck for anytime at all, but she loves to go to the woods with me.
Awesome! Have been thinking of doing this kind of thing a lot since my kids show very little interest in actually going hunting unless we are at home (not going). I think it might help interest them to go somewhere easy Plus my daughter took her safety course and can get a tag next season so hopefully that will help her as long as being a teenage girl doesn't take over
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great story, it is all about exposing kids to the wonderful world of hunting. i bet it makes you feel old when the kids see the deer before you do! hapens to me all the time. im blind as bat. thanks for sharing and congrats on the harvest.
Cool story. Hope you are protecting those tender hearing cells in those little ears.
Nice story. Thanks for sharing it.
My son turned 8 two days ago and he does better in the truck then he does being quiet or still in the woods. He is high functioning Autistic and so his timeline for being ready is different. So I take him hiking in and scouting (which he loves). For now we stick to target shooting his .22.
Way cool, congrats! Great story. THAT is a good memory for the both of you.

I'm hoping to have a similar post later in the year when I get my 5yo out for some deer hunting.
Thanks everyone. For sure my funnest hunt to date. Headed out for 6 days starting sunday to see if taking that buck changed my luck on Elk. Solo backpack hunt is in my future. Can't wait for the kiddos to be able to do something like this with me one day. Well at least I hope they want to.
I like seeing big critters field posed but these types of threads are my favorite, thanks mtdogs, good stuff.

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