Daughter got duped

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
So, if you have listened to me at all you know I lost my dog a bunch of years ago. Promised myself I would never love again. Been going strong for about a decade. Last week I was talking to my daughter about my old dog. It was a dusty dirty day and my allergies flared up while we talked.
She asked me what kind of dog I would get if I ever got another. I told her a Lab. Yellow.
So she showed up a couple days ago with this mutt. She says its half chocolate, half yellow Lab. I think there may be a bit of Lab in there somewhere but not much. Seller claimed it was 3 months old but it only weighs about 10 lbs soaking wet. Head ain’t squared up and the facial skin is too tight in my opinion. Looks like a mutt runt to me.

Problem is, the little turd won’t leave my side. Always licking me and cuddling. Making little cooing noises. Flopping around like it might be retarded (if I can say that) and making me smile. Guess I’ll let him hang around a week and see if he grows on me....
Any guesses what the hell kinda dog I got?
It appears to be your kinda dog. I currently have this same problem with a damn kitten, I hate cats but I love my daughter. It seems my daughter loves me having a cat so in turn I guess I am gonna love this cat. It’s kinda growing on me. Best wishes with your new adventure.
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You have been given two gifts. Your daughters love for her Dad and a new Buddy, cherish both.

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