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Dan Blather...



:D :D
If my vote doesn't matter in ID (because Dubya will win by a landslide here) I'm voting for Nader. I feel it is best to do everything we can to encourage third party candidates. I think the only way outta this mess we're in is to build a strong third party. I don't like the Republicans and Dems saying, "Here's the two candidates you have to choose from and that's all."
Once again, the point is that a major, well respected news organization used phony documents to run a story that could very possably affect the election of the president of the United States.
Does anyone really belive this was a mistake ?
CBS has massive resources, and an ability to verify such douments second only to the C.I.A.
This looks very much like election tampering, if it look like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.........
I can't belive that the resident liberals like EG arn't just as concerned as the conservatives.

This is a VERY seirous thing, if the news media is blantanly trying to influance the outcome of any election, much less the president.
A completly independant investagation needs to be done, not one controlled by CBS (what a joke)
If it can be proven that CBS and/or Rather were indeed trying to swing votes, somebody needs to go to prison for a long time.
Once again, the point is that a major, well respected news organization used phony documents to run a story that could very possably affect the election of the president of the United States.
Forged United States military documents; alleging past military misconduct by a sitting president; who is currently in a race for re-election; occuring within 60 days of the presidential election.

How this cannot scare the shit out of people is beyond me.
HOw on earth is any of this different than what the Swifties did???

And Dubya has not denied any of the charges. What the documents say APPEARS to be the truth. That is the issue.
It is funny to see all the people shocked that anyone would dare question a "sitting President" as if for some reason, we should suspend all our constitutional rights....

And then look how the "sitting President" attacks those who run against him. 1,000 dead American Soldiers, Dubya has no plan to end the Quagmire that is Iraq, instead, he attacks Kerry for Windsurfing....

Presidential Attack Ads Move From Land to Water -- and Back

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 23, 2004; Page A09

What began with a mocking image of John F. Kerry pursuing one of his favorite pastimes erupted yesterday into a bitter airwaves battle in which the Democratic presidential nominee tied President Bush to 1,000 U.S. deaths in Iraq and the beheading of two Americans this week.

The president's campaign struck first with an ad in which Kerry is windsurfing and is made to look slightly ridiculous by editing that has him moving right, left and back again as words on the screen accuse him of taking conflicting positions.

"In which direction would John Kerry lead?" a narrator asks. "Kerry voted for the Iraq war, opposed it, supported it and now opposes it again. He bragged about voting for the 87 billion [dollars] to support our troops before he voted against it. He voted for education reform and now opposes it. He claims he's against increasing Medicare premiums but voted five times to do so.

"John Kerry: Whichever way the wind blows."

The Kerry camp quickly returned fire, with spokesman Mike McCurry urging Bush to repudiate "a shameful advertisement that shows a disturbing disregard for those fighting and sacrificing in Iraq." McCurry told reporters that "people do not want to see lighthearted advertising when families are very heavy-hearted about what's happening to their loved ones."

Within hours, Kerry released a counterattack ad, set against an American flag, with a graphic saying "kidnappings and murders" and stark figures about Iraq: "1,000 U.S. casualties. 2 Americans beheaded just this week. The Pentagon admits terrorists are pouring into Iraq. In the face of the Iraq quagmire, George Bush's answer is to run a juvenile and tasteless attack ad.

"John Kerry has a plan for success. Get allies involved. Speed up the training of Iraqis. Take essential steps to get a free election next year. On Iraq, it's time for a new direction."

Bush campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt called the criticism "a bit frivolous," saying, "The president made clear there will be hard days in the war on terror." He said the windsurfing ad was "deadly serious" and pointed up "John Kerry's chronic vacillation, his indecision, his bending to political pressure."

In 2002, Kerry voted to authorize military action against Iraq, and he has subsequently strongly criticized the way Bush went to war with modest international support and the lack of planning for the violent postwar period. This was a marked change in emphasis but not necessarily a change of position. Kerry did say -- but did not brag -- that he had voted for $87 billion for military and reconstruction spending in Iraq and Afghanistan before voting against it. What he meant was that he supported an earlier version that would have repealed the Bush tax cuts for the most affluent taxpayers before voting against the measure in protest.

Kerry has not opposed "education reform" but defines it differently. He voted for Bush's No Child Left Behind law but has accused the president of subverting the effort by inadequately funding it.

The most memorable part of the ad, though, may be that it shows Kerry engaging in what some view as a pastime of wealthy elitists. The Republicans, especially Vice President Cheney, frequently ridicule Kerry's windsurfing hobby.

The Kerry campaign arranged a conference call with two military backers, one of whom, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman and retired Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., called the ad "rather ridiculous."

The Iraq statistics cited in the Kerry ad are accurate. The line about terrorists pouring into Iraq is based on a remark earlier this month by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

This is the first time a Kerry ad has referred to Iraq as a "quagmire," a word often associated with the Vietnam War. Many critics have said that his suggestions to recruit more global allies and step up the training of Iraqis, which is underway, would have little impact on the violence there.

Two independent groups unveiled ads yesterday that echo the Bush and Kerry messages. The Progress for America Voter Fund uses a picture of Kerry windsurfing, saying that Kerry "surfs every direction on Iraq." Texans for Truth charges that Bush "walked away" from his National Guard duties, saying: "Mr. President, you owe our troops an explanation."

If I catch you pulling up my survey stakes I'll kick your ass.

You say that like you're really proud of finishing fourth grade. I guess you should be. It was probably the best three years of your life.

At least I stuck it out and completed it....

Do you know if they kept your old transcripts, so you could still go try and complete it if you wanted???
HOw on earth is any of this different than what the Swifties did???

Gunner, this way different because it was a
( nonpartazian ?) news organization
So are you implying that the Swifties were "partisan"?

Keep in mind, that CBS, NBC, and especially FOX all published/broadcast the lies from the Swifties.

But what do you think about the content? Are you good with Dubya not showing up for Physicals? Are you good with Dubya stepping in front of 500 others for a coveted slot in the Guard, due to a call from Daddy?
Well the part of Rathers so called "apology" that seemed strange,...was he said if we would have known the papers were forgeries....we would have went about it in a differant way....does that mean "we" were out to get Dubya one way or another?
No CJ, I think it just means the facts were right, but the way they chose to document the facts was wrong.

Question though, were all the memos forgery, or just the one???
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
No CJ, I think it just means the facts were right, but the way they chose to document the facts was wrong.

Question though, were all the memos forgery, or just the one???
The evidence was phoney but the facts were right? what bullchit!
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