NEW SITKA Ambient 75



Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
Saw this guy tooling around town today when I went to lunch. Made me chuckle.

That's funny. Now we'll be seeing that photo posted on forums for years to come.
You might want to watermark that one with your copyright mark.

Very cool Carl. Last week, I was picking up my dog at the vet, and there was a Subaru with a 6X6 skull and antlers tied to the top. Didn't have my camera.

An antelope on a motorcycle is as cool as it gets.
What would be funny(not for him of course) is if he wrecked out and the police are trying to figure out where the antelope came from.....would make for an interesting report.

Carl, I am glad someone had a camera. I watched him get off the interstate on North 7th and couldn't stop laughing. I wish I had a camera but thankfully you did. Were did you see him? I thought wow the recession is really taking a toll when you take the bike out and bring back the meat on the back. That is even better than the one with the bull elk on the car top from a few years back.
Spotted him in the Nu2u parking lot while heading to Domino's to pick up sandwiches, and then again on 7th coming back. In the picture he's in the turning lane on 7th to get back on 90. I've thought of doing that before, I wonder how much it affects the handling.
I've thought of doing that before, I wonder how much it affects the handling.

Has to affect the handling less then a 200 lb girlfriend that most bikers seem to prefer. Also no ink on that speedgoat so it is all good.

Isn't it a pretty good putt from Bozeman to get into any antelope hunting?
Wonder how far he ran like that.
Great picture Carl. Not sure how I made it this far back, but it reminded me of the moose head on top of a Subaru that we sat next to at a stop light in town on the way to church one morning last year. I've got a great picture on my phone, but can't figure out how to get it on the computer.
Great picture Carl. Not sure how I made it this far back, but it reminded me of the moose head on top of a Subaru that we sat next to at a stop light in town on the way to church one morning last year. I've got a great picture on my phone, but can't figure out how to get it on the computer.

You can send texts to email addresses.
Apparently I'm too dumb to figure it out. I'm using a three year old flip phone and my attention span is about 10 minutes. I surpassed that, so I'm giving up. Thanks for the heads up though.
mdunc8-When texting on your phone, just type in the e-mail address instead of a phone number.
This opens up a whole new world for me. Why has it taken me 10 years to realize I could do this? Anyways, here's the moose making his way down Main Street.


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