Yeti GOBOX Collection



Aug 18, 2012
Glen, Montana
Do you think hunting groups are passive about CWD and do you think James Kroll doesn't care?
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting tired of these left wing nuts.

Gov Walker, deer czar Kroll, some hunting groups become passive over brain rotting disease-
It’s aim for the lowest common denominator in management of Wisconsin’s huge whitetail population. The incidence of chronic wasting disease, the prion-based malady that turns deer (and elk and moose) brains into sponges has gone from a half per cent in 2002 to 5 per cent (10x increase) today.

The spread of infectious diseases requires a public strategy, but public is an idea foreign to right wing governor Scott Walker and his “deer czar” James (public deer management is Communism) Kroll.

We have written many stories on this close relative to mad-cow disease, which so-far cannot be transmitted to humans. While eaters of venison seem safe for now, the causal agent, a misfolded protein that corrupts healthy neural proteins, creates disgustingly sick, terminal deer. The prion is a kind of ultimate pollution as well, lying in the soil for an indefinite (permanent?) time waiting for a deer or other cervid to come along.

Wisconsin outdoor writer Patrick Durkin has been sounding the alarm at Walker’s ending of the state’s CWD-eradication program. Ironically, this change leaves the state’s wolf population as the only thing in the outdoors serving to control the spread of the disease. Wolves tend to kill the weaker animals in a herd, thus culling to a greater or lesser degree CWD-addled deer.

In present day Wisconsin, like a number of other states (mostly “red” ones), it seems the number of deer, regardless of their health, is the only thing that matters politically.

The dire effects of this indifferent approach to a horrible wildlife disease will never be fully reversed. While it must be stressed there is no evidence that human’s have ever gotten this disease, non-living prions do change over time and can suddenly cross species barriers. That is what seemed to have happened with mad-cow disease. A spark of hope is that newspapers in the Dairy State are covering and so magnifying Durkin’s alarm.

The ideological approach to wildlife management always results in death and decay.
I'm pretty much over CWD. 10 years ago we were lead to believe we were all going to get it eating venison and game herds in Colorado were soon to be none. Neither has happened. No need in culling a bunch of healthy animals to stop the spread of what appears to be a natural occurring bug that we just found out about.

Look at the scary CPW unit map with the CWD units in a different color, scary stuff I tell you.
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I'd guess eating CWD elk is still safer than eating a cancer eyed, hormone injected, stand in their own crap and eat; cow, pig or chicken. Just a guess.
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Ditto on Dinkshooter's comments. When I was in Nebraska, we kill a ton of mule deer does in the CWD units. I think we killed 16+ deer the first season for fear of CWD spreading and none tested positive.
No need in culling a bunch of healthy animals to stop the spread of what appears to be a natural occurring bug that we just found out about.
I agree, but I think there is a solution. We need to culture this prion so that if manifests itself physically so that we know which individuals have CWD. A yellow star growth, slightly above and behind the shoulder, on both side should work.

I'm not too worried about stuff I can't catch. That's why I'm not worried about gays...
A total crock of s***. It has been around forever and was never a big deal until it got into the captive game herds and was obvious to the public. It was a publicity debacle and the only thing that suffered were the hundreds of deer that were needlessly killed in the name of disease control.
I'd have to disagree with y'all. While I cannot speak to the particulars in your governmental situation of Wisconsin, I have seen apathy up here in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho country concerning CWD. I'd also have to strongly disagree, based on science, that CWD is not a threat. One of our main concerns is that it will get into the winter elk feedgrounds, where they are unnaturally congregated, a breeding ground for disease. That known detectable case this winter put CWD about 20 miles away from those feed grounds.

CWD has not been around forever, it was created by feeding animal byproducts to herbivores, in the livestock industry and game farming, with the idea of growing bigger animals and bigger racks. It backfired. CWD is a brain spongiform disease which makes swiss cheese of the brain. And evidence does show that if humans eat the meat, it passes to the humans, unlike brucellosis. Worse, once the prions get into the soil, it can remain active for over 25 years, infecting any other susceptible species that eat there.

The Gallatin Wildlife Association (conservation hunters) hosted the documentary Feeding the Problem and had an expert panel to field questions, which included Dr. Tom Roffe, who had first hand knowledge and experience with this disease and its effects on our elk and deer populations. The Q & A was taped and due to be posted soon. Roffe just retired a few days ago from being Chief of Wildlife Health for US Fish and Wildlife Services and he did not retire out of age or obsolescence. He knows his stuff. The hunting community needs to not be apathetic about CWD.

Just my two cents worth.
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I'm glad Durkin's article is getting some discussion here. I was born in WI and lived there for 30 years, and still return home to hunt every year in a CWD unit.

One thing that makes the WI CWD case so different from out in western states is animal density. There are areas in the CWD zone that have 50-100 deer per square mile. There are also now pockets of this population where infection rates are >20%, and this rate is increasing and the disease zone is spreading geographically - and we know this from 10+ years of extensive testing. CWD is turning up in areas where it was not present in the early 2000s, period.

The general hunter population's response to the WDNRs initial CWD management regulations, which were based on the best available science -to reduce deer populations and slow spread, were fairly unpopular (long rifle seasons, unlimited tags, earn-a-buck). This coupled with a perceived lack of deer in the northern portion of the state (although most units are still above ecological carrying capacity) led to a more aggressive strategy by the Walker administration and putting more political appointees in charge of wildlife management decisions, and then following up with the Kroll report. Its well known among the wildlife professionals across the country that the WI DNR has some of the best population ecologists and sound white-tailed deer management in the country, but professional advice from outside is needed to fix the problems identified by a real squeaky wheel. Brushing off CWD as something that's always been here won't work - as much as hunters hate to see fewer deer each time out on the stand, we have to consider what is best for the ecosystem as a whole.

Regardless, WI still has some of the best deer hunting anywhere, and it seems like a large number of the general hunting population there (or the loudest voices??) have forgotten that. The general distrust of the agency professionals who have spent their entire careers working to best manage the deer herd is quite upsetting.
Can Humans Get CWD?

Though many observers try to compare CWD with "mad cow disease", the diseases are distinctly different. Currently, there is no evidence that CWD poses a risk for humans; however, public health officials recommend that human exposure to the CWD infectious agent be avoided as they continue to evaluate any potential health risk.

The World Health Organization has reviewed available scientific information and concluded that currently there is no evidence that CWD can be transmitted to humans. During the period 1997-1998, three cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) occurred in the U.S. in young adults. These individuals had consumed venison. This led to speculation about possible transmission of CWD from deer or elk to humans. However, review of the clinical records and pathological studies of all three cases by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, did not find a causal link to CWD.

Nonetheless, health and wildlife officials advise caution. Hunters are encouraged not to consume meat from animals known to be infected. In addition, hunters should take common sense precautions when field dressing and processing deer or elk taken in areas where CWD is found.

and since we have it in and out down here during the dryer summers, when the deer congregate around water, I keep an eye out for it. no problems with it in all the years I have hunted whitetails. stay away from the brain and spinal cord, and you'll be fine.
I will have to dig through the academic papers I have on Creutzfeldt-Jakob to post links for. I am still in the middle of a move and a ton of research, books and such are in boxes. These papers are not just from the US, but Europe as well.
I'm probably just bitter about the one time I had something tested. 3 hours sitting in a vet parking lot, pretty sure he had no idea what to get off the back of the head and it cost me $75!
It cost me an extra day in Colorado boiling and scraping brain matter out. Didn't complain much though.
I'm glad Durkin's article is getting some discussion here. I was born in WI and lived there for 30 years, and still return home to hunt every year in a CWD unit.

One thing that makes the WI CWD case so different from out in western states is animal density. There are areas in the CWD zone that have 50-100 deer per square mile. There are also now pockets of this population where infection rates are >20%, and this rate is increasing and the disease zone is spreading geographically - and we know this from 10+ years of extensive testing. CWD is turning up in areas where it was not present in the early 2000s, period.

The general hunter population's response to the WDNRs initial CWD management regulations, which were based on the best available science -to reduce deer populations and slow spread, were fairly unpopular (long rifle seasons, unlimited tags, earn-a-buck). This coupled with a perceived lack of deer in the northern portion of the state (although most units are still above ecological carrying capacity) led to a more aggressive strategy by the Walker administration and putting more political appointees in charge of wildlife management decisions, and then following up with the Kroll report. Its well known among the wildlife professionals across the country that the WI DNR has some of the best population ecologists and sound white-tailed deer management in the country, but professional advice from outside is needed to fix the problems identified by a real squeaky wheel. Brushing off CWD as something that's always been here won't work - as much as hunters hate to see fewer deer each time out on the stand, we have to consider what is best for the ecosystem as a whole.

Regardless, WI still has some of the best deer hunting anywhere, and it seems like a large number of the general hunting population there (or the loudest voices??) have forgotten that. The general distrust of the agency professionals who have spent their entire careers working to best manage the deer herd is quite upsetting.

When you see CWD spreading like the DNR said it would, it makes you pay attention unless you hate the DNR then you brush it off.
re-cwd tse prion disease and cjd in humans ?

I will have to dig through the academic papers I have on Creutzfeldt-Jakob to post links for. I am still in the middle of a move and a ton of research, books and such are in boxes. These papers are not just from the US, but Europe as well.

Greetings katqanna, Hunters et al @ .

My name is Terry S. Singeltary Sr., and I wish to submit this data on Chronic Wasting Disease CWD in Cervids, and risk factors there from.

AS a layperson, I have wasted 15 years daily (it seems at times), going from state to state, country to country, warning of this dreaded disease. not to many folks listened.

It’s mostly a political disease, spread by political and industry greed.

I lost my mother to the Heidenhain Variant of the Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease hvCJD, a rare subtype of the sporadic CJDs in humans, and these phenotypes are mounting, and they are of unknown origin, and NOT simply a happenstance of bad luck, or a funked out twisted protein that just happen to make this twist on it’s own, this in 85%+ of all human TSE disease i.e. sCJD, thus, I will never believe this hypothesis. in other words, the UKBSEnvCJD only theory was trash.

I came across this thread, and thought I must respond.

please use this science and information as you wish. I simply wanted to share, the rest of the story here about the cwd tse prion disease.

the shooting pen livestock industry will not like what I have to say, and what science I present.

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD, and other TSE prion disease, these TSE prions know no borders.

these TSE prions know no age restrictions.

The TSE prion disease survives ashing to 600 degrees celsius, that’s around 1112 degrees farenheit.

you cannot cook the TSE prion disease out of meat.

you can take the ash and mix it with saline and inject that ash into a mouse, and the mouse will go down with TSE.

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production as well.

the TSE prion agent also survives Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes.

IN fact, you should also know that the TSE Prion agent will survive in the environment for years, if not decades.

you can bury it and it will not go away.

The TSE agent is capable of infected your water table i.e. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area.

it’s not your ordinary pathogen you can just cook it out and be done with. that’s what’s so worrisome about Iatrogenic mode of transmission, a simple autoclave will not kill this TSE prion agent.

I go from state to state trying to warn of the CWD and other TSE prion disease in other species, I just made a promise to mom. back then, there was no information.

so, I submit this to you all in good faith, and hope that you take the time to read my research of the _sound_, peer review science, not the junk science that goes with the politics $$$

right or left or teaparty or independent, you cannot escape the TSE prion disease.

there is a lot of science here to digest, but better digesting this _sound_ science, instead of the junk political science you will hear from the shooting pen industry.

I don’t care what you eat, whom you eat, or what party you are affiliated with, my problem is, when you consume these TSE prions, and then go enter the medical, surgical, dental, blood and tissue arena, then you risk exposing _me or MY_ family to the TSE prion disease via friendly fire, the pass it forward mode of transmission mission, or what they call iatrogenic CJD. all iatrogenic CJD is, is sporadic CJD, until the route and source of the TSE prion agent is proven.

I am NOT anti-hunter, I am or was a hunter (disabled with neck injury and other medical problems), I am a meat eater.

I just don’t care for stupid, and sometimes you just can’t fix stupid, Lord knows I have tried.

I do NOT advertise on these blogs, they are there for educational use. please read the science, maybe read it again, try and understand it, most is not rocket science, and then you have to make your own decisions, but it’s just good when your making these decisions about CWD, policy making there from, that you have all the science, and not just part of it.

I have much to say, there is over 15 years of daily research of the science, updated, transmission studies, FOIA requests, confidential documents, dockets submissions, and more on the CWD, TSE, prion disease. so instead of posting a million pages of data on this, I have put this science in different blogs. please sort by topics of your concern, and then _please_ read the source data, where these studies were done, and what they consisted of. I do not pretend to know everything, and I am not here pretending this, I simply am here to try and educate, with what I have learned over the past 15+ years of daily research and debate on this topic of CWD, TSE prion, aka mad cow type disease.

now the shooting pen owners, the sperm mills, antler mills, captive livestock breeders, they all will be up in arms over this post, then you will have others say that I am a scare monger, a tree hugger, a vegan, anti this and that. I am none of these. you will ultimately have to make your own minds up. ...

Good Luck !

we will start here, my submission to the state of Missouri recently ;

My submission as follows ;


I guess we will start with the question, how much money can one state afford for one CWD infected game farm, and the ramifications there from ?

I will list one example here ;

how many states have $465,000., and can quarantine and purchase there from, each cwd said infected farm, but how many states can afford this for all the cwd infected cervid game ranch type farms ???

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The CWD infection rate was nearly 80%, the highest ever in a North American captive herd.

RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the purchase of 80 acres of land for $465,000 for the Statewide Wildlife Habitat Program in Portage County and approve the restrictions on public use of the site.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cervid Industry Unites To Set Direction for CWD Reform and seem to ignore their ignorance and denial in their role in spreading Chronic Wasting Disease

please see what the U.K. DEFRA recently said ABOUT CWD RISK FACTORS ;

Friday, December 14, 2012

DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012


In the USA, under the Food and Drug Administration’s BSE Feed Regulation (21 CFR 589.2000) most material (exceptions include milk, tallow, and gelatin) from deer and elk is prohibited for use in feed for ruminant animals. With regards to feed for non-ruminant animals, under FDA law, CWD positive deer may not be used for any animal feed or feed ingredients. For elk and deer considered at high risk for CWD, the FDA recommends that these animals do not enter the animal feed system. However, this recommendation is guidance and not a requirement by law.

Animals considered at high risk for CWD include:

1) animals from areas declared to be endemic for CWD and/or to be CWD eradication zones and

2) deer and elk that at some time during the 60-month period prior to slaughter were in a captive herd that contained a CWD-positive animal.

Therefore, in the USA, materials from cervids other than CWD positive animals may be used in animal feed and feed ingredients for non-ruminants.

The amount of animal PAP that is of deer and/or elk origin imported from the USA to GB can not be determined, however, as it is not specified in TRACES. It may constitute a small percentage of the 8412 kilos of non-fish origin processed animal proteins that were imported from US into GB in 2011.

Overall, therefore, it is considered there is a __greater than negligible risk___ that (nonruminant) animal feed and pet food containing deer and/or elk protein is imported into GB.

There is uncertainty associated with this estimate given the lack of data on the amount of deer and/or elk protein possibly being imported in these products.


36% in 2007 (Almberg et al., 2011). In such areas, population declines of deer of up to 30 to 50% have been observed (Almberg et al., 2011). In areas of Colorado, the prevalence can be as high as 30% (EFSA, 2011).

The clinical signs of CWD in affected adults are weight loss and behavioural changes that can span weeks or months (Williams, 2005). In addition, signs might include excessive salivation, behavioural alterations including a fixed stare and changes in interaction with other animals in the herd, and an altered stance (Williams, 2005). These signs are indistinguishable from cervids experimentally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

Given this, if CWD was to be introduced into countries with BSE such as GB, for example, infected deer populations would need to be tested to differentiate if they were infected with CWD or BSE to minimise the risk of BSE entering the human food-chain via affected venison.


The rate of transmission of CWD has been reported to be as high as 30% and can approach 100% among captive animals in endemic areas (Safar et al., 2008).


In summary, in endemic areas, there is a medium probability that the soil and surrounding environment is contaminated with CWD prions and in a bioavailable form. In rural areas where CWD has not been reported and deer are present, there is a greater than negligible risk the soil is contaminated with CWD prion.


In summary, given the volume of tourists, hunters and servicemen moving between GB and North America, the probability of at least one person travelling to/from a CWD affected area and, in doing so, contaminating their clothing, footwear and/or equipment prior to arriving in GB is greater than negligible. For deer hunters, specifically, the risk is likely to be greater given the increased contact with deer and their environment. However, there is significant uncertainty associated with these estimates.


Therefore, it is considered that farmed and park deer may have a higher probability of exposure to CWD transferred to the environment than wild deer given the restricted habitat range and higher frequency of contact with tourists and returning GB residents.

snip... see full text report here ;

Friday, December 14, 2012

DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012

snip...see my full submission to the state of Missouri on CWD here ;

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Missouri House forms 13-member Interim Committee on the Cause and Spread of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD

continued in part 2...kind regards, terry
continued in part 2 cwd to humans ?

continued in part 2 ;

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The New Hornographers: The Fight Over the Future of Texas Deer, Captive shooting pens, and the CWD TSE prion disease

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

National Rifle Association and the Unified Sportsman of Florida support a Florida ban on the importation of captive deer and cervids into Florida

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cervid Industry Unites To Set Direction for CWD Reform and seem to ignore their ignorance and denial in their role in spreading Chronic Wasting Disease

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Effects of Chronic Wasting Disease on the Pennsylvania Cervid Industry Following its Discovery

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Could avian scavengers translocate infectious prions to disease-free areas initiating new foci of chronic wasting disease?

Prion. 2013 Jul 3;7(4). [Epub ahead of print]

Thursday, June 20, 2013

atypical, BSE, CWD, Scrapie, Captive Farmed shooting pens (livestock), Wild Cervids, Rectal Mucosa Biopsy 2012 USAHA Proceedings, and CJD TSE prion Update


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Intranasal Inoculation of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) with Lyophilized Chronic Wasting Disease Prion Particulate Complexed to Montmorillonite Clay Research Article

Friday, February 08, 2013

*** Behavior of Prions in the Environment: Implications for Prion Biology

I saved the worst for last, the potential and very real possibility (if it has not happened already) of CWD transmission to humans, and what that might look like ???

Sunday, July 21, 2013

As Chronic Wasting Disease CWD rises in deer herd, what about risk for humans?

kind regards,

aka flounder

Greetings katqanna, Hunters et al @ .

My name is Terry S. Singeltary Sr., and I wish to submit this data on Chronic Wasting Disease CWD in Cervids, and risk factors there from.

AS a layperson, I have wasted 15 years daily (it seems at times), going from state to state, country to country, warning of this dreaded disease. not to many folks listened.

It’s mostly a political disease, spread by political and industry greed.

I lost my mother to the Heidenhain Variant of the Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease hvCJD, a rare subtype of the sporadic CJDs in humans, and these phenotypes are mounting, and they are of unknown origin, and NOT simply a happenstance of bad luck, or a funked out twisted protein that just happen to make this twist on it’s own, this in 85%+ of all human TSE disease i.e. sCJD, thus, I will never believe this hypothesis. in other words, the UKBSEnvCJD only theory was trash.

I came across this thread, and thought I must respond.

please use this science and information as you wish. I simply wanted to share, the rest of the story here about the cwd tse prion disease.

the shooting pen livestock industry will not like what I have to say, and what science I present.

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD, and other TSE prion disease, these TSE prions know no borders.

these TSE prions know no age restrictions.

The TSE prion disease survives ashing to 600 degrees celsius, that’s around 1112 degrees farenheit.

you cannot cook the TSE prion disease out of meat.

you can take the ash and mix it with saline and inject that ash into a mouse, and the mouse will go down with TSE.

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production as well.

the TSE prion agent also survives Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes.

IN fact, you should also know that the TSE Prion agent will survive in the environment for years, if not decades.

you can bury it and it will not go away.

The TSE agent is capable of infected your water table i.e. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area.

it’s not your ordinary pathogen you can just cook it out and be done with. that’s what’s so worrisome about Iatrogenic mode of transmission, a simple autoclave will not kill this TSE prion agent.

I go from state to state trying to warn of the CWD and other TSE prion disease in other species, I just made a promise to mom. back then, there was no information.

so, I submit this to you all in good faith, and hope that you take the time to read my research of the _sound_, peer review science, not the junk science that goes with the politics $$$

right or left or teaparty or independent, you cannot escape the TSE prion disease.

there is a lot of science here to digest, but better digesting this _sound_ science, instead of the junk political science you will hear from the shooting pen industry.

I don’t care what you eat, whom you eat, or what party you are affiliated with, my problem is, when you consume these TSE prions, and then go enter the medical, surgical, dental, blood and tissue arena, then you risk exposing _me or MY_ family to the TSE prion disease via friendly fire, the pass it forward mode of transmission mission, or what they call iatrogenic CJD. all iatrogenic CJD is, is sporadic CJD, until the route and source of the TSE prion agent is proven.

I am NOT anti-hunter, I am or was a hunter (disabled with neck injury and other medical problems), I am a meat eater.

I just don’t care for stupid, and sometimes you just can’t fix stupid, Lord knows I have tried.

I do NOT advertise on these blogs, they are there for educational use. please read the science, maybe read it again, try and understand it, most is not rocket science, and then you have to make your own decisions, but it’s just good when your making these decisions about CWD, policy making there from, that you have all the science, and not just part of it.

I have much to say, there is over 15 years of daily research of the science, updated, transmission studies, FOIA requests, confidential documents, dockets submissions, and more on the CWD, TSE, prion disease. so instead of posting a million pages of data on this, I have put this science in different blogs. please sort by topics of your concern, and then _please_ read the source data, where these studies were done, and what they consisted of. I do not pretend to know everything, and I am not here pretending this, I simply am here to try and educate, with what I have learned over the past 15+ years of daily research and debate on this topic of CWD, TSE prion, aka mad cow type disease.

now the shooting pen owners, the sperm mills, antler mills, captive livestock breeders, they all will be up in arms over this post, then you will have others say that I am a scare monger, a tree hugger, a vegan, anti this and that. I am none of these. you will ultimately have to make your own minds up. ...

Good Luck !

we will start here, my submission to the state of Missouri recently ;

My submission as follows ;


continued in part 2...kind regards, terry
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