Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

CWD in CO and WY

Just last week I was at a sportsman's club meeting with two FWP biologist . Both nice guys. The topic was CWD. CWD has been found in Montana south of Billings and to the north. The SE is where FWP expects it to show up next. CWD is likely already hear but has yet to be detected. The talk was informative and I learned quite a bit about CWD. What troubled me the most about the talk was that the main over riding theme was. Montana is doing the right thing with CWD. CWD is over running CO and WY and the way to combat it was to keep management the same or we will end up like CO and WY.
My question for you CO and WY guy is just how bad is CWD in your states?

On another note. For all you that are planing to hunt in SE Montana this year. FWP is implementing some much more stringent regulations on the handling of the deer and elk you take. Anyone that is planing a SE Montana hunt should look into the new regulations.

There were 5 guys in our group LY and we were all successful. We had them all tested and of the 5 deer, 2 of them came back positive for CWD. I definitely did not expect that kind of a result.

Edit - This was CO
We took 4 mature bucks last fall, ourselves and friends , from literally over the ridge from the Sybille Research facility, aged 4.5-6.5 yrs old and none tested positive.
NC2CO,,,, "2 of 5 tested positive or 40%, WOW! Did these deer appear healthy when harvested? Were the two deer disposed of, or, are they being consumed?

Both of them appeared as healthy as they could be. No physical indications of any sickness that we noticed. None of the venison from those two were consumed. Agreed on the shock factor.....Definitely something we'll be cognizant of moving forward.
Problem with CWD is they still don't know anything. They are not sure of the origin or yet how it is spread. They don't know for sure if humans can get it even though there is no evidence of it happening, least no direct link reported that I know of. The biologists I talked too suggest not consuming any meat from a carcass that is tested until you get a test result back that is negative. I have never had a positive test on any deer I have shot in Colorado so far and have yet to shoot my first Wyoming deer which I hope is this year. My feeling is be concerned and cautious about it, but don't panic. Don't let it stop you from hunting. I will say that I have found one animal with CWD and called the G&F and they sent a warden out who put it down. The only thing they figured out so far is theory to slow the spread by containment. How well that works, I have my own opinion but I am no biologist. My recommendation is everyone work with the experts and follow their advice for now.
I read an article yesterday talking about CWD. Do you know if it affects humans and how it is being prevented from being spread?
I read an article yesterday talking about CWD. Do you know if it affects humans and how it is being prevented from being spread?

I gather from all your posts you’re just now finding out about CWD?

No known human cases, but some transmission to monkeys in some lab studies.

Not sure what you mean by prevented from being spread. It is spreading like crazy. That’s the problem.
HW has anyone replicated those lab results with the primates? I have not heard of it yet so many are still disputing those findings, the CWD folks we know around here anyway.
I believe we will have to learn to live with it , preventing the spread may be a lost cause.
Oklahoma just had it's second case in 20 years at a elk farm. Can't remember all the details but recieved a email from the ODWC last week. Although the state does virtually no testing on wild deer so who knows what's really going on.
HW has anyone replicated those lab results with the primates? I have not heard of it yet so many are still disputing those findings, the CWD folks we know around here anyway.
I believe we will have to learn to live with it , preventing the spread may be a lost cause.

Monkey studies have not been replicated to my knowledge so the jury is very much still out. I’m sure someone is working on it, but that is a several-years-long undertaking, at least.

Also agree learning to live with it is really the only option. The train is much too far from the station at this point.
Monkey studies have not been replicated to my knowledge so the jury is very much still out. I’m sure someone is working on it, but that is a several-years-long undertaking, at least.

Also agree learning to live with it is really the only option. The train is much too far from the station at this point.

There was a great 5? part series on NPR about CWD... and I believe Hunting Wife is correct, the monkey study was not peer reviewed, replicated, and had some issues...
https://www.cpr.org/sitesearch?query=chronic wasting disease
I gather from all your posts you’re just now finding out about CWD?

No known human cases, but some transmission to monkeys in some lab studies.

Not sure what you mean by prevented from being spread. It is spreading like crazy. That’s the problem.
Thanks for the information

I think it’s crazy that the government is not doing more to protect our right to hunt.
No crazier than joining the forum and immediately start asking about NOTHING but CWD. No intro, likes, dislikes, experiences. Just one topic. Sorry, starting to smell a bit rat-like.
I think it’s crazy that the government is not doing more to protect our right to hunt.

Oh boy. You REALLY need to go read through old threads. Or read through the previous part of THIS thread. Clif’s Notes history lesson....no matter what the government has or hasn’t done about CWD, hunters don’t like it.

More suggestions for you...listen to Randy’s podcast with Drs. Kelly Straka and Krysten Schuler. Or listen to Rinella’s podcast with Dr. Bryan Richards. Both are excellent.
Just to be clear, I haven’t been following the monkey study thing much because there isn’t much to follow yet. Just threw it out there for our new-to-CWD friend.
Thanks I will listen to Randy’s for sure. Great info thanks
No crazier than joining the forum and immediately start asking about NOTHING but CWD. No intro, likes, dislikes, experiences. Just one topic. Sorry, starting to smell a bit rat-like.
Well I am a newer hunter and was drawn to hunting by watching Randy’s two shows then later meat eater. I also like Hushin. I am new to hunting and am seeking all the info I can so one thing does not deter me from hunting. I think it is great. My dream hunt is moose in Alaska and red deer in New Zealand. Hope this helps.
Well I am a newer hunter and was drawn to hunting by watching Randy’s two shows then later meat eater. I also like Hushin. I am new to hunting and am seeking all the info I can so one thing does not deter me from hunting. I think it is great. My dream hunt is moose in Alaska and red deer in New Zealand. Hope this helps.
The only thing you need to worry about with CWD is following the regulations for transport and disposal where you'll be hunting.

Why don't you start a thread telling more about yourself, where you live, hunt/etc.?
Well I am a newer hunter and was drawn to hunting by watching Randy’s two shows then later meat eater. I also like Hushin. I am new to hunting and am seeking all the info I can so one thing does not deter me from hunting. I think it is great. My dream hunt is moose in Alaska and red deer in New Zealand. Hope this helps.

Sorry for the skepticism, it's just weird for a new poster to carpet bomb the forum with a single topic. Makes most of us think there is an ulterior motive (perhaps to encourage us to support government research into solving CWD?).

As far as governments doing something, wildlife management falls under the purview of state wildlife agencies, not the federal government. And every state with CWD has slight variations in how they attempt to manage it (so far it hasn't been eliminated anywhere).

If you want the federal government to do something, perhaps encouraging your legislators to support funding for research would help. There is currently the bipartisan Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission in Cervidae Study Act somewhere in the process. I will defer to Hunting Wife for any details on this bill.