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Custner National Forest-Ashland area vs BLM (Deer)


Aug 10, 2018
Southwest, MN
I have been doing a lot of reading on the different public hunting opportunities in SE MT, tons of opportunity, and have a few questions I would like help answering. I know the more miles put on with your boots makes a difference and me and a buddy are headed out that way this weekend to do just that.

What do you guys see for hunting pressure in Custer national forest vs. the larger BLM's east of there?

How does the deer age structure differ from the CNF vs BLM? Noticeable difference?

I am not looking for your secret spots, just general input. Thank you!
All public lands in that area is hammered every fall. You can't really get away from roads anymore, they are everywhere. The few places you can get away from them are just as crowded by people looking for that same solitude. There are areas that see less traffic, but a road isn't far away, and those deer will travel.

Look for areas where you think people may avoid and you might find a buck or two. Small out of the way spots.

For age structure, the only way they are getting age is by living on private land.

Have fun, its neat country to hunt, good or bad.
All public lands in that area is hammered every fall. You can't really get away from roads anymore, they are everywhere. The few places you can get away from them are just as crowded by people looking for that same solitude. There are areas that see less traffic, but a road isn't far away, and those deer will travel.

Look for areas where you think people may avoid and you might find a buck or two. Small out of the way spots.

For age structure, the only way they are getting age is by living on private land.

Have fun, its neat country to hunt, good or bad.

That pretty much sums SE MT up today.
I will add a few items.
The closer you get to the peak of the rut the more hunting pressure you will see. If you want to see fewer hunters hunt the first or second week of the season. The weekend closest to peak rut is the worst.
The BLM if it is any distance from the river will have few if any whitetails and in general fewer mule deer. There are places on the Custer that have a population of whitetails, not river bottom numbers but there is a chance at a nice whitetail buck. Mule deer not so much.
It is getting difficult to find a nice buck 4 years old or older. There will be truck loads of four points shot this fall and the vast majority of those bucks will be 2 and three years old. Most of the older bucks are on private or have poor antlers.
Look for large blocks of heavy timber. The timber can be difficult to hunt and it may be what a deer needs to get an extra year of age. With all of the fires in the last 20 years those big blocks of timber are much less numerous.
Remember that during the rut bucks will often head to the bigger concentrations of does. The big doe concentrations are most likely to be near agricultural fields on private. The thousands of shoot does anywhere tags has not helped with keeping does on public.
With all of the moisture this year even dryland fields will have good second growth alfalfa. Those fields will be deer magnets this fall. It is not out of the question for a buck to travel more than five miles.
If your come hear looking for a buck in excess of 170 you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I you are looking for a fun hunt and are not too concerned about a big deer you will have a great time.
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Thank you guys for your input! Our plan as of now is to camp in the Custer and to spend time scouting there and along the powder.

A co-worker of mine just got back from NE corner of WY and said the deer numbers there were very promising! They were able to find some very nice bucks.
Ive hunted there twice in the last 3 years and both times my group has done pretty well . Gotta get off the road though . As previously stated you wont fine any Booners but there is good bucks out there . Ill be back again this year as we just love the area . Good luck
We had a good weekend trip out scouting. Was a little disappointed in the deer number that we saw. The temperatures were very warm 80+ everyday and I am sure that played a factor. Here is some pictures of the best buck we found. Excited to get back out there!40636378_10212532264402988_4998408838014042112_n.jpg40684868_10212532264602993_1833453162783047680_n.jpg40685693_10212532263842974_4783230216275230720_n.jpg
Same answer here as the rest. I hunt that area. You will be able to see just about every license plate there is. This year will propably be worse because of the bull shot last year and fwp over issueing cow tags. I may swing through there on my way home and scope things out, but i bet theres camps set up all over there all ready.
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