Curious what the Trump "Conservatin Charity" will be

Texans need those tall boots to wade through the pile on that happens on Hunttalk. I'll never move to Texas. I'm much too sensitive to take the insults. My feelings would be hurt. I might have to resort to tucking my jeans into my boots.

As for the topic of the OP... the only way for sportsmen to gain traction on this issue is for those who lean right in politics and are on the correct side of the public access issue, to lobby Republicans when the power pendulum swings their way. Likewise when the power pendulum swings left, those on the left who are on the correct side of the issue need to leverage the access they have to Democrats.
We are supposed to be allies in this battle both left leaners and right-wingers. Petty partisan bickering on the part of either side is just feel good kindergarten behavior at this point.

Anyone who wishes to really be effective would do well to remember the fairy tales of the boy who cried wolf. After a while the constant repartee of political insult without substance makes me confused as to which fairy tale analogy works best. Chicken Little or the Boy Who Cried Wolf? At any rate I yawn and go about what I'm doing. Every now and then I tune back in to see if anything I deem substantive is presented. If not I just enjoy reading the personal insults and don't get too motivated to take action.
My concerns are that the administration would use the money to influence the groups direction, or that they would use it as very public "evidence" that they support our causes, while in the background they are undercutting our causes. Furthermore, given the money involved the groups would be hesitant to speak out.

Cox-Kennedy did this with DU. I have no doubt that Trump would try something similar.

Just out of curiosity, what will be the response here if this money ends up in the bank of charities folks here are members of?

As peculiar as it is for a Republican DC event to be dedicated to conservation, I find it equally peculiar that so much is being made about this when nobody knows that the money won't end up being used for conservation. Are Republicans not allowed to have big dollar conservation fund raisers, the same as Hollywood does for environmental causes?

I had not heard of this event until Kat posted it. I think it is good to raise conservation in the eyes or the predominantly Republican attendees most likely to be on the invite list. I suspect it will raise money, probably a lot of money. And I hope that money ends up being used for conservation groups.

Maybe I am missing the point. If so, I suspect some will enlighten me. And if the point of contention is the cost of attendance, then I suggest people making that point have never seen the entrance fee for high-level DC/NYC/LA social and political events. Those prices insure that a net profit is made, which is usually the objective of a fundraising event, in this case, a conservation event.

As for the recently created charity, there are plenty of charities that are set up for a single event and then re-grant those net proceeds to a plethora of qualified 501(c)(3) organizations. Not sure I follow the "so they may be giving it to themselves" comment, when the link shows the organization to be a Nonprofit Corporation. I suspect Texas non-profit law is similar to every other state I deal with, where there are big problems with self-dealing and inurement to the Directors.

Thanks for making us aware of the event. What I see so far has me intrigued for the potential benefits to conservation.
Buzz, I hope you are right. I would much rather that both R's and D's are fighting for the sportsman's vote.
I wasn't referring to sportsman but more to environmental/ conservation vote. I do believe that D's consider the environmental/conservation vote there political turf. Many sportsman likely are in line with this voting block and this is a good thing. It is also good that many sportsman do not correlate with the environmentalists. This will Keep both sides fighting for the sportsman's vote. If we ever become monolithic voting block we will likely lose in the long run.
You don't seem to understand what fake news outlets said.

Would you care to explain Comet Pizza and "Pizzagate" in relation to your understanding of fake news outlets?

Right. Mainstream news that lies constantly to everyone for a year and a half to push an agenda isn't 'fake' but alternative news that the majority has never heard of, being put out by some kid in Macedonia is a major concern.

MSNBC, FOX and CNN push what is a lot of fake news to open minded, non biased, thinking people. So with that, I have no doubts that you trust in them fully. :)
Julian Assamge has done more investigative journalism in a year than they've done in 16

Im not sure why you think I might have something to explain about a conspiracy theory I know little about?
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Mainstream media got a lot wrong, including the election results, but that doesn't mean they were creating fake news, they were just wrong in predicting the future. The best statisticians in media ( got it wrong too, but their error tolerance still managed to cover the results. Pizzagate was deliberate fake news.
Come on folks... fake news is different than biased news. Fake news deliberately publish hoaxes with the purpose of defaming another person or spreading misinformation, especially for political gain. Some of them were posing as mainstream sources, with websites and logos very similar to, for example, ABC news. I even got taken for a minute by a fake ABC site until I noticed that no other legitimate news source had the same story.

But how about talking about the possible impacts of this fundraiser? What would happen if the Wilkes Brothers started donating heavily to local access and hunting groups? Would it influence them? Could they point to it and say they are really in support of these causes?
Finally got that newsletter done so I can reply now.

I posted this for a number of reasons:

1. Prior to the election, there were a number of pro Trump supporters trying to make the case that Trump himself was pro public lands, simply because his sons were hunters, which I do not buy. I even pointed out Trump's love of eminent domain. I feel this situation bears some eyes on it.

2. While I have seen Inaugural Gala extravaganza news over decades, and am familiar with tickets for various events, at no time have I ever seen a "package" for a million bucks.

3. With the PLT and conservation issues we all face and discuss on here, I felt we should be mindful of this contribution to "conservation non-profits", to help gauge what the future may portend.

While I may have my suspicions (and understanding of how Trump does business, what he counts as costs), especially after seeing the Texas SoS filing for the non-profit and the other 2 directors, I will reserve my judgement until I see some hard numbers (you can bet I will be filing for their 990s or data, though that may not show all contributors; also there are the money laundering organizations that contribute for others so their names are not listed).

With that said, some of you may not be concerned, but I am not the kind of person that likes being caught unawares, particularly where conservation is concerned.

Speaking of Texas, the gale force, bloody cold winds have returned to Brady, MT, so I think I will go make some Texas venison chili and warm up.
This is called "Pay to Play".......

The Trump family is distancing itself from a January 21 fundraising event after press reports that attendees could get a meeting with President Donald Trump for $1 million.

The "Opening Day" event, scheduled for the day after Trump's inauguration, is being put on by a foundation devoted to conservation and associated with Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
A document filed with the state of Texas lists the two sons as "initial" directors of the Opening Day Foundation, the organization behind the event.
Details about the event first surfaced last Friday on TMZ. The entertainment site posted what it called a "draft" of an invitation.
The pamphlet advertised a "private reception" with Donald Trump, as well as a multi-day hunting trip with Donald Jr. and Eric Trump, for sponsors who picked the $500,000 "Grizzly Bear" package or $1 million "Bald Eagle" package.

And now denying the boys had anything to do with it, despite the boys filing forms with the State of Texas creating this grifting organization....
It is interesting to try and figure out if the Trump-klan is just a better group of grifters than the Palin-klan, or if the Trump Boy's just don't think the rules apply to them, or, if the Trumps don't know there are rules.

Now, it looks like the Trumps are bailing on attending the fundraiser...

The Trumps are in contact with Sec of State of Texas (surprise, surprise) to hide their involvment in the Pay to Play shakedown.

And, Boone and Crockett is now trying to decide if they are involved with this scam or not.

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump will not attend a high*priced fundraiser in Washington on their father's first full day in office amid questions about whether the “camouflage & cufflinks" *themed event was peddling access to the new president and his family.

President*elect Donald Trump's sons were touted as “honorary co*chairmen” of the Opening Day 45 event, which was
organized by two of their close friends and scheduled to be held the evening of Jan. 21. But a Trump transition official
confirmed Wednesday that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump will not make an appearance at the fundraiser after all.

Organizers of the function did not respond to questions about whether it would go forward without them. “The group is
committed to and supportive of conservation causes,” spokesman Mark Brinkerhoff said. “We are excited to create positive

The Trump brothers' decision to bow out came after revelations that they were listed in Texas corporate filings as directors of
a newly formed nonprofit, the Opening Day Foundation, that was putting on the function. But transition officials said
the brothers' names had been used without permission and sought to separate the family from the event.

On Tuesday, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said the family had not approved an early draft of the invitation that offered
contributors who gave at least $500,000 a private reception with the new president and a hunting or fishing expedition with
one of his sons.
She said Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were “not involved in any capacity” with the event.

But those involved in the planning said the brothers took part in discussions about the fundraiser. Dallas private equity
investor Tom Hicks Jr., a longtime friend of the Trump brothers, told The Washington Post that Donald Trump Jr. had
spearheaded the plans with another mutual friend, hedge fund manager Gentry Beach
. The men, all avid hunters, have been friends for 15 years. Beach is the godfather to one of Donald Trump Jr.'s children, according to the Dallas Morning News.

By Wednesday, there were efforts to distance the Trump brothers from the event. The official Opening Day website, which prominently featured their names, was taken down after briefly going live Tuesday. And the Eventbrite ticket page that listed Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump as “organizer” of Opening Day on Tuesday was changed.

A spokeswoman for the Texas secretary of state said Wednesday that new paperwork had been filed, removing Donald Trump
Jr. and Eric Trump as officers of the Opening Day Foundation.

Another challenge facing Opening Day:It is still unclear where the money from donors would go. The Jan. 21 event was
supposed to be the kickoff fundraiser for the Opening Day Foundation, which is in the process of seeking recognition by the
Internal Revenue Service to operate as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. In the meantime, Brinkerhoff said, it was operating as a project of the Montana *based Boone and Crockett Club Foundation.

But Greg Duncan, a spokesman for the club — which sponsors conservation* education programs, advocates for wilderness
conservation and maintains a database of North American records for big* game hunting — reiterated Wednesday that the
group had not decided whether to take part in the fundraiser

Wealthy donors will still have exclusive opportunities to mingle with the new president and his family. The 58th Presidential
Inaugural Committee is offering contributors who give $1 million and more to help put on the inauguration festivities a slew of perks, including eight tickets to a “candlelight dinner” that will feature “special appearances” by Trump and Vice Presidentelect Mike Pence, along with their respective spouses, Melania and Karen

And, if you are bored, you should read up earlier in this thread, and see who first warned of the involvment of Tom Hicks Jr and Gentry Beach, along with the usual assortment of selling public lands group.

More boots from Texas....
texas cowpie.jpg
I do not believe it was ever real or endorsed by Trumps. Reason why, I have seen the real invite to the inauguration events and for our $1m donation, you get a lot less than this hunting one provided...

I am curious though... If they can't do philanthropic fund raisers - does this mean they can't do any GOP fund raisers either. You know the $10,000 per plate things that fund the party for mid-term and other elections.
I do not believe it was ever real or endorsed by Trumps. Reason why, I have seen the real invite to the inauguration events and for our $1m donation, you get a lot less than this hunting one provided...

I am curious though... If they can't do philanthropic fund raisers - does this mean they can't do any GOP fund raisers either. You know the $10,000 per plate things that fund the party for mid-term and other elections.

That's a really good question. I suppose Citizens United, as a bitch for the two party system, will say that any limits on the ultimate pay-for-play corruption is a violation of the First Amendment, while pay-for-play that actually might have a beneficial by-product is unethical.
Well, it looks like the the Trumpkins decided raising funds for "conservation" isn't as easy once you are told you can't sell access to rich Texans to hang out with President Trump and his boys.

Now going to move this YUGE event to some later day..... unknown...

"Opening Day, which was originally contemplated to be held around the Inauguration, will now be scheduled in the Spring of 2017," the Opening Day Foundation, the group organizing the event, said in a statement announcing the schedule change. The statement made no mention of Trump and his family.

"The unifying efforts of conservation is the banner of Opening Day, and this unique celebration will allow us to honor and support some of America's finest wildlife conservation organizations."

Mark Brinkerhoff, a spokesman for the group, which is applying for nonprofit status, said in a statement: "The decision to move the event to the spring was a joint one made by the organizers to allow for additional time and effort to make it a success. All net proceeds from this will be donated to nonprofits, such as fish and wildlife conservation groups. Stay tuned."

Gentry Beach, a director of the foundation and organizer of the event, did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the schedule change.

Still, not a single mention of any "nonprofits, such as fish and wildlife conservation groups" has been named or announced as being a party to this Pay for Play extravaganza.

It will be interesting to see which ""wildlife conservation groups" will whore themselves out first.... Any bets?
You have to appreciate the title though, "Opening Day", originally scheduled for shortly after inauguration. I'm sure some on the left were worrying more like "Open Season". :D

I'm still hoping Trump is a giant plot to pull "his" Party down from within, but as time goes on, I'm losing hope. The proof will be in the judicial appointments. If he goes conservative on that then I'm afraid my reed is broken. Pay-for-Play was already ensconced by Scalia, et al, in Citizens United. More of that and it will clearly be "one dollar, one vote" from here on out. It already was, but the finality will right like a shot on a cold winter day.
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You have to appreciate the title though, "Opening Day", originally scheduled for shortly after inauguration. I'm sure some on the left were worrying more like "Open Season". :D

I'm still hoping Trump is a giant plot to pull "his" Party down from within, but as time goes on, I'm losing hope. The proof will be in the judicial appointments. If he goes conservative on that then I'm afraid my reed is broken. Pay-for-Play was already ensconced by Scalia, et al, in Citizens United. More of that and it will clearly be "one dollar, one vote" from here on out. It already was, but the finality will right like a shot on a cold winter day.

It is ok if you don't comment on every thread of a public land nature.
It is ok if you don't comment on every thread of a public land nature.

In fact, it is emphatically the province of me to not comment if I don't feel like it. Likewise, you don't have to read a single one.

Which would be more difficult?
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